Friday, June 23, 2023


If I didnt know it was true I would think Bandy Lees book was a fictitious horror show of epic proportions. Former Potus has serious mental problems ones that are so acute that I seriously doubt he will ever be able to come back to a so called state of normalcy- Its so deep she has such a grasp of his profile- I knew it was bad but seriously not that bad- Ari Melber breaks down Hannitys hypocrisy and contradiction of do what we say but not what we do. Hannity has always been kind of weasly. I remember how much he was propagandizing the Iraq war- By listening to him and Oreilly I was convinced Hussain took down the towers. What a waste of time listening to fox news for so many years- Melber explains how x potus cheerleaders always advocate listen to the law always comply except when its your pal in regard to a grand jury subpoena- Which is even more important then a police officers command. Trump hid 102 boxes more then he gave back- Reliable testimony by people in Bandys book state that he is more or less a pathological liar- Its more like a lie is the truth to him and how he rationalizes it is based on convenience. I saw an example of this when a reporter asked him why he exaggerated his assets in relation to the pending financial fraud trial- His response was that is how much it was worth to him Its always grandiose bigger better he would be great for a small venue clown show but not running for our President- He still owes various municipalities money for thier security and many dont welcome him nor want him back for that reason. He was always talking about how expensive presidential details were and how the others spent too much money coming in high profile and causing a scene. What did he do in Miami cause a scene why cant he come in low profile people dont want or need a traffic jam. Especially for a braggart that boasts about his dictator pals brutality toward his own family- Trump is a pathetic individual- Gave full support to Chinas dictator and his concentration camps I can see why he bad mouths the Mueller report- Its because it really delved deep into his troubled pyche even more so then many others- Just think about having the top minds in various alphabets coming together to corroborate that this man is working a job that is way above his capability- one that he is not mentally fit for. The other countries have a profile but not America due to corruption within the APA and we can also thank one of x potus chief enablers Alan Dershowitz for that

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