Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hell Hole

California is a hellhole and I am blaming the greedy politicians and special interest groups- People who arent protected by corruption and tenure actually suffer real consequences- This would be the residents of Cal who dont want to have to coddle nor enable the drug addicts on the street- Infact open air drug use decriminalizing hard drugs and use combined w/ legalizing theft has led to fourth world conditions.Not only in San Fran but Santa Monica and more- Whole Foods in and out of business in less then 1 year- Nordstrom is moving out of that hellhole- even the mayor got her car broken into. They couldnt survive having to deal w/ homeless drug addicts stealing and loitering- Before making such horrific laws it would help to have a beta test site or trial studies before going live so to speak- Newsome needs to be voted out of office and his special interest groups that have him veto bills that would be good laws need to be investigated- The working class folks who struggle as it is didnt feel safe showing up to work all because of the greedy corrupt politicians and thier special interests- At least the politicians qualify now on writing the manuel for how to destroy a once beautiful state. Cal and other states need to get back to business and start to treat crimes as crimes including open air drug use- They just failed miserably so time to try something else- Dont give drug addicts drugs and dont make it ok to loiter steal and use drugs in the open air and especially in front of struggling businesses. Destroying the morale of a once beautiful state- The people moved out due to violence as well- mass exodus- Seattle is in the same boat we have serious problems and I am not too sure they started out as well intentioned Disguisting litter there are so many inmates that should be on work release to clean up the streets and more- Its not that hard to figure out one just needs supervision- Needles everywhere these non profits are getting rich giving out needles that end up as litter- They are making the problem worse the same script they used for the covid garbage and all of the free masks they passed out that ended up as litter while they pushed their unvetted vaccine- I was cleaning up these masks fortunately fla has real leaders at the top I am startung to see a pattern here and its not looking too pretty- Big Pharma special interests non profits and thier greedy politicians all a recipe for crimes being commited on the top- Having law enforcement stand down while they let states get looted by plunder and pillage. Kind of like how Purdue Pharma started this mess w/ thier Oxycontin but never got in real trouble for egregious crimes against humanity. I find it interesting that they can have a major mass marketing campaign for an unvetted vaccine that never went through the proper clinical trials and then have the entire world take it. Combine this w/ a completely non tested nor vetted program of how legalizing hard drugs and theft would work out- These people love thier human experiments dont they

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