Monday, July 3, 2023

Clown Show

Regular basic mental fitness tests are increasingly required of corporate executives and CEO’s, yearly of all senior military officers who have any control over nuclear weapons, and all employees in every corner of the United States who show signs of mental unfitness. But somehow the commander-in-chief, even one who has demonstrated extreme dangers and was deemed unfit by an independent panel of top mental health experts, is not held to the same standard. Bandy Lee- So let me get this straight our president doesnt need a real mental fitness test and can also be convicted of horrendous crimes ones that could have put our country in serious peril A quote from General Mattis-Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. He also commented on what a clown show Trump put on for his photo op in Lafayette Square- Seriously whats this guys problem- he needs a martial law type setting just so he can get a pic w/ him holding a bible that he didnt even know how to hold and more then likely never even read I find it difficult to fathom that we have individuals that are more loyal to a party then the actual rule of law- That is the opposite of patriotism- In America if you commit crimes you should be held into account and this goes for all of the pundits in the right wing media- I dont see any signs of corruption from a so called deep state and to me this is one of the biggest cons of all. Trump is a con he came into power w/ coaching from his corrupt acolytes and they schooled him on govermental crimes that were never adjudicated- So he used this to his advantage to paint our entite legal system specifically doj/fbi as highly corrupt and out to get him personally because he was the only one standing in the way of thier demise and this is highly immoral- I now see that Hillarys alleged crimes werent what was said or made out to be if they were ever there at all.Neither is Bidens and his son- Its all smoke and mirros- He knows how to gas light his audience- He was bragging about classified documents to people without a security clearance giving the middle finger to America putting us in potential danger and demonstrating blatant contempt for the process that is needed to vet individuals for a top secret security clearance which is an intense and arduous process. So what is he trying to say that he wasnt involved in major indictments that are coming down the pipe line or that he was set up or that they are making it all up that is an insult to all law abiding citizens- This duesh consistantly says pejorative things about Jack Smith- A man who tried war crimes and actually did a tremendous amount for our world unlike the consumate blowhard who continues to gas light the naive and ignorant

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