Sunday, June 11, 2023

Equal Justice

I dont like MTG its hard to take her seriously but it seems like this is serious-Jessica Burbank on Bidens alleged corruption- The magas have alot to be embaressed about- That would be some individuals on fox news and a few others- I dont expect anything from wanna be potus because he appears to be a lost cause- At the very least it would be appropiate to report on real crimes and not be mendacious individuals- Shady not trustworthy I can name a few more- Maybe the reason why they are getting sued by some big names- Lying to us about election fraud and then kept the big lie going- Now its oh Trump just hid his drugs and obstructed justice in egregious ways but so what Biden did this and did that- The maturity level is sup par because that is what little children do and they are an embaressment to the USA- Crimes should be reported as such- Trump is such an in our face criminal the same way that Judge Jeanne Pero stated that Hillary was- Would I like to see all corruption get exposed yes but at least tell us the real facts- So Trump is not a good businessman decent salesperson but sucks big time as an investigator- As a result of trying to expose and get some intel on election fraud he soon may go down for rico charges in ga- How do you investigate something independently and then end up being a criminal instead? Maybe because that is who he was the entire time, it appears to be quite obvious to me- Pointing the finger at others while comitting crimes is a tell tale of incrimination. Down playing crimes and not accurately reporting should be considered a crime in itself- Its kind of like I ran somebody over while drunk but you know what so and so has multiple un justified shootings under his belt and he never was adjudicated- This is what the maga morons are doing and it is an indication of how corrupt we have became in our polital swamp- Oppurtunists like Trump whos son in law becomes a billionare for essentially doing nothing- Do I think there is some corruption on the Biden side of the fence- yes more then likely- I dont think they have as many enablers as the king baby who is going to do the perp walk on Tues though- I believe if major corruption became apparant and investigations were conducted fully w/ integrity and people eventually got indited I dont think media would down play it. These are the same outlets the magas had me hating on and not trusting for many years- It is an obvious sign of criminality when you have certain news outlets covering up for crimes and not telling the real story to we the people of this indictment in s fla for starters- Mark Levin the feds just didnt throw the book at Trump he was given every oppurtunity to comply but refused to do so which proves intent- This isnt a civil case either these are all serious federal crimes

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