Saturday, May 13, 2023

Love Birds

In my travels I often find myself stuck behind the wall- Better known as the bridge on pga- I think that this is what it must be like if they ever built that thing- Promises of a wall that never panned out- Then I see some homeless guy w/ all of his belongings w/ a big sign saying Trump the wall looking for some cash- He was not very strategic because he never positioned himself in a place where it would be convenient for a motorist to give him something- I looked closer at his belongings one day at the library and it said something like I am a former college educated soccer player etc I was just wondering why this guy would be touting a wall pro Trump etc I thought to myself Trump doesnt give a f about you- He is a high mach super competetive where its all about survival of the fittest- Its like he feels in America everybody gets a chance to go out and become a sucsess you know by hook or by crook- He would view this homeless guy as weak- Then I thought why is this guy on the street because when I was on the street I did everything I could as fast as possible to get the hell off- That was survival to me- Will Smith he was only on the street for a few Pursuit of Hapiness- What it comes down to is that people can make cash grifting pan handling more in a day then working a minimum wage job- The other reason people on the street dont want to get off is to continue thier lifestyle of getting high- Most homeless shelters and good sober homes dont allow that- Then I saw this news clip of the former love birds from the fbi that are involved in some sort of litigation- I can tell you that the magas did such a persuasive job of convincing me that these two and Andy McCabe were the worst of what the fbi had to offer After contemplating I asked what did they really do that was so wrong- Send a few anti Trump texts so what this is the USA they are entitled to do so even more so as feds- So I ask again what did these federal investigators do that was unbecoming in the Mueller investigation- It appears that they made some arrests and uncovered some solid intel- I am telling you Sean Hannity would sit there night after night deep state etc the evil love birds etc- When people are doing thier job and you have interference from some obvious politicaly partsian news outlets like fox there is something seriously wrong with this picture

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