Friday, June 9, 2023

We The People

The documents were not his to negotiate with like he said at that lame cnn town hall- The Art Of THe Steal no there is protocol and one needs to abide by the book not thier own- Thats not how the real world works when we the people elected you it was because we thougt it was a good judgement call- Turns out to be quite the opposite the emperor has no clothes its time to accept defeat you lost to Biden we know your ego cant handle it- A good champion or leader like in UFC and elsewhere are gracious and humble in defeat- Trump has proven himself to be anything but a good leader- There used to be a time when all types of criminal scrutiny would make somebody ineligable for certain jobs-Yes you know the working class ones where people just want to make it and have some stability in thier life, why is it different for Potus- Why do we get cuffed but he doesnt what is that all about- You know cuffs have a way of humbling somebody mug shots not neccesarily- Trump aint a martyr it appears that he really did commit these crimes- You mean espionage and he is not going to get cuffed wtf is that all about So his pal Hannity can bloviate about a two tier justice system but the rules apparantly still dont apply to his chosen candidate- Hes supposed to be innocent until proven guilty but even if convicted of felonies he can still be potus wtf is that all abput- I can understand if there are mitigating circumstances but his acts appear to be brazen and full of bravado not a good look because he worked for we ther people The other thing is that these magas are such bold face liars- Nobody was out to get Trump as Dueshawitz claims it was quite the opposite- He was given every oppurtunity to comply w/ the feds and the subpoeanas but decided to jerk them around and obstruct justice instead- I have found in my 54 years that you really have to screw up bad in order to get arrested- If leos ask for something you say yes sir/mam not always but mostly and at the end of the day you always come through its that simple- The npb cop asked for my insurance I had an attitute I was working all nite and my back hurt. I said I dont have it but eventually I complied and paid the fine because I really did yield the stop sign even though nobody was around- I was arrested in 06 on a technicality everything would have been fine if I stayed sober but didnt stay sober- I paid the consequences- Trump has a serious mental problem he can never admit when he is wrong or accept defeat- The feds were being gracious w/ this document case and were simply asking for them back- You cant de classify something w/ mental telepathy he has some major issues- You dont negotiate w/ the feds yourself lawyers can make plea deals but other then that it wasnt his call-

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