Thursday, May 11, 2023

Republican Swamp

Republican swamp-never knew anything nor payed attention to who George Santos was until yesterday- He gave a swarmy explanation of these serious federal charges 13 counts of fraud, mpney laundering,theft of public funds, wire fraud fraudulent schemes and brazen misrepresantation- etc claiming a witch hunt- These republican swamp creatures deserve each other- deflecting blame etc He came across as a weasal on the podium sunglasses on seriously does he think he is some kind of joe cool fraudster extradionaire- A few astute investigative journalists have pointed out that Santos had a long track record of lying well before these charges came about- serious criminal charges up to 20 years- He also has a credit card scam open investigation in Seattle this guy sounds like a real winner- I really dont care what party this idiot belongs to I would have the same level of not contempt cant think of the word right now. I wonder who he was taking lessons from- oh witch hunt etc sounds like our wanna be potus whos popularity rating is far less then he claims as usual- Brazen that is how he came across on the podium- Anybody who is not contrite or humble after getting such serious charges leveled against them more often then not has a criminal mind- Some shady individuals working for we the people are arrogant fraudsters taking advantage at every turn- Innocent until proven guilty yes but the feds rarely get it wrong- Thats why it sometimes takes so long to put the clamps down- Santos claimed the charges came so quickly no they didnt it just meant he was under investigation for a longer period of time

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