Saturday, July 1, 2023


Trump suggested that Clinton would soon face indictment for a slew of supposed crimes. She "shouldn't be allowed to run" in the first place due to her alleged crimes, he told supporters. How many people did Trump think should go to the pen 27 or more- How does one spell hypocrite especially the one where he wanted an extra harsh crack down on protecting classified information- Whats good for the goose is good for the gander- Consumate show off braggadocio about everytng related to his brief stint as Potus- He was so enamored with himself that he had to keep top secret documents even after a grand jury doj subpoena gave him every oppurtunity to comply- He figured since I am still president I can still hide and keep as well as declassify w/ mental telepathy anyway- When showing off all of his little trinkets it was like he didnt belong there- In other words when you get elected as president act like you have been there before or at the very least like you belong there- If one had that type of confidence not cockiness as he has one would never have to show off thier blatant insecurities. He didnt belong there- He was a 1 trick pony playing in the big leagues and he struck out on many ocassion- So he left his golf belongings in the classified docs- Lets see how much extra money the secret service had to expand to keep his golf habit afloat during his tenure- Bandy Lee breaks it down and its quite excessive- I still cant get over how he was supposed to be all about law and order was constantly talking about corruption had many of his acolytes doing the same only to ultimately show his true colors- If that isnt bad enough then he continues to sing the same tune as if he did nothing wrong- There is something seriously wrong and its DJT- I would give him the benefit of the doubt if he deserved one but he doesnt. Lets take a look at some of these crimes- Financial fraud- A pending rico indictment in ga- lets see what else falsyfing business records to cover up a hush money payment- One that could have influenced votes for the 2016 election- So how is all of this not serious- Instigating a violent insurrection- writing horrible things about law enforcement officials and thier families- Things that only true arrogant criminals would do- This is the best the republicans have to offer what a joke- I can only imagine what he would be saying about other people if they had anything close to his legal issues- It would be a non stop relentless assault 24 7- Does he have any clue about what a mendacious hypocrite he is. He also sucks at business- Bandy Lee broke down how much money he actually lost over the years- I doubt he is worth anything- Just a constant grift- Already lost the great lawyers just continuous pandering to the naive and vulnerable Alina Habba is not doing the attorney profession any favors- Obfuscating all over the airwaves- Was sanctioned already for a frivolous lawsuit w/ no real track record in the trenches. Ben Meiselas thinks she is a menace that should be disbarred- It would be bad enough if a non lawyer was doing what she does live on air

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