Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Drug House

The Canada model is (aiding abetting enabling) criminal behavior by giving drug addicts drugs to sell and profit from Legend has it that back in the day there were burning matresses in the sober house, some drunks got sober but most didnt- Today isnt that much diffrent however you cant enable addicts by giving them drugs or letting them use in a drug house- Most people dont have chronic pain to the extent where they need severe pain meds even though the fraudsters from Purdue Pharma said they did even for minor pain. There are individuals whos motives are less then pure- I put the disability addict in the same category- Labeling an addict w/ a disabilty only encourages and enables them to keep using. Who profits definitely not the addict- Refuse to be a victim- If your getting high off your non narcotic meds like Gabapentin and Seroquel by abusing them that is no different. So now we are back to more scare tactics in the media- Why else would the Publix security guard look like a bad guy- Not only that masks cut off your oxygen supply working on the job one needs cardio even advanced cardio in many cases. What a con job of epic proportions this covid garbage is and was. How is depleting your oxygen supply whuch in turn lowers your immune system supposed to protect you. Some people think of us as that dumb- More then a few people are upset by this frankenstein monster human experiment gone wrong- Why are they trying things on us w/ no proven efficacy like giving serious hard drugs to drug addicts under the phony guise of risk mitigation? That is cruel and unusual punishment- The same way being forced to muzzle up and feel like suffocating to death was. The world was gas lit by a bunch of misanthropes that are part of a world wide criminal syndicate. Open source intelligence is readily available for all to see So we are being gas lit by a criminogenic former potus who expects us to normalize abusive behavior, misogyny the list goes on and down play serious federal crimes. Crimes that you and I would already be locked up for, Teixeira, (the yoing man already is) but yet he still incessantly whines about a two tier criminal justice system. We are also being gas lit by the alphabets who control the who and cdc and its not the other alphabets like fbi etc Speaking of horror show zombie apocolypse now we have a drug called Frankenstein- a synthetic opiate more potent then fentanyl- Tranq benzo dope where one laces xylazine w/ fentanyl- xanax- Flesh eating what are the higher ups waiting for the entire world to collapse

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