Friday, June 2, 2023

Trump Bucks

The semi fascist right that is going to destroy woke- Left to his own devices Trump would be dictator of the USA the most powerful country in the world- Grateful for the checks and balances system that actually prevents somebody like him from tearing down everything and burning down the entire house. The far right zealots have this myth that we live in republic only and that democracy is not really needed- Joe Scarborough stated that with less than one month until the election, President Donald Trump is calling for his attorney general to indict his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the "greatest political crime in the history of our country." In a bannana republic dictatorship things like that have happened many times over- Arresting thier political enemies without due process or punishing them one way or another- Lets take a look at the latest Trumpisms on his fav propaganda network in front of a live crowd- Trump doesnt care if his statements are true or not as long as his audience believes it so because hes saying it- Hes a good salesman definitely not a good businessman- TYT stated that Trumps casino all burned down next to each other they canabolized themselves- 3 casinos all in close proximity whos great idea was that-So going bankrupt w/ his businesses and not paying off his creditors makes him a good businessman no I dont think so- Step right up and buy the Trump bucks and then try to cash in The latest is that the USA faces such grave dangers more then anytime in its history- Really are we supposed to do the bomb shelter thing now or mayve get an anxiety attack from all the color codes the republicans put out after 9-11 that had everybody living on edge- These puppets have cried wolf too many times to be taken seriously actually they are all just a serious joke- Lets take a look at our great republican leadership over the years- Nixon escalated the war in Vietnam just in time for that so called great statesman to escalate the secret dirty wars in Cambodia etc. That would be Kissinger a man who never got tried for war crimes and just celebrated his 100- Lets tally up how many lives were lost over the years with our great republican leadership- I thought Trump would be different but he has proven himself to be somebody that cant abide by the rule of law- He wasnt a war hawk overseas per se but maybe just maybe his pals are trying to push the dems over the edge to start a civil war- The rhetoric is consistant w/ it insureccrionists etc The only problem now is that the violence allready played its hand on Jan 6 2021 now too many people are wise to how they got used and abused by their cult leader who never had proof beyond a reasonable doubt- They are going to do the serious time now for seditious conspiracy. Law enforcement will never let something like that go down again- So instead you have the magas starting verbal wars pushing as far as they can go- We are going to destroy this destroy that instead of being humble and trying to work peacefully together

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