Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Trumps Mind Americas Soul

Corruption surrounding the Trump administration- APA expanded caution not to diagnose without a personal examination shortly after the inauguration. ie- Goldwater rule- What did they know or who were they trying to cover for? Uniformly hurtful degrading treatment toward women w/ gratuitous humiliation mixed into otherwise simple passing interactions-pg-p- 2 That is exactly what he did during the deposition of his civil rape trial which led to his conviction- I was blissfully ignorant during the years of his presidency however I did see the warning signs- Its amazing what cognitive dissonence can do. I heard what I wanted to hear and dismissed what others said as fake news by design-Lets take a look at his authoritarian nature- Labeling peaceful protestors Black lives matters violent mobs anarchists arsonists- Some were but labeling a group as a hole is derelict and irresponsible- That is like saying all magas are moronic bible thumping gun yahoos We were looking for a president and hoping and praying that he would act like one but he fell way short of the bar set by we the people. Instead he relegated himself into the cesspool of sewer and sludge- Our president wasnt supposed to act like a spoiled frat boy that makes everybody laugh at the expense of others- Lets take a look at how he tried to gaslight Brett Baier- When asked about classified documents Baier was met w/ a barrage of information ie-gish gallop to distract and deflect what about Pence Biden etc. Former Potus says things which makes me want to believe and sounds somewhat believable, thats how and why I was sold hook line and sinker for years. A good salesman w/ no real substance or integrity When he first started out I said some things like Trump would never lie to us like the others how gullible and naive I was. When Alex Jones stated (look what happens when the worst people get control the unwinnable never ending wars the slow kill programs) Although he was right on w/ predicting the zombie apocolypse he was way off about his chosen one- I figured that Trump would be better then all of the rest lets face it Jones was a salesman like no other for that man- How much worse can we get then Trump thats pretty bad overall- The democrats didnt start the unwinnable wars and also Trump was no hero- How hard was it for him to come into that situation by stating that the others were horrible I can do much better- It was all timing just like the rise of the Fuhrer- A president that comes into power w/ 2 unwinnable wars behind him the only thing he had to say was those other guys suck they started it and didnt know how to finish- That didnt mean he was any good himself infact he is the furtherst thing from a peacenick- He brought the war to the homefront by attempting to divide and conquer. Civilians like Trump who have definitely never been there before should never bad mouth thier generals- Mattis Miley this is just a perfect example- Civilian presidents need to stay in thier own lane and never attempt to undermine the authority of the high ranking generals- I really dont think high military brass respect Trump- If I were to hypothesize I would state that thier feeling is that he thinks he is something that he definitely isnt and doesnt know what he is talking about most of the time

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