Thursday, July 6, 2023

Lawyers Got Shot

So I was checking out Police Activity and saw a lawyer in San Fran get shot by the cops- This man also killed his mom and one of the dogs- He had some serious mental problems and came after one of the cops w/ a knife- Then I read about how this lawyer in Boca shot and killed somebody in the parking garage- It looks like he killed his dad another lawyer who owned the firm- One of the individuals who heard the gun shots but didnt call 911 apparantly because he was too busy smoking his vape on break- We have some serious problems w/ people- They hear gunsshots but dont call the cops what are they afraid of- I have witnessed this firsthand it is beyond me- Some say its because of the rat policy wtf are you serious are they that scared out there- This was a high level firm in the parking garage in Boca but the guy smoked his vape instead- pathetic individual Speaking of vapes and toking I am grateful for Gov Ron Densantis- He makes sense in a world that doesnt-He shot down the weed smoker wanna bes in recovery- you know the jonesers that make believe they are sober but still want to get high- You may be able to get a doc to sign off on that but you best dont want to come around a sober house trying that garbage- Densantis knows this and that is why its a law now- He also brought freedom to Fla during the scamdemic- We dont care about what other politicians say listen to the people- We dont want to listen to media shills either- in Fla we knew this Covid garbage was a joke and locking down the world turned it into a fear filled prison planet- He was one of the few that did his best to bring normalcy as well as having a very smart and competent surgeon general- I walked next to a Kava bar and it said no masks required thank you Gov Desantis- How often is it that we really feel that we have somebody that is fighting for us- Look at San Fransisco- Seattle- PA- etc our world has turned into a zombie apocolypse- in Fla that would never happen- Respect for law enforcement to do thier job- I dont think governors of failed states like Cal should try to run for president- That is a bit egoic- Its kind of like look at my resume San Fran- LA- Oakland etc are complete shitholes and the people dont feel safe so maybe you should vote for me as president makes alot of sense doesnt it? What is wrong with these people the most failed draconian governers voted by we the people not fake polls like Whitmer and Newsome think they are the cats meow and are now getting people to back them up for the next step- You cant let people suffer on the streets by addiction this is negligent and cruel- Desantis was in San Fran unfortunately being out of his jurisdiction may not help w/ these far left policies that let crime and drugs run rampant- Its a disgrace actually the mayor is speaking out now- You can get people off the street by public intox and or possession and then offer them a treatment solution in jail just raise the bond so they cant get out- A treatment program in jail is better then being left to thier own devices on the street- Chances of getting and staying sober on the street aint that great. These people should talk to Desantis ask him how to straighten out a state- It starts by letting leos do thier job but then having das and prosecutors doing thiers. I will tell you that letting people have dogs is another great law by Desantis- Doing away w/ restrictions by HOAs and others will enable people to have a best friend for life as well as eliminate many kills and free up many of the shelters where adoptions are at all time low levels- No more breed or size restrictions- Good governers like Desantis think about what is best for the people unlike many of the others- (Covid theater and investing in mask companies quite pathetic to say the least) It cant get any worse when you have the people that dont feel safe nor do they feel respected by thier elected officials- To add insult to injury then you are going to have das and prosecutors not having the back of the cops on the beat risking thier life to get the job done- This is a recipe for diaster- Its not working out too well to say the least- Time to make some major changes

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