Saturday, July 15, 2023

Smell The Roses

Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country ever made…We all need to self medicate periodically” - Gavin Newsom Governor Gavin Newsom admits he likes to self-medicate with a glass of wine while watching the nightly news. He believes the homeless should not have to be subject to rules and regulations when going to shelters for a bed or a hot meal. Clueless politician who has aided and abeted a homeless and crime diaster in California- Unfortunately in this country people usually get rewarded/ promoted when they screw things up at unprecedented levels. I am waiting for Fauci to get his presidential medal of freedom award. Newsome he wants to run for president now as rapes and gang activirty go down at the homeless camps- Drug dealers gang affiliates that prey on the weak doesnt sound like success to me- In 2015 I was sitting in a smoke filled California rehab and I actually believed in getting softer on crime- Thats because I was sitting next to man who was coming up on a third strike and I believe he had a weapon that wasnt even loaded during one of his crimes- Prop 47 and 57 has had horrific results parts of Cal have offically turned into third world wastelands- Lawless thugs steal and people get thier camps raided rapes and individuala are forced to engage in crime in order to keep thier home- ods- All because of the weak and feeble politicians and thier special intersts who tie leos hands behind thier back- Predators selling drugs in recovery zones a place where its not the caboose that kills you when hit by a train its the engine up front- Its the first drink or drug people need total abstinance how can this hapen w/ a clueless governor and terrible laws- Treat drugs as drugs and crimes as crimes its pretty simple- This means no smoking either- Dont allow smoking or vaping in rehabs or in recovery zones- You dont give hydromorphone and cigarettes to addicts- These rehabs are enabling and are not nipping everything in the bud making recovery that much harder once they get out- One drug at a time no I dont think so sobriety is everything or its nothing- The big book was written 85 years ago- Back in the day they said sugar the most addictive of them all was ok- Drugs are drugs time to wake up and smell the roses So let me get this straight in Cal its ok to shoot dope on the sidewalk but not smoke cigarettes- Its kind of like Fauci telling us masks are great one day but horrible the next- The double speak of these people- And what did Fauci say years ago natural immunity is the best defense- We the people have a long list of contridictions lies and deceptions by these predators at the top

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