Saturday, July 29, 2023

Blow Back Part 2

Trump is full of garbage making believe he didnt know who Miles Taylor was- Just a low level staffer huh- Not really try high level within the administaration at DHS very smart and had to dumb down intel reports for former Potus- It was like since Trump has no attention to detail or attention span Miles had to break down long exhaustive intel reports specifically Afghanastan into 1 to 2 pages- Did Trump ever get diagnosed w/ attention defecit disorder- He said he didnt know Miles which definitely cant be true because I just read a detailed 340 page book with information that only a top level insider would know- He also said that he didnt know EG Caroll either- I see a pattern here and it isnt a good one- A federal judge just recently declared Trump a rapist When Trump was doing one of his go arounds expecting to hear praise and flattery responses he got one from Pence just as expected- from his top level sycophant. He got stone faced reality from both General John Kelly and General Mattis- There is no bs about these kind of men integrity through and through- Thats the difference between a politician and a general and that is why Pence was VP- You cant be nice to somebody like Trump you have to be just as nasty as he is and Pence found this out come Jan 6- A big lie where the cult followers were calling for Pences execution all over a lie not only about the election being stolen but also that Pence had the authority to not certify the election. Kelly stated that Trump was evil because of his inappropriate comments about what it would be like to have sex w/ his daughter- The general lost his son in Afghanastan- If anybody would know how to fight a war it would be this man. Trump made a reference to general Miley- "These are idiots we are dealing with" Here is a quote from Kelly about what it was like to work w/ the unstable president- "Its not as bad as it looks its a hell of alot worse" I feel sorry for many of the people that had to work directly w/ this man especially the people that were forced to sign NDAs- Trump takes hostages and doesnt fight fair His lies about how all of the indictements are a weopanization of the doj is another big one-

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