Thursday, July 20, 2023

Assembly Bill 5

AB5 has proven to be among the most ill-conceived state labor policies in recent memory.Oct 10, 2022- A horrible law that put thousands of people out of work pre and post covid- This goes along w/ my theory that politicians like Newsome make things worse on purpose- How does hindering the gig economy one of the most prominent in the USA supposed to help anybody but the special interests and thier swarmy governor- A New York Times column- A lavish dinner "reinforced the mess of bueracratic dysfunction and aristocratic indifference- Bastion of an out of touch elite oblivious to the peoples needs p139. Hypocrisy and hubris- Cal. politicians let powerful special interests run our state into the ground while escaping the consequences themselves" -pg 140 So putting people out of work in the most expensive state in the country- Where do these greedy capitalists get off charging 3 g for a 1 bedroom in a shithole state w/ high crime- Seriously this isnt progressive this is hard core capitalist predators at work- 40% of Americans only have $400 at thier disposal- the job wages are not commensurate w/ the cost of living So how is Bidenomics justifying hyperinflation in our land where people are already just strugling to survive- I am not talking about thrive just survive- Steve Schmidt put it as succinctly as ever- Wall streets job is to make as much money as possible for the select few- This has never been addressed and adjusted for we the people and he almost helped McCain get elected in 08 and may have won if it wasnt for the wall street crash. It was hard to make sense of a precipitous dive in the world economy in such a short period of time all due to greed and corruption- Derivatives run amok- (Indentured servitude for the 1%- The system is unfair- Life w/ out work is purposeles but work w/ out dignity is also- Work w/ out dignity will deprive people of purpose a society of men and women w/ out purpose and dignity will fall and what will rise would be something terrible) Steve Schmidt

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