Friday, July 28, 2017

Joe Blow The Movie Star

Addictions vs Behavioral Addictions or Disorders? Behavioral addictions don't involve eating, drinking, injecting or smoking. This is complex and it's always been very hard for me to grasp. In other words when somebody is a bulimic how can you tell them not to eat anymore? Obsessions are thoughts that a person can't stop having where as compulsions are behaviors a person can't stop enacting.
   So what does one do when somebody is addicted to gaming? In the book a student got hooked and went to reSTART the worlds first gaming and internet treatment center. There are old sayings- You don't go to a hoar house to play the piano, you don't hit up the bars and crack houses all the time to just drink iced tea. However like bulimia and the internet how is one supposed to abstain from food and the web? The answer lies in treating the underlying issues instead of just all out avoidance. When this student went back to school it seemed obvious to me that he was going to have a binge because it didn't appear that he was doing any follow up therapy. That is why psychotropics in my humble opinion do more harm then good. They are supposed to give somebody's brain the dopamine surges they allegedly lack but end up screwing up our brains beyond repair in many cases. That is because we need the psychotherapy to address the underlying issues so we can attempt to deal with life on life's terms.
   So now Ambilify has apparently been making people become compulsive gamblers? So let me get this straight a drug that is supposed to mitigate addictions and compulsions is now known for causing the very problems they were intended to alleviate? Welcome to Big Pharmas world of smoke and mirrors where nothing makes any sense. So who becomes an addict and who doesn't? Maia Szalavitz, a writer and expert on addiction explains this on page-74- "If I kidnap you, tie you down and shoot you up with heroin for two months, I can create physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms- but only if you go out and use after I free you will you actually become an addict" I agree with this, it's mostly biological and genetic. The Alcoholic gene- Dopamine d2 receptor.
   What about the 11th Tradition where it talks about anonymity? I believe that somebody can blow their own cover all they want as long as they don't blow anybody else's. It's not ok to assume that your bud will be ok with you blowing their cover. I have made mistakes over the years, I was wrong and I now promptly admit it. What about press radio and films? Now the next edition of the Big Book will have internet? So let me put this out there- How is Joe Blow off the street any different from Joe Blow the Movie Star? Just because they may be in the public eye they aren't supposed to break their anonymity? That is putting them up on a grand pooh bah pedestal isn't it?  So maybe the movie star should blow their own cover by stating that the program works if you work it but that is up to them and nobody else. If Joe Blow the movie star blows their own cover and toots their own horn but then ends up drunk then maybe somebody else should say Joe Blow the movie star was an egomaniac, not humble and a narcissist or didn't practice the principles, maybe he was screwing his sponsees wife and stealing their money and that's why he got drunk.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Adam Alter wrote an interesting and thought provoking book. Some say that this book may be revolutionary. Either way I know that there is a lot of truth in it because I am able to verify his analysis and conclusions with my own eyes. Internet and gaming addictions are very real. People walk around all dazed and confused totally focused on their own little Smart Phone grid. I may get one but right now I would rather be dumb then have a Smart phone. It is so obvious how and why these technocrats make all of the money.. The eugenicists and tech wizzes create the gaming revolutions and then proceed to get everybody hooked just like all of the dope that is being run into this country from Mexico and Afghanistan. If their is a market to be exploited leave it up to the same people that created the dot-com bubble. This is when everybody was going crazy running up shares of companies that had no real earnings. Today its the second stage of the dot- com revolution. This is where behavioral disorders are being developed by the gaming crowd. It is not only the millellialls  that are getting hooked on this technology. Adam Alter let us all in on The Secret. The secret is that the ceos and founders of these companies don't let their own children play their games because they know how potentially deleterious it all is. Today we don't have real relationships. I wish that I had a relationship with a real woman. Instead over the years I have relied on cat fish frauds and phony pics. Instagram, fb, Smart Phones, Snap Chat and Twitter their seems to be  no real connection between humans anymore. We correspond via text message and even end marriages this way. I was never into the bar scene but unfortunately I don't seem to have the ability to meet a real woman because not only do I ride my bike but she will probably be too busy staring at her Smart Phone with her ear buds on to make eye contact. I know that there was a market for real pics with real women because today their is a lot of fraud and photo shop going on. That is why I had a website up for a little while. In todays world people seem to do anything and everything to avoid real human interaction. That is the market the technocrats are now exploiting and they are making a fortune. Soon we are going to have rehabs that are opened up for these behavioral disorders because they are real. Alter has pages of corroboration to back this up. So far I have only read the prologue and the first chapter but  feel like I have read two books already. The second chapter talks about nature vs nurture. I saw a similar expose that Kelly Brogan put out about the Vietnam Vets that were hooked on heroin. It states that vets got hooked overseas but then came back home and weren't addicts anymore. Environment or epi-genetic factors always play a role in addiction. The chapter even brings up the rat experiment which seems to have an inconclusive outcome. I am still trying to figure out how our brains are compared to rats but that topic is for another day. Apparently the rat experiment didn't prove that they would off themselves to death but rather they were a victim of circumstance due to their environment. My take on it is that some people are genetically wired and some aren't. Some people can get hooked on dope and then go back to normal in a different environment but this goes against the modern day treatment modality. In other words most treatment in todays world especially with this opiate epidemic states that if you are an addict you are an addict for life and must abstain from everything one day at a time till death due us part. I believe that we are all individuals so it's difficult to put everybody in a certain category or to use labels. This second chapter definitely puts a new spin on the subject of addiction that is for sure. I am in Dr Blums corner, he states that it is as a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors however I don't subscribe to the Anhedonia concept where we have a difficult time experiencing pleasure. Some of us maybe but overall it is an allergy of the mind body and soul, Dr. Silkworth goes into great detail about this in The Doctors Opinion. Its mental, physical and spiritual, that's three fold. This means that true alcoholics which include most drug addicts can never safely use again period regardless of their environment. This has been tested hundreds of thousands even millions of times over by people suffering immeasurably and dying when trying to control their disease by themselves. Once the mood or mind altering substance is ingested the floodgates are opened and all bets are off. Its not a question of if but rather when things will start to go south. The program urges people to go out and test the waters if they are not sure, there is and old saying misery is optional. Just like at Planet Fitness it's a judgment free zone.    

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Alcoholism In Its Purest Form Sinclair method may help people that are both true alcoholics and people that just drink to excess. I am not sure if Vivivitrol has been tested 100% but it seems to have had positive results. Even if their is no real Science behind it placebos have been known to work very effectively. If somebody is a true alcoholic they can never drink safely under most circumstances. Its around 80 years old but Dr Silkworth has a long chapter about the how and whys in the Big Book called The Doctors Opinion, this is based on his direct experience in the trenches. Their are people who on occasion just drink to excess that aren't true alcoholics, I can see the Sinclair method working for these individuals especially with psychotherapy being administered. There is no such thing as making a social drinker out of a true alcoholic. Moderation management has already been proven not to work. In most cases heroin addicts or drug addicts in general can never safely go back to any mind or mood altering substance. Weed, alcohol, narcotic meds, even non narcotic meds can be very dangerous. A drug is a drug, I tried every trick in the book to no avail. Reward Deficiency Syndrome, Alcoholism, Drug addiction they are all one in the same for the most part. A shortage of dopamine d2 receptors which leads to many addictions, food, gambling sex. That is why AA and therapy are such great combinations. Alcoholism is a hole in the soul or a void, that is why we self medicate to try to fill it up. Alcoholics have a tendency to test the waters. Some only drink a few so they can say "see I am not an alcoholic" only to be  found dead a few months later from alcohol poisoning. Its a ruthless disease, the only remedy for alcoholism is total and complete abstinence combined with a spiritual awakening and therapy. I was dry and abstinent but this never lasted, it usually never does when left untreated and for somebody who is a true alcoholic. Its a disease that tells us that we don't have one that is how tricky and deceptive it is. I was a 17 year old kid with the first step in my life. This is the only step that we can get 100%. We have to admit that we are powerless over alcohol and that our lives have become unmanageable and this needs to be felt on a gut level with no reservations. If I knew that I was an alcoholic at such a young age then why was I hoping in 2006 that the rehab was going to come back with a diagnosis where I wasn't an alcoholic anymore? I still had reservations even though I had the program at one point in my life. This is the definition of insanity that they talk about in the second step. If we have alcoholism it never goes away until our dying days. One just needs to do an honest bio pycho-social or answer the 20 question test in order to come to the conclusion if they are a true alcoholic or not. My definition of social drinking at 15 was slugging Southern Comfort straight from the bottle by myself in the basement and then coming upstairs and sipping wine with friends and family. This was 6 years before the legal drinking age, a true alcoholic. I wanted Southern Comfort when I was in jail at 16, I needed some comfort and relief for my symptoms.     

Monday, July 24, 2017

Theft By Deception Jim Fetzer should sue Amazon for Theft By Deception- By banning his book they are hindering his ability to make a living. How can he sell his book if it's banned? Fetzer presents so much solid and smoking gun evidence that one would have to either be brain dead or on the cias payroll to refute his position. He presents it in a way that is easy to understand and in black and white terms. Fraud vitiates everything. He has professionals that verify information such as the fraudulent death certificate of Noah Pozner. A democratic agenda driven scam where people profited off of propaganda based lies and deception. D rated crisis actors with phony grief and tears. There are so many weird people that are directly and indirectly affiliated with these charlatans. They are actors and con artists that are paid to be agent provocateurs. I believe that with the combination of Jim Fezer's and Wolgang Halbig's information this should be enough to break this case wide open. That is of course until somebody starts to ask a few questions about it. One must  keep asking questions because James Tracey is already out of a job because of these people. There are many people that are accessories before and after the fact. Misprision of Felony, Fraud and Theft by Deception.  I can see a class action lawsuit sometime in the near future. Real investigators never stop asking questions. The SHES shooting has a laundry list of fraudulent based crimes that are quite high including Jonathan Reich's false arrest.    

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Lawyer, The Addict

 The New York Times business section had a huge article called The Lawyer, The Addict- It is interesting to note that besides Ken B from Deep Cover Program Op Gone Bad there are more lawyers that have had problems with addiction from the Silicon Valley section of town. Ken B is in bad shape right now even though he had a spiritual awakening while in jail. A 1,000,000 dollar bond with no more money because his sponsor wiped out the joint savings account that he shared with his wife.                                                                                                                                                                .                  A high powered Silicon Valley attorney named Peter ended up as a victim to the disease of addiction according to the Times Article. Brian Cuban, Mark's brother just wrote a book called The Addicted Lawyer. I wouldn't mind reading it and after browsing through his website and blog I was quite impressed. He basically stated that he didn't think to highly of the 11th Tradition which basically means personal anonymity should come first over press radio and  films. Actually I am not sure exactly what it means. When I first came into the program as a kid we used to have Tradition meetings. Basically the premise was that AA didn't want to see movie stars or public figures tooting their horn about the rooms because then they might end up drunk and that would be a bad reflection on the program as a whole. Attraction Rather then Promotion etc.. I saw this video when I was in PHP rehab and it basically stated that more and more high profile people are coming out of the closet and coming clean about their addiction. This is the best type of promotion one can have because people will actually see that the program can work. People have a tendency to put stars on pedestals therefore their stories should generate more buzz. Since we are in the middle of a horrific addiction epidemic I respect people like Brian Cuban for writing his book. It really sucks to have this elephant on one's shoulders when left untreated.                                                                                                                                                              We aren't supposed to pinch hit in the program meaning fox hole prayers don't seem to work when we rest on our laurels. When I was locked up for my DWI I went to some meetings and wanted to stay sober. Infact I wanted to stay sober after rehab and was surprised that I only lasted 10 weeks. I went to meetings and I saw the priest for confession while incarcerated because I really felt like garbage about myself. When I finally got bailed out of Putnam County there was a Bench warrant out of Westchester which was my VOP warrant. I was so full of fear, anger and trepidation going into Valhalla County Jail that I used as soon as I had the chance. The meetings not the program that I experienced went right out of the window. That is because their is a big difference between going to meetings and actually working a program. This is where Smart Recovery meets AA because I had no defense against using due to the myriad of emotional and mental triggers during the transition period. Also being remanded didn't seem to help out my depression as well. If somebody hasn't had cuffs put on them or shackled at least once in their life they should try it just for kicks. I cant put it in words, for most normal people it's a life changing experience especially for an extended period of time. This still didn't help me to get sober. however.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It's ok  to pinch hit in sobriety  as long as the spiritual foundation has already been put in   place. Just like a pro baseball player who gets paid to pinch hit. The difference is that he was doing all of the practice and  footwork on his down time which is why he is paid to be a professional. We can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety as long as the work was conducted up until that period in time. Smart Recovery, AA, CBT- DBT meetings, prayer and meditation, spiritual advisors, the entire 9 yards. That is how and why I couldn't stay sober when transferred to Valhalla. I had to stop the fight by picking up the white but this didn't happen until almost 5 years later. So what I mean by pinch hitting in sobriety is that we can step up to the plate and face anything that life throws at us and still feel safe because we already turned it over by doing  the daily spiritual footwork. Relapses or recurrences usually just don't come out of nowhere. In our world we must surrender to win.          

Friday, July 21, 2017

Delray Beach Opiate Lawsuit

Opiates are hell, that is why Delray Beach City Commission is now suing drug makers for their part that they played in the heroin crisis. One issue I thought of was that many of the addicts got hooked by non prescriptions that were obtained illegally thus possibly mitigating Big Pharmas culpability. This may be true but if infact these drugs were marketed as relatively safe and effective even for minor pain then that should go to trial. A lot of these addicts and dealers used to buy from the pill mills in S. Fla, this is what led to people using heroin.  Delray states that they are receiving no help from their state or federal government so they have decided to take matters in their own hands. The let the victims die proposal is  never  going                                                                                                                                                                       to get approval because nobody is allowed to play god regardless of the financial drain to their municipality's resources. I was a drug seeker, nobody ever told me how safe Vicodin would be. Infact I was no longer seeking support from a spiritual advisor or relying on the rooms for support otherwise I wouldn't have been in that situation to begin with. I had no defense against self medicating left to my own devises. Everybody knows how dangerous and addictive opiates are so I am not sure if Delray's lawsuits are ever going to go anywhere. If one has a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors in the brain and they end up getting hooked by abusing drugs how is that Big Pharmas fault? People that don't have a propensity toward alcoholism or drug addiction don't end up sticking needles in their arm. The argument is that even so called normal people are ending up as hard core addicts with these powerful drugs but I am not sure if I am buying that. When somebody breaks their leg the doctors definitely don't push Vicodin on the patient for an extended period of time. In many cases doctors have cut patients off of narcotic pain meds when they really needed them. Big Pharma is evil but I don't see them as liable in this particular case as much as one might think. Doctors that knowingly and willfully prescribe meds for dealers and addicts are the real criminals. In order to fight this epidemic one needs to cut off the supply on the street which means more law enforcement from another Task Force.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Gods Of Greenwich

On The mean streets of Greenwich and the high towers of finance their was more then one Hedge Fund that came crumbling down. Welcome to Jimmy Cusacks world where money trumps friendship every time. CIA- stands for Catholic Irish Alcoholic, Cusack Capital went south for the winter and permanently and this is when Jimmy had to find another fund to join. The only issue was that this new Hedge Fund was not filling him in on their "Secret Sauce" The secret formula to their success or (how they hedge)? was something Cusack wanted to know. He had to prove himself as an apprentice first which meant rolling up his sleeves and getting dirty.
   Norb Vonnegut wrote an interesting book, as an insider himself writing a fictional based financial thriller based in the harsh realities of the hedge fund life seemed like second nature for him. Harvard Business School combined with a stint at Morgan Stanley make him a natural at this. The first part of chapter 1 gives us an idea of their world- "The struggle to win clients never stopped, and the ethos was "kill or be killed" Among soldiers suited in the battle rattle of Armani pinstripes and Gucci loafers"Cusaks fund was inside of the Empire State Building, it didn't come crumbling down in Greenwich. His new fund however Leeser Capital was located in Greenwich just like many others. Instead of the House That Junk Built its more like The Houses that Greenwich built. Hedge Funds galore and a lot of money was being made. Vonnegut even made a reference to Amaranth and their massive and legendary 6.6 billion dollar implosion in 2006. He also mentioned SAC capital and Stevie Cohen many times in this book. The capital of Greenwich is Hedgistan, their is a reason why Green is part of Greenwich's name, because that is where all of the dough is made.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    One issue is that many of the old timer old money Greenwich natives didn't like it very much when Hedgistan came to town. Oligarchs and Plutocrats ruled supreme and tore down many of the classic antique homes to build McMansions along the way. The  Nouveau riche took away some of the town's old style character some might say. This is when the hedgies had to at least meet the old money Blue Bloods half way.                                                                                                                                                                    

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rolexes Are For Posers Only

If coffee is for closers only Rolexes are for posers only. Marcus Lemonis worked a business deal with some poser that had his own home made ice cream truck business. The business had potential otherwise Marcus wouldn't have shown up. This guy was so far off the mark, he had no proof of concept, he had no concept whatsoever. He was also clean 19 years which tells me that he needs to work on his sobriety. That is because there is a big difference between being clean vs. being sober.     
    This guy was about to put his own parents in the poor house with his grandiose ideas. At least he was humble enough to call up Marcus Lemonis in an attempt to straighten his operation out. The only problem is that he didn't listen and was still so full of pride which tells me that he really isn't sober. I know what it feels like to go broke after dot-com visions of prestige and success. I was living out of my $1.000 car, I know how easy it is to lose everything. That is another thing, this guy paid $125,000 for his ice cream truck. One needs connections, Marcus bought an equivalent truck for around 75k. Just because something is less money doesn't necessarily mean that there will be any sacrifice in the quality. In business especially in the used car business the sell is actually in the buy. I wasn't a very good buyer especially left to my own volition. If you buy something right then one can sleep soundly at night.
     So this guy still wanted to do his own thing and had no enthusiasm or fire in his belly. You cant give somebody something that they don't inherently have regardless of how much you try to help. That is the difference between winners and losers and that is the difference sometimes between living and dying. If this guy keeps going south he is going to be out on the street after he takes out his own families entire retirement savings. Marcus pulled out anyway, it's a losing battle. This guy paid himself 100k a year when his company was losing money all over the place and then he didn't even show up to work for his own truck. If you don't know what its like to get your hands dirty in your own business then you should have quit a long time ago. Then he showed up late on his first real day on the job. Marcus took him up north to show him how he helped turn a company from nothing into over 10 million dollars per year in sales and this guy was still not motivated. To be a wanna be poser with a Rolex and not a real closer in your own business is not very impressive. That is the difference between being clean vs being sober. If one is sober this means that they are humble and grateful and actually get out of the drivers seat, especially when they are literally in the process of crashing and burning. Also nobody should ever think about pitching a franchise concept until their own mom and pop is singing like a well oiled machine. Who wants to buy into a loser with no proof of concept or no proven track record of  success?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     The reason why pro athletes go broke is because they are too full of ego and pride. Not humble,
 they are used to being one of the best in their chosen profession but that doesn't necessarily translate into dollars and cents in the business world. The only thing they would have to do is nothing and then they wouldn't go broke. Regardless of how much one tells them they still aren't going to listen because their ego tells them that they need their name in the middle of things. Whether its a loser restaurant chain or a Lenny Dykstra type car wash they want their name in bright lights big city instead of just a boring mutual fund. Their is no glitz and glamor in boring mutual funds but that is exactly where their money needed to be.                                                                                                                                                             

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Break Up The Media Cartel

I don't think Trump would ever stoop so low that he would ever stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. That is the difference between the Big Apple Maphia vs the Chicago mob. Also our Potus has a lot of pride, if he ever shed any tears they would definitely be real. He considers tears a sign of weakness that is why he made a pejorative comment about it based on Wayne Barrets book. My dad used to say don't apologize its a sign of weakness. He is from the John Wayne old school just like Trump is. Also to stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were actually murdered is quite cowardly to say the least and it's definitely a sin. People should wake up and smell the coffee because our former Potus is quite weak and cowardly I must admit. He had many of his enforcers shake down the on line investigative journalists like James Tracey PHD and tried to intimidate Wolfgang by having some weak and pathetic individual threaten his grandchildren. That is because people like James Tracey are very smart and make a lot of sense and have quite the  following.                                                                                                                                                                 So                                                                                                                       So what excuse is the Chicago mob going to use I am sorry the Devil made me do it? Our former Potus's right hand man and partner in crime wants to run for President now. I know that propaganda is what these people do every day but using little children as pawns? That is beyond the pale of acceptable marketing and promotion for ones anti gun campaign. Also I am not buying into this Israel Bad guy scenario where our former Potus got pushed around by Bibi and company. I am not buying any of it especially the Extortion 17 official narrative because that is as shady as one can get. When are we going to demand that the main stream media gets shut down? It's a total and complete waste of time. Just think how corrupted they are, they are the only ones that get to disseminate intel and then they break it all down for us. All of these so called experts but isn't it a coincidence that not one of these so called experts is asking question about Sandy Hook? As investigative journalists and reporters that is their  job, that is what they are paid to do for a living. This alleged Russian election meddling is a witch hunt, I humbly believe and  no longer think it is ever going to go anywhere. I used to think differently but times have changed. They should leave our Potus alone and let him go back to the business of running this country. He isn't perfect but I know that he has high standards and takes his job seriously that is why he should now be left alone.                                                                                                                                                                    I don't like criminals in the main stream media because they actually pass the test of being decent actors unlike Gene Rosen. I remember how Anderson Cooper was so indignant that James Tracey would actually infer that the SHES shooting just didn't add up. Cooper insinuated that maybe Tracey wasn't mentally squared away and they were also  trying that bs on Wolfgang. Let me tell you something I cant wait until our Potus reigns down holy hell on these manipulators because it is going to be shock and awe with thunderous roars of stars and stripes. The mind games that these freaks play are not going to work much longer I will tell you that much.                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, July 17, 2017

Ashleys War

Rangers Lead The Way- Gayle Lemmon wrote a good book about Ahley White, she wanted to be the best of the best and that is why she signed up for CST or (Cultural Support Teams) Unfortunately she ended up being killed in action- Afghanistan- It's admirable to have female warriors that are willing to sacrifice everything to be part of the American War Machine- They were in some serious shape, Ashley was doing 30 pull ups, they all had great endurance as well.  In the olden days girls were supposed to do only  girlie push ups which meant they were allowed to use their  knees.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Stating that women shouldn't be allowed to serve in war is like what they used to say in the rooms that  women couldn't be alcoholics. That is why when the Big Book was initially written it was geared toward all male. Times have changed, if a woman wants to be attached to the warriors out in the field in a way that wouldn't be a liability then they should expand their program. Whether it's intel gathering or just being on the front lines a girl would be able to carry a wounded warrior to safety. Obviously not all of them would be able to do this but the ones that can should be allowed to compete for the slots. Not that many people in general want to volunteer for the military but the ones that do should be given the chance to prove their mettle without lowering the standards. I had my doubts when I watched GI Jane and I know that movie was fiction based but today women are in extremely good shape both mentally and physically. I am referring to Cross Fit elite Olympic standard type athletes that would be able to take out over 95% of the men in almost all of the pft tests scores. Shooting, running, push ups, pull ups, sit ups and swimming- the CST teams should recruit at Cross Fit Games. If a girl wants to prove that she is the best of the best their would be positive results going in as back door recruiters for the CST teams at either the Cross Fit athletes, Spartan games or with the UFC girls.                                    

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Females In War

The reason that females make the best pis and spies is because they can do many things that men sometimes cant, basically this means getting good intel. Especially good looking plants because they have been known to be the cause of more then one marriage's demise. If you need to know what your significant other is all about this is when its time to entice them with sexual entrapment. This is dirty but it happens every day. Women just know how to get the job done and this premise hold true on the battlefield as well. A few years ago I saw how some females were training for the spec ops simulation, this is when I knew that women could do just as much as the men in many cases. This argument has been going on for years, I used to feel differently but now I don't. That is why Cultural Support Teams  or (CST's) fit in quite well during Socom missions. The number one thing to get is intel and this is why females can and will be able to fill in the voids and gaps that men cant always close. That is because if you are a Ranger and you are busting down a door kicking ass and taking names a female will be able to put other females at ease thus bringing down defense mechanisms.                                                                                                                                 
    The knuckle dragging trigger puller days are becoming less and less with the GWOT- Humint and Sigint and females definitely have a place in the war zone. Whether its Wonder Woman or Jennifer Gardner's role in The Kingdom girls can kick down a few doors just like the men. I haven't met a female that would be able to take me out yet but I am sure I will one day.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Friday, July 14, 2017

Tell It To The Judge

I am jumping back on the Trump Train A train bandwagon, his Attorney General means business especially with this Opiate Fraud Federal crackdown. 1.3 billion dollars, 50 doctors and 412 people were arrested in the largest health care fraud bust in our nations history. I believe that Sessions has a game plan and that there is a method to the madness. Meaning that even if the Affordable Care Act gets overhauled and there is less money for treatment that may not be such a bad thing.
   The reason the industry got so corrupted was probably because of Obama Care to begin with.  The system got gamed because everybody was allowed to go to treatment multiple times over and this is when the sharks came into swim. I believe that whatever is coming down the pipeline will be better to help fight the Opiate epidemic. Especially when the Feds start helping the Task Force out more with  massive insurance fraud investigations. Snyders lawyer stated that his client wasn't one of the bad guys in the industry (tell it to the  judge) This isn't a game because people suffer immeasurably with the disease of addiction and as a former addict himself he should show some humility and contrition. In other words when the judge slams down his/her gavel to tell him what his fate is hopefully remorse and empathy will be real and sincere. There is nothing worse then when people act like victims when accused of serious crimes, this is when the juries usually show no mercy. That is a long ways away  but in the interim the Feds are stepping up their game in a big way to prove that they are in this for real.                                                                                                                                                          A good defense attorney always tries to make his client look like the good guy so maybe I am jumping the gun on Snyder? Not really because their appears to be a plethora of smoking gun evidence to substantiate that his rehab operations were fraudulent and full of sin. A good lawyer exploits every loophole and angle in the book to get their client off the hook. Some state that is why they cant stand the system but they are just doing their job. There is a chance that their client may be a good guy and that is why they do what they do.  I would only want to be a prosecuting attorney and in one of my other 9 lives this is what I was.  I wouldn't want to represent somebody that was sleazy especially if they had money because many times this makes it even worse. They just hide behind their dollars and cents while the little guys end up doing all of the time. It's good that they are upping the penalties for dealing fentanal, they also need to increase the penalty for anybody that gets caught dealing within a ceratin geographic limit of a sober  home or rehab. This is capitalism 101 but it is also predatory behavior. The street dealers in Delray seem to be complaining that they are the ones getting busted while the white addicts seem to get a free pass. If one is a drug addict their is no free pass involved in this. Chasing dragons is a form of hell all in itself and anybody who has this affliction knows exactly what I am referring to. Especially if one has already been to treatment because that is when the seed gets planted. From that day forward it usually isn't peaches and cream.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .                                                                                                                                                                                             attorney ood e                                                                          

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Thug Life Enforcer Arrest

The Feds finally arrested Eric Snyder and his body snatcher junky hunter associate Christopher Fuller. This is definitely a step in the right direction because people are sick and tired of these slime balls and if I was living in Delray Beach I would be angry too. I lived in Delray for a while and used to buy some weed from the addicts that were kicked out of treatment. If you have thugs that are operating like maphia strong arm enforcers in a business where peoples lives are on the line then this is a major problem. We go to meetings and it talks about rigorous honesty but how do you think these clients felt when they saw how their own sober home was being run? Thug Life Snyder's fb posts went from spiritual and talks about god to thug life fistfuls of cash all because of the devils green. When you have young, hungry and rough around the edges and lets not forget cocky individuals who see daylight and a way to game the system this is almost always bound to happen.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    Snyder reminds me of the boiler room Dean Witter thugs with their baseball cap on backwards that  used to call people up and pitch pump and dump penny stocks. Snyder and his thug life enforcer Christopher Fuller remind me of the mortgage brokers who dropped out of high school but then proceeded to run around the country in their Ferrari and baseball cap on backwards manipulating people to sign on the line that was dotted. The adjustable rate mortgage scam where as long as one had a pulse you would definitely get bought. The difference is that people were trusting these sober home operators with their life.
    I have no doubt that Snyder helped some people but what about the girl who od'd and died when his thug life enforcer was attempting to extort $1,400 out of her family? She didn't pay and was picked up and dropped off at the seedy hotel and apparently was found dead. This is what happens when you have children that are running things, insensitive, it becomes all about the dollars and cents. The Task Force is doing what they are meant to do and that is to go after unscrupulous money hungry insurance fraud scam artists and body snatcher junky hunters. I know that Snyder helped some people out and is known as being somewhat of a decent guy but I also know people that worked for him that 100% back what the Feds are alleging. Money corrupts and absolute money corrupts absolutely. The Task Force is sending a message that is now reverberating  far  and wide. This is because they know the severity of what it means to continually take advantage of people that should be looking up to you for help. Its pretty simple if somebody takes a leak in a cup then that is the sample that you send to the lab and nothing else. The standards aren't that high in this industry. And also don't make up stories and overbill anybody for therapy sessions that never even happened.



Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Truth Bandwagon

Whether its Iraq or Afghanistan, Hurricane Katrina or The Dust Bowl That Almost Was we can never let a good crisis go to waste. Rahm Emanuel knows all about this especially with his capital crony Chicago mob crowd along with Acorn. Michelle Malkin goes into specific detail about how this so called non profit is set up. Racketeering and mob muscle, this  appears to be a  criminal enterprise. William Ayers the Weather Underground these people seem to be on the fringe types and definitely shady characters. Is their any wonder how they could hijack an entire EMS system in Corrupticut and then proceed to stage a school shooting and feign faux crocodile tears? It looks like Acorn was set up to capitalize on the mortgage crisis scam where a lot of innocent people were destroyed by adjustable rate mortgages.
    I am an independent non partisan investigative journalist, unfortunately most people are not. As much as I respect  Malkins exposure of Obummers associates I believe that she is a Republican, conservative Partisan that gets paid to protect the right side while digging up dirt about the left. The reason that I will never run out of writing material is because I am a Populist with no political agenda except the truth. If you are on the Republican side of the fence like Sen McCain but still act shady then so be it, I will still expose this. Malkin was making McCain sound like a decent guy who did have more in common with Joe The Plumber and not Joe The Hedge Fund Manager. I find it strange how McCain would have his picture taken with members of ISIS what was that all about? Also wasn't it McCain who was backing the 9-11 Popular Mechanics investigative version of events?  
    Anyway National Geographic is a bought and sold for publication and this was exemplified by its latest article about Lying. That was actually the cover story so they were apparently going all out in an attempt to educate us about what the truth is and how and why we lie. They lost some cred by stating that the anti vaccine rational minded people weren't exactly on the truth bandwagon. A recent 400 study review- Dr Mercola and Neil and  with Health Ranger bring study after study to the table corroborating what many people already know. Vaccines are not safe and effective. Dr William Thompson top Scientist and CDC whistleblower Dr Andrew Wakefield- The overall consensus is that the damaging effects of vaccines are much worse then the original illness they were intended to prevent.                                   

S. Fla Not Land Of Paradise

Suing Opioid tied drug firms may not work in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves. The Palm Beach Post has an article about how Palm Beach County may look to recoup money spent to combat addiction problems. Michelle Malkin explains this in her Book Culture Of Corruption. Corruptocrats and Capital Cronies who are all in bed with each other. She explains how Mr Fast And Furious Contempt Of Congress worked out  a sweetheart deal for Purdue Pharma in 2004 where the drug maker and one of the kings of the cartel didn't have to admit any wrongdoing. Oxycontin, the drug that is pure heroin in a pill form was apparently marketed as safe and effective even for minor pain.
   The state of West Virginia got hammered and destroyed by this Hill Billy heroin but unfortunately the Rico perps at the top will always find a way to protect the Rico perps at the bottom. The suit was a serious threat to the drug maker, however on the eve of going to trial they pled out to a 10 million dollar fine over a four year period. This money would go to various drug education programs in that dilapidated state filled up and fueled up with my Scots-Irish ancestors. The Opiate crisis has been ravaging this country for years, I was a hard core opiate junky myself. 10 million dollars is a pittance compared to the amount of money that these companies make and lets face it these people will never go to jail because they have so many influence peddlers in their back pocket, the politicians and the drug makers.
   The other conundrum is that a drug like Oxycontin is necessary for chronic pain patients especially cancer victims. Michelle Malkin went into great detail about the Chicago Mob crowd Blago-Refco scandals, UCMC- and not the Marine Corps but rather The University of Chicago Medical Center. She lays out some solid information about how the Democratic Party wasn't so kind hearted and benevolent after all. Valerie Jarret, she names  and was not that impressed with the appointment of Leon Panetta as cia intel man without having any real experience in National Security issues.
   The Bill (HB 477) that increases penalties for those caught selling fentanyl is a good one and makes a lot of sense. I have a strong mind and a weak back but I know people that not only have strong backs but also have strong minds as well and there are still not enough decent jobs down here. Minimum wage is insulting, their are many things wrong with the world that we currently reside in. That leaves addicts with very little choice but to what comes natural after getting sober and that is (helping others) But when many end up getting arrested for Patient Brokering for a law that is so ambiguous this sounds a bit too much like entrapment to me. Its good to know that the Task Force is cracking down but they need to go after the body snatchers and insurance fraud scam artists because they are the real criminals not the patient brokers. The only people that have been arrested thus far have been the sober home owners that received commission for referrals, this happens every day in the business world. It seems a bit too much like the Task Force is making some noise but is only going after the small fries and not the big fish. Addicts need to be placed in jobs and not thrown out on the street.
    Drug Users are lured to S. Fla then lost-(Sun Sentinel-6-26)  3 out of 4 people in private treatment are from out of state. What happens when their insurance runs out? They are kicked to the curb, is that fair for them? Many of these addicts are ending up out on the streets robbing and stealing to get their fix because that is what many active addicts do. So they are being enticed by the aggressive on line marketers to come down to the land of paradise to treat their addiction but then end up getting fueled up with dangerous phycotropics and then repudiated. Recovery Treatment should be more like an 18-24 month process with transitions that shouldn't be overwhelming for the addict to deal with. We need to be encouraged to only go through this process once, we shouldn't have Rober Barons and Racketeers that are going to be banking on our failures because that is when everybody loses.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Vitamin B-3 Niacin Therapy

Dr Berman is the Medical Director of Future Now Detox. After practicing for 20 years within the allopathic, symptom based model he has noticed some promising results with Orthomolecular Therapy. This is what Bill W was studying up until his death in 1971. Bill noticed that B-3 or Niacin Therapy seemed to work well with alcoholic Schizophrenic patients. Dr Berman became frustrated just treating symptoms using toxic pharmaceutical drugs. Evidence seems to point in the direction that depression as well as many other ailments may have something to do with a Vitamin deficiency and this is where NAD comes into play. So the question of the hour is how come there is no FDA approval and more clinical research for this? The same reason Ibogaine is put on the back burner, Big pharmas cartel is making too much money getting people hooked on psychotropics only to have them go down the rabbit hole of interminable hell with no legitimate end game in sight. There are just too many people who concur with what I just wrote so I am never going to back down from  this statement.  Bill W thought that this would be great for the folks in AA as well. Depression and Anxiety are symptoms of an underlying problem and not a chemical imbalance brain disease where vulnerable people have to be medicated for life. I would state that drugs are acceptable for short term use during detox or until all withdrawal symptoms are under control. Out of the 60% of dual diagnosed people with substance use disorder I will humbly state that maybe 5% of these people have what these doctors claim they have. Bi-Polar, etc. Schizophrenia is rare but it does exist. BPD I don't know if that is real, that may just be a creation of the medical establishment.  

Monday, July 10, 2017

Task Force Crackdown

Informants played a role that led to 28 arrests in the drug recovery Task Force crack down. I have a lot of respect for Dave Aronberg because he calls a spade a spade. He stated that the business is a straight out scam where unscrupulous operators are taking advantage of loopholes and laws specifically meant for the very people that they are supposed to be protecting. The Sun Sentinel  has pics of the mug shots of the 28 people arrested, many of these people look like straight out thugs. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are because sometimes looks can be deceiving. Some of these Fla mug shots are along the same lines as Roy Cohn, I saw that guys mugshot he looks like a gangster and a thug, maybe that is because he is. Descendants of the Bugsy Siegel Meyer Lansky crowd where skimming is not allowed just ask Joe Pesci about that. Deniro and Sharon Stone in Casino, this is the mobster crowd that runs Las Vegas. These people are still hooked into our military industrial complex, they came in a long time ago and then never left. Cleaning up the kickback schemes with patient brokering is a necessary evil, I do believe that many of these people didn't know that they were doing anything illegal. Their needs to be a shake down to make room for the others that aren't taking advantage of the system. Unfortunately many of these people are former addicts who were just taking advantage of capitalism in its finest form and are not really criminals. Some are and some aren't, many of these people were con artists and manipulators out on the street so this is just an extension of the natural order of things in their world and even if they are supposedly in recovery themselves which are many.We need better job opportunities so people in recovery don't have to resort to unscrupulous business practices after they get out of treatment. The wages are not meeting the cost of living so many people have no choice but to resort to a life of crime. Actually if one takes a look at the Patient Brokering Law it is so ambiguous, this business practice is considered legal for most other businesses. If Joe Blow recommends a detail shop I will give you a couple of dollars if it ends up in a sale happens every day and multiple times over in the business world. So why is this practice considered illegal in the recovery world? Because too many people without pure intentions are in the business and Aronberg needs to weed them out. That one informant Dudek knew that their was a problem when everybody was "as high as kites" inside a treatment center. With the amount of money being made with insurance fraud and the number of half way houses, and many of these are flop houses that nobody even knows about that are unregulated $275,000 for the Task Force is just not enough. I want to start a non profit where people in recovery would actually get paid. In other words many of the people that are going in and out of the treatment centers need to get sponsors. The only problem is that the supply isn't meeting the demand especially when many old timers don't want to give the rehabber the time of day. This is where Rent A Sponsor comes into play. When life comes at people and things goes sideways a lot of times sponsors are no where to be found. The Reach Out and Touch Someone on the telephone/ cell phone line doesn't always seem to work and this happens more often then not. If somebody is in a recovery home with addicts that are on shaky ground themselves many times these people go out and use together. Many sober homes have been turned upside down by one individual who had a bad day and ended up getting high. Rent A Sponsor would have trained professionals on the telephone line, they will be guaranteed to answer the phone live and it wont cost the addict anything. My mom used to volunteer at Hot Line in Greenwich, Rent A Sponsor would be set up the same way with 100% confidentiality. People need others and Rent A Sponsor may be able to fill in the gaps and voids that are left open in this murky underground of an unregulated industry. The only people that would get paid are the trained pros receiving the calls. The non profit would be paying them but don't worry it wont be set up and run like the Clinton Foundation. Money Launderers that take advantage of the poor and the dilapidated people in Haiti, unbelievable.   

Spirit Of America

When Uncle Sam comes knocking at the door it is very hard to tell a warrior to not join the cause for the greater good especially if one is Born Fighting. The Cats In The Cradle song reminds me of James Webb and his father as well as  his own son. James dad was working on some top secret programs when he told his son that Vietnam was going to be an unwinnable war and didnt want him to go. Fast forward 30 plus years to his own sons situation in Iraq. Not that much was different because the real warriors knew what they were up against. That is because the Scots- Irish are the first ones to show up when the war drum beats start thier battle rythym cadence. The Civil War was a perfect example of a fight against the establishment. It was a manipulation the same way that all of our wars have been. It wasnt about slavery either because the Union held onto thier slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation. The Scots- Irish wariiors of the South were the direct decendants of William Wallaces various clans. Wallace fought the way special ops soldiers fight, no bull shit with rank or arrogance, if you could brawl and fight the way that guerilla warriors do then one could stand next to him. Rank, titles money and all of the status things in life were for the aristrocrats or the noble elites. The Vietnam War was filled up and fueled up with crazed Devil Dogs who volunteered, not that many Americans overall seemed to have been drafted. Marines were born to fight as well, if I am not mistaken Webbs son was Force Recon. The USMC is the progeny of Wallace, Robert The Bruce, Confederates  and many of the other hard core leaders over the years. So after everything the Establishment put our warriors through in Vietanam how did they then have the audacity to do the same thing again in Iraq? So the rebels were provoked by the North and they made up some bs about slavery. They were fighting for their rights and to protect thier honor. The higher ups convinced them that this was a war of independence the same way that the Revolutionary War was. I dont think that the Civil War was neccessary either because lets face it when you are killing kin vs kin you allready lost the moral high ground. Thou Shalt Not Kill especially on ones  home turf. That is how deceitful and manipulative the establishment is. They know that they can create divide and conquer scenarios and that this is when the real warriors will always show up. So the elites created a war in Vietnam and then proceeded to repudiate the warriors when they came back home. James Webb was dis respected and looked down upon by the acacademic types that the establishment created as well. At Georgetown Law his professor had him do a final paper that was a mockery of his service and even used his name in it. The arrogance of these people, and they were allowed to get away with this? Webb stated that if these people acted that way after WW-2 they would have been hunted down and lyched by American Patriot groups. Gen. MacArthurs father was part of this tribal Chieftans clan during the Civil War and won the Medal Of Honor. Also the elites now are creating bs about the rebel soldiers and the Confederate Flag and how we no longer should honor their service and sacrifice. That is a direct insult to Robert E Lee himself. They are making up more stories and creating another divide and conquer scenario about the Rebels being racist and still seem to bring up the slavery issue. A very small percentage of the populace even owned slaves during the Civil War. The last page of Born Fighting sums up who the Scots- Irish are- "Who are we? We are the molten core at the very center of the unbridled, raw, rebellious spirit of America. We helped build this nation, from the bottom up. We face the world on our feet and not on our knees. We were born fighting. And if the cause is right we will never retreat."

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Journey Not A Destination

The first thing one must do is admit that their is a problem and then address this issue head on. That is what the recovery world is doing by attempting to clean this mess up. In a program of rigorous honesty there is nothing worse then unscrupulous individuals that engage in act of deceptive marketing. We have an opiate crisis and peoples lives are on the line, these shysters have to go. They either have to be regulated out of business or put in jail. There is so much money being made in this gold rush that many places are being opened up as pure profit centers as their number one motive. This is why many places have their client piss in a cup and have it sent to the lab three times a week. In an environment that has 24/7 techs and supervision there is no valid reason to send anybody's piss to the lab and have them do a multi pronged 50 panel analysis on a regular basis. Labs are important and necessary however especially when one isn't using them as a pure profit center but still needs to find out if somebody is getting high or not specifically with substances that don't register with a regular 7 panel drug test. The Fla Legislature has created a series of new laws that make bait and switch internet marketing a felony. If blatant fraudulent marketing is involved where a person makes a materially false or misleading statement knowingly and willfully this will now be categorized as a felony. There are web marketers that advertise in various states with the full intent of leading somebody down into the swamp pit of South Fla. If parents aren't educated about what real recovery entails this is how many of our 20 something addicts are now ending up dead. Recovery is a journey and not a destination, this means that sober homes need to start to marketing all of the positive aspects of how a sober living community can help people to get and stay sober. This is why FARR is a great program because their recovery  house recommendation  is based off of the California model of Sober Living which has been around for many years, since the inception of AA itself which is over 80 years. Sobriety isn't a race but rather it's a way of life. This is why one can effectively live in one of these communities for an extended period of time and then proceed to become part of the solution rather then the problem. Most of the people are in the business for the right reasons because they care and they take it personally when they see slime balls hinder the chances of one getting sober. As the business gets cleaned up real marketing will take place where one can track recovery rates the way that rehabs try to do. The best thing a sober home can do is test regularly because you are giving the client the best chance to acknowledge the severity of their illness. If one cant stay clean in a sober house this should be red flag 101. This is why labs are very important to test for synthetic and over the counter drugs. Kratom etc.. Now Deadly Adulterants are coming into play. Mark Gold MD explains in the new Sober World how drug dealers are now making their own heroin and carfentanil with clandestine labs. A lot of these pills are counterfeit but still get you high and can and will kill you because they are being laced with fentanyl analogues. One gram of pure fentanyl can be cut into 7,000 doses for street sale. The Mexican Cartels have figured out that fentanyl analogues is much less expensive to produce with their own labs and when the demand to get high is still going to be very strong their will always be an angle to exploit this.  K-9's and police officers that have been passively exposed to fentanyl and carfentanil have od'd.  Mark Gold goes on to explain how Bath Salts and Synthetic weed have come back into play as well. Many people end up in the er's tripping their brains out from synthetic weed, it states right on the package that it is not fit for human consumption. These deadly synthetic adulterants are now being laced with many of the drugs so now addicts more then ever aren't going to  know exactly what they are  getting. A lot of times this is part of the rush for the addict, the deadly game of playing with their own life. Molly is a perfect example of this- MDMA- and whatever else that is in that drug seems to work quite well especially during Raves. I own mysoberteam but if somebody called me up I wouldn't try to lure them down here first and foremost. One must always do what is in the best interest of the client. Many people got sober by going to their local AA with no rehab detox etc or without any geographic changes. The only thing you have to do is change everything but don't make any major changes within the first year. I would recommend that people don't come down here, but if they do and want to get sober their will be a lot of positive encouragement and support.. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

Born Fighting

Apparently I am Scots-Irish and my people went to Appalachia to settle. That is why I am not into the noble elites with their noses up in the air like many of the people that are clearly affected. The affected types who are natives of Greenwich where money is their god, most people know who I am referring to. Instead of being higher powered they are powered by the devils green. James Webb should be our President. He is one of the fiercest warriors this country has ever known. In reincarnation times he would have been standing right next to William Wallace. I don't have as much respect for Robert The Bruce because he took out Comyn. The only reason that this is somewhat understandable is because he tried to take him out once. The Bruce found out who his fiercest rival was and then proceeded to murder him in cold blood. At least Wallace was taking people out with honor to avenge the murder of his wife, he was also fighting for the freedom of his people. Thou Shalt Not Kill- Their is no real honor in killing another man, that is why The Bruce has now been effectively downgraded many notches as far as the list of great leaders. The list of great Scots Irish leaders are many- Daniel Boone, Davey Crockett, Lewis And Clark, and at least a dozen of our Presidents- A major portion of both the Confederate and Union Armies, they have been Americas bravest, the Scots Irish, the first to show up for all of our wars, the working class. Our military leaders- Stonewall Jackson, Patton, many Marine Corps Commandants and generals, the list goes on. We cant forget about how many of these great leaders fought in the Revolutionary War. We are also great writers, artists and musicians. Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne etc.. I am more Confederate then Union but we never were really fighting over slavery. The problem is that too many of our people have been killed in our wars especially the Civil War. I don't see it as a means to end its more like an exercise in futility. David Hackworth, another one of our countries fiercest leaders was also part of this clan. He was anti high brass military establishment and he let them know it. He spoke out against the Vietnam War, he was one of the highest decorated soldiers of the 20 century. He died of Agent Blue instead of Agent Orange. Their seems to be no great honor to fight and die for the establishment. Hackworth was a great writer and was also co-founder of VT- That is why I now know for sure that VT is legit. Our Potus let me down in a big way because he is from the Scots-Irish clan but he acts like he is part of the establishment. Lose the suit and lose the act, he went over to Scotland and called one of the farmers a slob that was obstructing the view of his new golf course. You cant make believe that you are something that you are not, that is why James Webb should really be our President. He would be able to make our country great again. I know for sure that he would never escalate unnecessary conflagrations and he would also never lie to us. That is the Scots Irish way that is fierce, loyal and fueled with honor, it is also highly spiritual. I went to Richards about 10 years ago to shake his hand, he stopped by early but  had to leave. I know that he was highly critical of the Bush cronies Iraq War as well. He wasn't particularly interested in having a picture with Bush and his son. He was angry and wanted to have his son out of Iraq. Webb is a prolific writer and should have been the Democratic nominee for President. He wasn't interested in being VP for Obummer- He is one of the few pure and real leaders out there. Most salt of the earth Scots Irish warriors don't go into the dirty world of politics

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Survival Of The Fittest

The know it all was the first one to fall. After watching a few episodes of Naked And Afraid I couldn't help but notice what a petty narcissist know it all this one guy was. He claimed to be among the best in the world as a survivalist and wasn't afraid to let everyone know this especially his partner. For starters nobody is ever supposed to toot their own horn, humility is always the key to success. If you are any good at something people should find out about this on their own and not by you telling them. Secondly one of the four agreements is to never make assumptions, this means that you take off your teacher instructor hat while doing something for real and take a dose of some humble pie instead. One of the best operators out there from a unit that was so dark and deep that not that many people ever even heard of them told me this. He said if you think that you are the best their is always somebody better. The program teaches us that we don't have to be the best est of anything, just a mere mortal and let the chips fall where they may. So this clown in Naked And Afraid kept instructing when the actual scenario started instead of shutting his mouth and listening. You can't  assume that your partner knows less then you, the only way to find out is to lay low and listen, you don't even have to ask that many questions either to find out what somebody is really all about. That is what good spies do, they do a lot more listening and definitely a lot less talking especially about themselves unless that is what their role requires. So this guy didn't ask any questions and kept rambling about how to survive out in the real world of the jungle and then he was the first one to fall. He ended up with three different diseases like malaria, the whole 9 yards. When I came into the program I was a 1 chip wonder and was a little too cocky for my own good but I was also very young. Confidence is the name of the game, cockiness is what gets people in trouble. I didn't have as much compassion for the chronic relapsers either until I became one myself. Karma works in mysterious ways. The partner of this guy didn't appreciate his know it all attitude. You could tell this guys entire identity was wrapped around being a survival guide for a living without decent people skills. A good team player empowers their partner and that is when interdependence comes into play. I would want to do Naked And Afraid and I would listen to my partner and would assume that she is proficient in many things and hopefully she did a little bit more then the average bear. Outward Bound would be a good start. I will be the first one to tell you that I may suck but at least I will try. I rang the bell when I blacked out in the pool during a seal hell week simulation and that is because I am miserable in the water. I also have chronic back issues so the fact that I even tried that at almost 39 is a lot more then what most people would ever try to do. I did ok when I was homeless and I was really hungry, so I have decent training for Naked And Afraid. The other thing is that one can do a train up for something like Naked And Afraid but being homeless was not something I was expecting so this made it that much more difficult. The same operator that told me how important humility was also told me that one always has to be ready for anything and everything because that is what separates the wheat from the chaff. It pays to be a winner, I respect people who are humble and low key. Our Potus is not, he brags too much and it looks as if his business track record is alot more hot air and self promo then real skill. My dad has real business skill, he never fucked anybody over for money either and would never think about some blowhard bull shit Trump University that took advantage of many of the poor folks. That is the difference, one needs empathy to be an effective leader or business person. My dad should have been Potus, I guarantee that Iraq and Afghanistan wouldn't have been handled the way it was either.