Saturday, July 29, 2023

Blow back

In the end, I discovered that in politics the real struggle is not us vs them its us-versus-us Miles Taylor We know we arrived when we are neither cocky nor afraid- Trump is both cocky and afraid- Infact he is so three dimensional its hard to even put it into words- So we gave him a chance to do some positive things as potus however he took that as his own personal quest to not only burn down democracy but to put himself above our constitution- He never got it its not about him its about we the people- During my cool aid drinking years I didnt like McCain either for no good reason except its what Dr P said- Here is a man that is an American war hero revered at the Naval Acadamy and universally loved throughout America- Typical demagogue Trumpism he wanted the flags brought back up from half mast after hIs death- What a petty narcissist perfect example of how he puts himself above our venerable institutions and sacrosanct rituals- That is exactly what despots do and we have no room for that in our country- Trump has so many problems lets see what else like being a drama king- Let me tell you its bad enough to be a drama queen but when a man who is supposed to be Americas leader turns out to be a feckless drama king that aint good- We need somebody who is stable not someone whos intellect must be questioned but it also goes much deeper then that- A petty tyrant just as expected yelling at people all around him but then expecting his staff to do the impossible is just another example of how mentally unstable this man is- Infact he even admitted it when he said as far as dealing w/ a madman thats his problem not mine in reference to Kim Jong Un If Miles comitted suicide Trump and his cult followers would have relished in that going back to the shadenfreude. What did he say bad things are going to happen to him- What a schoolyard bully what did Miles do wrong he penned an accurate analysis as a dire warning to America of how off his rocker the commander in chief was and that is protected by free speech I would estimate that Trumps maturity level is around 14 years of age- Arrested development for certain- Individuals that are constantly trying to imptove actually admit thier faults- If he did this even to some degree I would have just a little bit more respect for him. Fraud- Trump University instead of saying I am sorry I will try do better next time it was Mexican racist thats the only reason I was convicted- Really that is the kond of mentality we the people had to deal with unfortunately

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