Thursday, June 8, 2023

Capital Cronyism

There is a gorilla in the middle of the ring that needs a brawler to knock him on his ass- Steve Schmidt- How Chris Christie has a chance of doing it- I used to have respect for Mike Pence but that time has come and gone- If true that he said cigarettes were good for you he is definitely out- Then he goes on CNN and says Trump shouldnt be indicted after telling everubody how he respects the rule of law- We have a bunch of spineless individuals and maybe just maybe that is how they slithered up the political mountain to begin with and ended up as vp- According to Pence everybody else should follow the law of the land and be held into account except former Potus what kind of message is he trying to convey to we the people? Trump is a spoiled petulant child. Wouldnt it be great if one day politics would step up its game from the maga morons and get into a mote mature world- We have gone down so many notches and what could be worse then 2 billion dollars going to Kushner from Saudi Arabia- Capital cronyism nepotism. Everything that joke was fighting against or had us believe that he was fighting against for why he should get elected in 16- We had a party that was supposed to be anti corruption but then had that weasal Matt Gaetz tweet out threats about Michael Cohens personal life the day before he was supposed to testify- I voted maga because I thought they would be above all that garbage but they are not. They have proven themselves to be lawlees weasals that play dirty pool because they have no real game- How can the deeply corrupt join forces to oust corruption it just doesnt work that way- The magas had nothing real on Hillary it was all smoke and mirrors- They plant bs stories in the alternative media that cant be verified and then say look fake news why is nobody is reporting on this? I dont think they have anything on Biden or his son either as much as they are trying- If somebody puts out a false story knowingly w/intent that can be proven to be false there should be serious libel consequences-

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