Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Mark Levin a Goebells wanna be writing posts with all caps lets see what else can substantiate that an individual is unhinged-SHOUTING- Its something about these far right ideaelogues where they place party before the rule of law- Lets see how many other zealots were out there- the late I am not sure so great Rush- Oreilly and his war on secular progressives the list goes on- Fist pounding huffing and puffing the loudest man in the room is usually the weakest. There is something about these people that is kind of strange- Why would a news network defend a blatant illegal act against America infact as serious as one can get espionage charge and then down play it and then attempt to gas light their audience- Levin a man that is supposed to be about the constitution- I read one of his books cant say that I remember much- I do remember when the far right zealots had me drinking thier coolaid- A few years ago Levin pounding his fist as if it was the judges gavel demonstrating righteous indignation toward Hillarys alleged transgressions- I was convinced how diabolical the dems were and ofcourse the biggest fist pounder of them all Alex Jones- Actually it was more like the bull horn and everything else in between So let me try and make sense of it Oreilly and his war against secular progressives even though that is what America is a melting pot and our constitution was created for that very reason to keep it secular- We dont need to be schooled by fringe christian nationalists hiding under the phony guise of what they think America really needs in order to advance thier power control agenda. Its an arrogance where they know better no thanks we dont need the bible shoved down our throat and jesus isnt the only savior or the alpha/omega sorry to dissapoint many a pastor I am telling you these people appear to be deceitful and disengenous- Jones told us all about eugenics ok population control but guess who fits the profile of somebody that really would wipe out millions of people- You guessed it and this is coming from a professional who specializes in crimes of violence- So who is behind all of these ideologues the federalist society- The maga fringers are using the evangevical Christians and vice verse in order to make America white again- Deep down this movement is used to divide and conquer and has blatant xenophobic and racial undertones- People can sense how you really feel its hard to deny ones true motives- The day of the federal indictment I was riding to a meeting right behind some yahoo w/ flags stating Trump save America- Seriously when somebody gets indicted for one the most egregious crimes against our country which puts him in the traitor category but then we see this- What a chrade this man is how he pulled the wool over the eyes of so many people- Trump cant even save himself how the hell does somebody think he has the ability to ever do great things for America

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