Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Real Investigations

So Clinton Cash led to an investigation that turned out there was no there there- Its kind of strange how the far right alt libertarian etc stirs up all types of angst but nothing ever seems to happen- Maybe because the Clinton foundation wasnt all that corrupt to begin with- I find it tough to grasp that cerain entities w/ in our doj would stonewall a legitimate investigation in favor of a politicl party- Maybe I am just too naive- At one point I felt differently becuse I read the books and watched all of the shows of certain individuals attemting to expose corruption- Times have changed- Seriously how is it that a certain author investigative journalist would be able to have more intel then our feds- cia fbi the list goes on. You mean to tell me that published books that seem to expose all types of illegality never seem to go anywhhere when real scrutiny is put to the test. Kind of like how jenna ellis admitted she lied about election fraud Its no different then all of this anti vax dr fauci etc- How many more books articles podcasts do we have to listen to and read- Ok donate to the cause get in the fight but no legitimate investigations ever seems to transpire why is that- Is it because the deep state are the ones pulling the strings of the deep state- The only thing I know right now is that there are certain individuals that appear as white hat as you can get and they have worked w/ in our criminal justice system for years- Real crimes w/ real criminals on every level- local state and federal.Many of these people are exposing crimes by our former potus and they appear to be as legit as one can get- I now know I believe that I can tell the difference between real deal individuals and cos play actors in the alternative media and elsewhere- As one astute investigative journalist put it chaos agents- No these people have worked w/ in our dept of justice with the fbi and they appear to have stellar reputations- I am going to tend to give these people my ears and eyes now as opposed to the individual and thier acolytes who appear to have actually commited the crimes-

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