Thursday, July 20, 2023

Recall Newsome

Politicians like Gavin Newsome make my skin crawl- Seriously I didnt even know about how Kevin Kiley tried to recall him I just looked at Cal problems and figured corruption had to run deep- So Newsome gets to act like dictator talking about a new progressive era using Covid 19 as his chance to do so. Making his rounds on the late nite shows $12000 bottles of wine w/ no mask while the residents were forced to be home suffocating themselves w/ thiers. Something is wrong w/ this picture and its todays modern day sleaze politicians- Newsome isnt a real progressive because that is all about positive change not essentially destroying your state w/ drugs and lawlessness not to mention draconian measures for the regular folks just trying thier best to survive- The dis connect is mind blowing- Special interests come first but it goes much deeper then that- I believe it may not only be incompetance but rather destroying and making things worse on purpose- Either way politicians horrific decisions affect the lives of millions of people- Going back to Hubris and Bremer in Iraq- His decision to fire the Republican guard which guaranteed the insurgancy had irrevcocable and diastorous consequences for that entire country not to mention our military veterans- Who gives these people the green light to make such poor descisions- Iraq was destroyed how much democracy was actually instilled- Did we help build back the infrastructre and help the people find jobs after thier buildings were destroyed and families mis placed I dont think so. Now California Seattle etc imagine if somebody like Newsome really did become Potus- These people put themselves first. Alot of money is made by death and destruction- Crises that are planned never go to waste-One just needs the proper puppet in place. Gratefully somebody like Newsome and his toxic ways arent able to infiltrate all of Cal- Vern Pierson DA of El Dorado County has a crime rate in the extreme low percentage range. That is because he knows what he is doing and corrupt governors dont have the ability to get thier dirty paws into his neck of the woods- The people of his county are extreely grateful for that- A perfect example of Newsomes dis- connect is how I witnessed that he is bringing CHP into San Fran to make some drug arrests- What the hell good are drug arrests if the law has no teeth its a revolving door- Criminal elements have infiltrated the homeless camps and can sell drugs and people are able to use drugs in the open air w/ impunity- Its all word salad to placate the few people that dont know any better- People like Newsome and others like him are in way over thier head- As detailed in Kevin Kileys book his reluctance to listen to reason is also very apparant- That goes along w/ the grandiose $12000 bottle of wine politician syndrome

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