Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Classified Secrets

Now lets take a look at former Potus- Bandy Lees profile had in it before it all transpired that he would likely deny the results of the election not have a peaceful transfer and ofcourse be at high risk of sharing classified secrets. Fake News- No whats fake is former potus patriotism- he is only interested in what you can do for him and has been that way his entire life- Like when I read when he was a wanna be hot shot in New York City the owner of the restaurant gave him a free meal- The waiter got a 20 dollar tip-seriously why wouldnt somebody want to pay and help the business out- Its because former potus has a sense of entitlement and acts like he is doing us a favor by gracing us w/ his presence- No I dont think so quite the opposite infact his 15 minutes was over a long time ago- He was a 1 trick pony. The reason why we keep obsessing about him is because our legal system is what its going to take to make sure he finally goes away both literally and figuratively- It will take a while and Im sure he will go down swinging but the end is near- I knew something was seriously wrong w/ Trump because he doesnt bond w/ dogs- Apparantly he was not a real father either- ie absentee to busy obsessing w/ self. I read a huge article about how Bidens long time k-9 pal passed away and this broke his heart- He is telling us that he is human and has real emotion- Former Potus isnt capable of that his mentor Roy Cohen stated on his death bed that he pisses ice water- He doesnt care about you and me not capable pathological narrcissism- when are the maga weirdos going to figure all of this out He doesnt care about his audience but rather what they can do for him which is vote and continue to pay for his endless grifting- I am sure he gets his rocks off by playing them like a fiddle- Vote so he can win and assume all autocratic control- He wants loyalty to him only and not our US constitution- That is why he wants to break up our sacrosanct and venerable institutions- Full support of China putting Muslims in concentration camps- Do I think x potus is capable of doing the same to Americans- the profile supports it yes it does- His own words support it Wanna be tough guy mobsters like Trump take the 5th certain times but how unintelligent is he by self incriminating himself all over fox news and elsewhere- This can and will be used against him- The fact that ceratin republicans would pardon real criminals right away is telling of who and what they are

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