Monday, July 17, 2023


She did it again! During a speech on “Combatting Climate Change and Building a Clean Energy Economy,” Vice President Kamala Harris at minimum said what everybody is thinking, or maybe she’s attending too many classified meetings and forgot what not to say. Anyway, during her July 14th speech, Harris said, “When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water. “ Reduce population. There it is! The fact checkers are saying it never happened. Listen for yourself: Jeff Childers blog So I see all of the zombies w/ thier flesh eating wounds and think to myself who else could figure out how to create such human misery- The company has been doing it for ages mix and match various drugs human experiments benzo dope tranq you know the usual. Then I skim through Hubris written by Isikoff and David Corn and think how could they have been so wrong about how the Iraq invasion would turn out- it could last 6 days 6 weeks I doubt 6 months Rumsfeld pg 195 Really Hubris did they miss the boat by that far or was there more sinister motives at play- The neo cons have missed the boat on alot of things especially the war monger former Potus currently charged w/ multiple felonies- He was supposed to be a peacenick what a joke that is- According to Bandy Lees book he said whats the sense of having nukes if you cant use them- Encouraging the magas at his rallies to engage in violence looks liked we picked a real winner Getting back to the hows and whys of the Iraq war- It comes down to they invaded Iraq because it was simply invadable

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