Thursday, June 15, 2023

Projective Identification

Astute clinicians would have interpreted from his fixation on Hillary Clinton’s emails, and the chants that one should “lock her up” for her handling of classified information, that “locking him up” was the correct treatment. This is because of a phenomenon called “projective identification,” where one denies one’s own hidden motivations and impulses by projecting them onto one’s opponent—only one’s own guilt is a thousandfold worse. Mental health experts recognized this in the very beginning; law enforcement is catching up only eight years later (Bandy Lee) its really important, more important than ever in our country, to make sure that people understand that we have independent prosecutors, we have a justice system that operates independent of politics,” Rocah told CBS. The westchester county da closed a westh county country club criminal case against Trump- (It’s really important, more important than ever in our country, to make sure that people understand that we have independent prosecutors, we have a justice system that operates independent of politics,” Rocah told CBS.)-The problem w/ Trump is that he is the one trying to make everything political. projective identification- He is exactly what he says he wasnt in order to get elected in 16 but much worse- Now he is playing the victim card that is what weak and pathetic people do in order to try to get elected again. If I was a law enforcement official I wouldnt like Trump and would welcome real forms of justice not because I am a republican or democrat but rather because he is a criminogenic sleaze who acts way above the law. Lets see what was he saying about how Hillary handled classified information people go to jail for that Trump said- Clintons case didnt exceed the legal threshold to pursue. The amount of evidence needed for a grand jury inditement is quite significant- I remember him calling for Snowdens execution. Is he really going to pull I didnt do anything wrong presidential records act bs? Calling Bill Bar a gutless pig is a perfect example of what a classless a hole Trump is- A man who did everything and then some and many say too much bordering on corruption for x potus. This is what one can expect when you speak the truth after he is done with you. Trump admitted to being obese he eats mcds his arteries are probally all clogged up and I doubt he walks the greens while playing 9 holes- It doesnt matte because he is just a nasty person, has a picture of a wolf on his lame social media- You know what has sharp teeth the rico staatute and he is going to find that out once Fani Willis gets a hold of him-

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