Wednesday, May 3, 2023


What happened to Michael Cohen was a travesty of justice-I knew former Potus was bad news but reading Cohens account of what he endured was stomach turning- He didnt even do anything that severe but still got the book thrown at him- remanded- solitary confinement- used and abused as a political prisoner w/ a weaponized doj led by Trumps AG who was acting like his personal attorney who should have been doing his job as the AG instead If thats not bad enough Trumps minion Matt Gaetz putting out a threatening tweet alluding to Cohens alleged personal life the day before testimony- This proves what I ultimately concluded magas cult are the swamp and high level hypocrites- Wimp Gaetz cant handle a womans drink landing on him so he has to escalate charges to battery on a public official pathetic- Magas making believe they are on the moral high ground total joke dirty tricksters- They have dirt on all of thier opponents and others who dare to leave the reservation- That is the only way they try and get ahead because thier policies are archaic- Weasals- Trump making believe he was upset because Obama allegedly was spying on him oh my Trump would never do anything like that- I dont know whos worse JE Hoover or former Potus Swamp Trump and his acolyte Alex Jones w/ dirt on Marco Rubio pathetic political operatives- Anybody that dares to challenge Trump the egomaniac w/ an inferiority complex gets a barrage of threats accusations and dirty dossiers leveled at them- Even worse Michael Cohen could have died in solitary confinement like many people do because that is essentialy torture- No empathy petty tyrant wanna be fascist former Potus relishes w/ the oppurtunity to use and abuse his once trusted confidants and many others

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