Thursday, July 27, 2023

Hang It Up Mitch

Arrogance and hubris todays old fogies who refuse to hang up thier spikes- Steve Schmidt explains this in a way that resonates throughout- Why are these politicians so out of touch w/ reality that they think this is ok w/ us- Diane Feinstein its ok to want to be in the game but at least do it on the side lines not on the front lines We need youth and exuberance you can still have this in the older years as long as you dont look and act like a dinasour- Who is youthful RFK junior great shape both mentally and physically- Trumpian is as well but as Schmidt explains George Washington knew when it was time to hang up his spikes- I cant see how people would want to be president for more then 4 years anyway- So why do the dinasours continue to subject us to thier mental and physical decline- They should understand that we dont respect them for doing this- Time to hand the baton over to somebody not as frail and decrepit- W was in great shape he used to run w. his secret service real fast times and he was strong as well- He was at the right age to run a country. We have conditions that arent that great because our politicians appoint themselves to multiple terms well beyond thier full usefullness

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