Saturday, May 27, 2023

MAGA Frauds

I an an independent that voted for Trump in 2020 however I saw a trend w/ the magas that I didn't like- I feel that I was gaslit by Trumps acolytes w/ their full court press frontal assault on how corrupt the any body but Trumpers were- I thought to myself wait a minute here is a man convicted of fraud for his bogus university who has a track record of not paying his bills nor paying people for the good faith effort in many construction jobs- went bankrupt six times. It was like the pot calling the kettle black- Since then 17 felony counts of financial tax fraud- the list is going to get much longer very soon- He also appears to be a xenophobe and misogynist-It was the Meidas Touch that really opened my eyes and certified my gut feeling- I have since fell in love w/ the democratic party- I am more or less a progressive as an independent- I admire the best of both parties. I just loathe hypocrites and extremists who are caught up in their ego and who are cruel to others and I cant stand insecure bullys on a power trip that brag all the time. Especially as a corrupt individual- Frauds that are arrogant really get under my skin- This is something that I missed for years due to the chief brain washer and demagogue and his paid trolls claiming to be investigative journalists- They may have had some truth in what they were saying on many ocassions but overall if they are standing behind Trump all the way that tells me all I need to know

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