Friday, June 30, 2017

Heroin Crisis This guy is a total idiot and a moron. He is a typical no nothing politician who  should read a few books about the disease of addiction. His quote- "An addict obviously doesn't care about his life" So the solution to his financially drained city is to possibly not respond to od's and let the patient die? He should get together with Bill Gates and work on a business proposal on how to implement death panels effectively. Seriously what does this man really know about how much an addict cares about their own life and one of the four agreements is to never make assumptions. Typical apathetic bureaucrat and that is why he is in that position to begin with. Its either kickbacks or collusion, self aggrandizement or ignorant comments, these people are mostly all cut from the same cloth. Its a financial drain on the city as well as the country but there are much better solutions to this opiate epidemic. There is a fine line between decriminalizing drugs and harsh penalties, drugs should be decriminalized but there should also be consequences as far as mandatory treatment. An od should be treated as a potential crime scene but only to punish the dealer not the user. The chronic recidivist od patient should get a Marchman Act, that is why interventions need to be done and records should be kept. Actually after the first od people should get a Marchman Act. If you almost die and in many cases actually do then that should be enough to green light a treatment program. This is also why more publically funded facilities need to be opened. Not everybody has insurance or money for expensive rehabs however people can get sober by other means. The ems units and er rooms seem to be inundated with ods, these people shouldn't be left back out on the streets left to their own devices. That is why family members need to get involved to sign off on these Marchman Acts. Treatment is a place of discovery, recovery can happen once they leave but everybody deserves that chance to get better. This is not a joke, so this councilman just wants to not send an ems unit for another od to let the patient die? Consequences in the form of treatment not community service and then these people can see that they have a reason to live with positive support groups after treatment. This kind of paperwork should already be initiated in the system so why this new health care act is going to cut funding for publically funded treatment facilities is beyond me. Detox's and psych wards are basically the same thing, these od patients need more then a 3 day hiatus from their addiction. Actually many of these people are left out of the er room right away after they od and after many were actually resurrected from the dead by Narcan. If somebody ods then they are a threat to themselves and others because lets face it if somebody ods and dies right in front of you then this is going to cause emotional distress. 3 to 4 day detoxes are not enough, people need to decompress in a either a facility or a strict sober home with 24/7 techs or sober companions to make sure that they don't get any more dope. The power to kill oneself has to be taken away from these people for a while and this should be implemented after their first od, this way they can clear up enough to decide if they want to live and get and stay sober. This isn't like the olden days of alcoholism where people had to come to that realization themselves outside of the rooms. This heroin epidemic is taking the disease of addiction to an entirely different level. A lot of the fentanyl and carfentanil is coming in from the Dark Web. Cities that are going into the red like the one in Ohio need more funding for treatment and for ems calls and they also need smarter councilman for starters.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Training School For The New Politician

 A council woman was arrested for allegedly stealing 23k from Boca Raton High School's safe where she worked as a treasurer in 2015. As an aspiring politician she stated that she needed to learn how to communicate with politicians and bragged about the no nonsense way that she solved problems as the school treasurer. She is known for her brash demeanor and was quoted in 2015 "in her world their is no red tape" In her world she tackled issues head on. Everybody deserves their day in court and lets face it 23k is a pittance compared to how much other politicians steal on a routine basis but its the thought that counts. It doesn't matter if it is 2 dollars or 23k life is harsh and cruel, that is why many  people feel the need to fill in the void or gaps. Her husband is a Palm Beach County Sheriff so this doesn't look very good for the new brash aspiring politician on the block who clashed repeatedly with the mayor and called him "old fashioned." She also thought that it was "sad" when he made an inference that she was inexperienced. I have high hopes for the new council woman because she is getting indoctrinated into the dirty world of politics where the more money that one steal's and spends the more money that you make. Nobody makes it in this day and age without being a ruthless criminal so this is like trying out for Skull And Bones or hanging out at Bohemian Grove. Its all a vetting process and absolutely nobody will ever respect you if your hands have always been clean. Its like in American Gangster Det. Richie Roberts played by Russell Crowe, his fellow NYPD cops looked down on him in derision when he didn't steal on a routine basis. Its like reverse peer pressure, Serpico found that out the hard way. That is why Gov Rick Scott hangs out with Marco Rubio. Mr healthcare brainchild of a criminal enterprise combined with a politician who used to associate with the Bush cronies. When I saw major holes in that Pulse shooting in Orlando as far as the veracity of it even being a real event and then saw how he was requesting blood donations this made me feel sick. All of these politicians make me sick including our Potus because he says that things are "sad" on a regular basis as well. I just dont see that any of these people are really out for the greater good and that is why they got into politics to begin with. Self Serving agendas where they aren't considered part of the in crowd until they rob cheat and steal. That is the only way to get things done around here, the secret handshakes. This Health Care Bill being proposed by the Republicans seems to be worse then ObamaCare. People should get Universal Health Care without paying egregious amounts for insurance premiums. The only thing insurance companies do is find reasons why they don't have to pay once a claim is submitted, they are all lawyered up so why not get rid of all of the politicians and complicated Health Care Care scams. The lobbyists have Suboxone agendas and every other kickback scheme one can imagine all under the phony guise of serving our greater good- "sad"

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Very Well Written Review

 Collin Odonnell- Amazon Book Review- This articulate review of The New Pearl Harbor is quite revealing and very well worded, concise and very accurate-
The New Pearl Harbor, or Everything You Always Wanted to Know about 9/11 (But Were Afraid to Ask)

As a result of careful media spinning, the bizarre and unfounded notion of American exceptionalism, and overwhelming ignorance to any contradicting facts (be it self-willed or not), the majority of Americans still believe Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The people who still believe the ‘official story’ generally fall into three categories: 1) Patriots who still believe that America is ‘the land of the free and the home of the brave.' 2) Those who accept what their leaders tell them without a thought given to their various agendas and biases. 3) Those who react violently (emotionally) to any sort of ‘conspiracy theory’ in fear that what they’re spouting might actually be true. These three groups are in no way mutually exclusive. In fact, overlap is pretty much guaranteed. The main advantage that these people have over the ‘Truthers’ (a term that should not be a pejorative, but for some reason is) is that they don’t have to argue with facts. They can simply call the opponent a delusional nut-job and end things at that. It’s the burden of Truthers to lay down a compelling argument contrary to the ‘official story,’ and retired professor David Ray Griffin presents in two carefully researched volumes a wealth of damning evidence supporting not only American complicity of the September 11th attacks, but overall orchestration.

Griffin is an academic above all and is in no way a representation of the stereotypical conspiracy theorist whose dimly-lit basement walls are collaged with newspaper articles and yarn. He’s simply an educated man in search of the objective truth, as every American should be. Taking a level-headed and emotionally-detached look at the massive and varied array of evidence disproving the ‘official story,’ Griffin systematically shreds every single strand of the government’s poorly spun web of lies. He dissects the impossibility of the attacks themselves, rightfully concluding that all signs point to false-flag instead of the purported ‘massive communication breakdown’ as a result of incompetence (although incompetence was certainly in the cards when it came to the sloppy conception of the ‘official story.’) Beyond the highly incriminating and contradictory evidence presented by the government and media about the events of 9/11, Griffin culls both pre and post-9/11 history and collects the undeniable motives of perpetrating such a heinous crime and contrasts them with the results of Bush’s ‘War on Terror.’ He sheds light on the fact that the 9/11 commission investigating the attacks was 100% bias and government orchestrated. Along with this, Griffin presents a cast of tragic heroes, government workers who were bullied and silenced in their attempts to take an objective look at 9/11. Furthermore, he uses historical precedent (the thankfully abandoned Operation Northwoods, the sinking of the USS Maine) as a device to help the reader understand that the government is not above harming innocent civilians as a pretext for military action. All of these points and more are the building blocks of Griffin’s book, yet he doesn’t stop at these broad highlights. His in-depth and tireless research can be clearly seen in the 1000+ citations used in the book’s creation. Reading The New Pearl Harbor volumes and The 9/11 Commission Report back-to-back, it’s obvious Griffin’s research and objective standpoint make a far more compelling argument than the heavily-biased, narrow-minded, and government-backed Commission Report.

The New Pearl Harbor is probably the most important work of modern non-fiction not to be recognized by the general public. Why, one might ask, is this so? Simply put, Griffin doesn’t dance around the obvious like many political writers tend to do. Many commercially successful books have been written about the corrupt Bush administration and the oil agenda of the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, but while these writers seem very open to the widely publicized corruption and greed of the American Government in the Middle East, they neglect crucial facts about the event that kicked it all off. Why don’t they challenge the 9/11 ‘official story’ of the government they openly criticize as corrupt? Because they would be challenging the beliefs of over half of our nation, and that kind of reporting doesn’t sell books on a mass scale. Of course All the President’s Men was a huge hit, but Watergate was a kind of scandal that people could believe the government was capable of having perpetrated. 9/11, on the other hand, is a comparatively enormous scandal that blocks the common sense of Americans due to its sheer magnitude. We don’t want to believe it’s true, so we ignore any evidence that it might be. That’s why The New Pearl Harbor isn’t a bestseller, and that’s why wholly honest reporting is doomed unless reporters and writers can put ego, popularity, and financial gain on the back burner and focus on the unadulterated truth.

The New Pearl Harbor

As the great towers of York came crumbling down in a devastating pile of ash and dust what really happened on that fateful day? After reading the updated edition of The New Pearl Harbor I have gained some new insight. The crime of the century wasn't Russia allegedly meddling in the US election but rather a day like no other, a beautiful Autumn day with perfect weather conditions. How could something so awful happen on a day that was so good looking? The late great Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote the Grand Chessboard in 1997 in his attempt to explain what economic and military imperialism was supposed to be all about. Three years later the neo-cons created the PNAC plan which mentioned a Pearl Harbor type event. The Zbig felt that we needed to not only dominate in the air, on the ground and within the sea but in outer space as well because that is where real power can be derived. This way a Pax Americana or American peace can be established. "If we suspect foul play but keep silent out of fear, we can say farewell to any pretense to being the land of the free and home of the brave''. And, infact, to being a democracy. We may simply have to go down roads where we don't want to go" pp-160- Griffin wrote a brilliant book, especially the updated edition. For me once certain facts were acknowledged there was never any real vacillation between a theory of incompetence vs the conviction of  collusion and complicity across the board. David Ray Griffin presents so much smoking gun evidence that one would realistically have to be in on it so to speak in order to buy into the official so called 9-11 investigation. It is almost cartoonish how they went about trying to cover up their tracks. Especially W's See Spot Run Dick And Jane reaction with the kids when he was told about planes that hit the towers. Their are a lot of actors involved so this would make it difficult to ever have a real investigation. Some actors may be even good enough to be willing to testify under oath and some may even seem to be credible. I don't trust Robert Mueller that is why  am not buying into how above board and what a stand up represantive of the Bureau he was  supposed to be. John Oneill was the man to talk to but unfortunately he is no longer around. Mueller stated that the initial 1 month investigation was the most exhaustive in the FBI's  history? One month and only a pittance budget for the crime of the century, that appears to be a little suspicious? And then to have the neo-cons that planned it to have them actually conduct the investigation and then proceed to seal it off how much more ridiculous can these people really get? Until as Americans we take the power away from the alphabets and the criminals above them who were the masterminds to begin with we will never be able to adjudicate the real crime of the century. Some investigators point the finger at Israel and Saudi Arabia because that takes the heat of the Pax Americanas who have much more culpability across the board. I am not talking about Stand Downs and letting it happen either. I am talking about the wizard of OZ sitting behind the curtain with wheel barrels full of cash to do what ever they want when ever they please. Creating reality because they are history's actors. And when ever some heat comes crashing down on  them that is when they can decide to create another version of reality and then proceed to write the script from a different angle. Either way its all a game and we are the pawns.  Its their form of entertainment creating history since all of the actors are on their payroll. Its a Sisyphean task to go after the real chess players of our world. For normal people it's a deep dark and ugly rabbit hole but for the real king makers and writers of The Grand Chessboard its all fun and games and money making. The only way the Free Mason hoax black magic way. The Grassy Knoll meet The New Pearl Harbor- This one will go down in the history books for its brilliant insight.   

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Power Of Prayer

We need more prayer and spiritual enlightenment and less money makers in Science. Drug Users are lured to S. Fla then lost- Front page Sun. Sun Sentinel- Heavy cpc based marketing campaigns appear on the internet around the country to capitalize on this Opiate Crisis. However many clients end up on the street after their insurance runs out with no where to go. If they end up having a recurrence some end up dead after seeking beds at publicly funded facilities like DAF in Delray. I don't get how funds are being decreased and why their are less publically funded beds now compared to 10 years ago? How can their be less beds available now when the opiate crisis has never been worse? Nobody has ever seen this type of carnage so why less funding? Hopefully the Task Force is cracking down on the body snatchers but many of these people still need a place to go if they get kicked out of their sober house. Medical Marijuana will be a better replacement for chronic pain patients but this still doesn't seem like this will help out the overall heroin epidemic. Most of the addicts today get hooked by meds that were easily accessible with their friends not because they were legitimate chronic pain patients. Most chronic pain patients don't want to be on their meds and don't have the disease of addiction or Reward Deficiency Syndrome. Marijuana will help these people but the old conundrum comes into play when one asks what about the chronic pain patient who's bodies are  physically hooked on their meds are they drug addicts/alcoholics? No because its mostly a biological condition one has from birth combined with epigenetic/environmental issues. Its not a brain disease or chemical imbalance of depression that makes one become a drug seeker. Dr Blum describes it a shortage of Dopamine D2 receptors. This means that most chronic pain patients can start to smoke medical marijuana once it gets legalized in all 50 states instead of taking their opiates which are much more physically addictive. The true alcoholic/ drug addict cant stop once they start but if they do it wont be easy and it usually wont be for very long. Some can stay dry on their own but this is the exception rather then the norm. I could stay dry for a few but I would always find a way to justify a pill in an attempt to fill up the hole in my soul called alcoholism. A true alcoholic has an obsession of the mind and an allergy of the body where the chronic pain patient who gets hooked on their meds just has a temporary physical dependence on the substance. Hopefully its only temporary but many chronic pain patients cant live with out these drugs so what then? They would rather not be on them because their brains aren't wired that way. My brain is wired that way but I never enjoyed getting or being high because my affinity for getting or being high was ruined at 16. The preceding 3 years I ended up with harsh consequences so I never enjoyed being drunk or high. Some state that as alcoholics/drug addicts they really enjoyed getting or being high. I don't think that this is the case for most people once you get hooked. We do it as a means to cope because life on life's terms is too much to deal with and as alcoholics we cant unless a spiritual solution is substituted. After the initial stage of euphoria one just chases that dragon and that dragon will always be second best. Being dope sick is hell on earth, in between seeking money for the drug in sometimes unscrupulous ways makes it hard for me to believe that people actually enjoy this. That is why the spiritual solution must be administered. These rehabs in my humble opinion should condition the patients for daily morning prayer. Get rid of the meds and bring in the mandatory prayer and meditation until they feel comfortable doing this on their own. After one leaves rehab they must continue the routine until it becomes second nature, this would undoubtedly bring up the recovery rate tenfold. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Only In America

How does one get to run for President of the United States? You become a Rico perp yourself by letting all of the Rico perps slide and get free passes. Mr Fast And Furious Contempt of Congress is considering a 2020 presidential run. Lets see Eric Holder was in the know about the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 check out A Noble Lie- Lets see what else he gave all of the Rico perps a green light during The Dustbowl That Almost Was-  Angelo Mozillo from Countrywide, Barney Frank, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae etc.. these people ran away with a fortune. Lanny Breur Mr Assistant Attorney General had a few sit downs and made believe that he was going to attempt to lock up some bad guys but ended up only taking down a few small fry loan originators. If that wasn't enough Holder then proceeded to launch false flags all over the place with his best bud and partner in crime Obummer and company since they are both two peas in a pod. They made a good team, especially Project Longevity where they staged a school shooting and made believe that little children were murdered with plenty of staged and phony grief and faux crocodile tears to boot. That was a grand heist in the state of CT the unconstitutional state where only the rich and lawless dare to live. He had to brainwash us about the dangers of guns as well. How much money did they steal during the Sandy Hook False Flag? I don't know but it was enough to keep his handlers happy because he ended up getting millions of dollars per year after retirement with some cushy Wall Street firm. They did such a good job with the Sandy Hook Swindle and the Dust Bowl That Almost Was that now they may let him run for president in 2020. I don't think he was ever part of the Barbados mob, just the American war cartel where the more money that you spend and steal the more money you make just like Halliburton and company. What more can we expect in the land of the unfree and home of the slaves- I hope our Potus can turn things around, unfortunately he may be part of the dirty crowd as well. I give our Potus a 6.5 right now however that scale is not a border line failing grade. In other words this scale is not based like school where the grade would be 65 out of 100 which would mean a D- Its more like a bell curve scale where a 6.5 is more like a C+/B- with room for improvement. His Iowa speech rally upped his grade, especially since he is taking down MS- 13. On top of that I am hoping to end up with  a job where I don't have to break my back and go to my chiro. He needs to start dropping truth bombs with Jeff Sessions and proceed  to go after the Rico perps at the top who protected all of the Rico perps at the bottom otherwise this country's criminal justice system will continue to be a joke. Instead of going to jail these people get to run for President, only in America

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Its interesting to understand what people will be willing to do as long as you have an open checkbook. I don't have a problem with prostitution infact prostitution is even more legit then many of these scam artists because their is no subterfuge or smoke and mirrors involved. I am checking out The Great Global Warming Swindle by Martin Durkin. John Coleman who co-founded the Weather Channel stated that climate change is the greatest scam in history. Our Potus in 2012 stated that The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make American manufacturing non competitive. Some state that it is The biggest scam of modern times. Junk Science money maker motives where people write articles and hide behind impressive titles the same way that MDs attempt to substantiate the clinical efficacy and long term safety of antidepressants and anxiolytics. These appear to be the same type of people who justify vaccines and have MDs write articles for them that the string pullers created and wrote to begin with. It appears to be all mind control and political manipulation. So its a good thing that our Potus pulled out of that Paris global warming scam. The thing that is upsetting to me is that people seem to have partisan ideologies where it doesn't matter where the evidence seems to lead. In other words liberals seem to be on the global warming climate change bandwagon. So let me get this straight if something seems to have legitimate holes in the story this doesn't matter because if one is a democrat  that is just their self serving agenda? We need to take politics completely out of the equation from now on. It is such a complete waste of time- divide and conquer us vs them many of the democrats seem to be backing climate change as if it were real.  When are people going to come out of the closet and identify themselves as Americans not a left wing right wing or any other bs label people seem to have. I have liberal views and conservative but I have no agenda except for what's best for future generations and I loath con artist Free Mason actors who stage deaths and have phony tears. Faking grief and getting paid to legitimize junk science are people that should be aggressively targeted. I respect Trump for going after MS-13. He stated in his Iowa rally that the people taking them down are a lot meaner and that is the way it should be. We cant have gangs and violent thieves operating in this country. MS-13 members are especially ruthless and brutal. My rating scale on Trump went up to a 6.5 up from a 4 because it appears that he is creating jobs and Wall Street seems to be having a Trump rally. Creating more jobs in America by pulling out of Junk Science Globalist agenda driven special interest scams are the way to go. What could be worse then hiding by faux globalist humanitarianism? Many people really know that much of our Science is total junk and that these hoax scam artists are really on the band wagon to preserve their own greedy special self interests.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

No More Grand Poobah Why is everybody saying mean things about Megyn Kelly- I would like to see some of her critics go up on that stage and try to do what she does. I don't think that Jones was accurate with his assessment that she was a hypocrite who lied about not doing a hit piece. She has courage for interviewing Jones, a controversial figure on her new show what has anybody else ever done? Nobody else will ever get their own show so its easy to criticize somebody when you are sitting on the sidelines. She is good looking and smart, a former prosecutor, you cant pass the bar without being very sharp. She asked pertinent questions and did a good job so why are people whining and complaining? People should be built up for success rather then failure. In this shadenfruede cruel world that we currently live in people seem like they would like to do nothing more then to kick people when they are down, what does that really say about human nature in general? What other main stream media stars had the courage to interview Alex Jones, I rest my case. AJ says things that have been taboo in main stream media for many years so maybe this should now start to change. Jones stated that our government allowed 9-11 to happen but what  he should have said was that they also planned it years in advance. He stated that kids probably died in the SHES shooting but it looked like a drill- he knows that kids didn't really die so why placate the bull shitters and attempt to play devils advocate? He went as far as his gatekeepers allowed him to but unfortunately this wasn't far enough. People should do a little due diligence on their own before lambasting AJ for being unstable or cruel for stating the kind of things that he does. He may be a provocateur but he is also a patriot and its a good thing that he is friendly with our Potus. What msm probably understands by now is that we the people can think for ourselves so whatever op-ed hit piece that is written can and will be checked by multiple sources. There is no msm Grand Poobah final authority anymore. Megyn Kelly initiated this by allowing a so called conspiracy theorist into the arena so to speak. So the cia/msm labels real investigators as nut job fringe conspiracy theorists instead of just professional investigators or investigative journalists that should say it all. Dr P. Dr James Fetzer, Dr Kevin Barett, Dr James Tracey, Dr Preston James and Wolfgang Halbig, they all cant be whack job fringe conspiracy theorists. So the cat is now out of the bag. Megyn Kelly should be praised for her efforts for allowing this to happen    

Dual Diagnosis Fraud

This is a snippet that I cut and am now pasting from a knowledgeable individual who does their best to explain how the dual diagnosis scam works- It went like this:(dual diagnosis explained)

We are "Recovery Resources Inc" treatment center/rehab. We think every emotion is a mental health problem, caused by a brain chemical imbalance.

This is only our first meeting.
You and your family are desperate to try anything.

Using little information, We are dual diagnosing you as alcoholic/substance abuser and 'crazy.' Here's a prescription for several brain-disabling drugs.

They don't get you "high" these brain-disabling drugs, but good luck when you try to stop taking them when your tired of life as a zombie and/or the dozens of side effects.

We did this to you without any lab test, brain scan or any procedure known to medical science that you in fact "have" the "illness" implied by our diagnostic labels.

You're now locked into a life-time diagnosis, needing life-time psychiatric "treatment".

Then we (psychiatry) as a whole gets life-time payments: either from you or from your health insurance."

We never get questioned by anyone. And, if the scam is found out, we got peers and attorneys to cover it up."

The on you.

You now have a Dual diagnosis psychiatric label, have a nice life.) This snippet is based in complete truth however these scam artists have a lot of seemingly educated people who are aiding and abetting in this type of egregious fraud. Isn't having one disease enough to deal with? Alcoholism/ drug addiction can be a life long struggle so when unscrupulous treatment centers who have their hooks deeply entrenched in places they shouldn't be by taking advantage and misdiagnosing clients with something that was never even real in the first place then people should be held accountable. The first step is getting rid of the shady half way house operators, progress is being made on this. Addicts have drug seeking behavior so when a nurse PR actioner opens up her magic wand with every psychotropic known to man how can we really resist? We have symptoms not a chemical balance brain disease of depression, general anxiety disorder, bi-polar and every other made up illness that big pharmas war machine is capitalizing on. When I was coming off of Xanax I saw Lucifer himself so nobody is going to tell me that Satan doesn't have his claws dug deeply into this money making scam. The genie is out of the bottle however not enough people are talking about this therefore this is  giving the inmates who are still running the asylum too much power. There is no bigger sin or higher crime then taking advantage of somebody when they are sick. The Hippocratic Oath must be adhered to, there is a valid reason that real MDs look down on quack shrinks in derision. They are considered wanna be doctors which doesn't really matter as far as the big picture is concerned. However when these dual diagnosis psychiatrists that are in bed with the majority of substance abuse treatment centers are doing more harm then good and taking advantage of vulnerable addicts and alcoholics then yes this is a problem and its a big one.  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Cognitive Dissonance Quacks We can see that cognitive dissonance quite clearly in Ronald Pies' claim that the "chemical imbalance" theory was always a kind of urban legend. The fact that psychiatrists, for a long period of time, regularly told patients that the drugs fix chemical imbalances in the brain represented a fundamental betrayal of those patients. So once the chemical imbalance story fell apart publicly, what does Pies do? Does he admit, even in his own mind, that psychiatrists told this false story to patients for decades? No, he says well-informed psychiatrists never said it and places the blame on the pharmaceutical companies for telling that false story. Pies makes this argument even though it is easy to document that the leaders of the APA often told this chemical imbalance story to the public, and that, even today, many prominent psychiatrists serve on advisory boards of patient advocacy groups that continue to tell it to the public. (These frauds lie all the time)

Opiate Treatment Cuts

:// The Young Turks has an expose today on how our Potus is trying to cut opiate funding treatment during the worst opiate crisis to ever hit our shores. Todays Palm Beach Post- Opioid Crisis now a burden on hospitals- ER treatment soars 99% and inpatient care rises 64%. So why cut funding at a time when  we need it most? Obama wasn't that bad, I was really sold up and down the river by how evil he was supposed to be. Unfortunately I don't think that I trust our Potus anymore. Dr P stated that the last 3 presidents were sociopaths but  I no longer think that this is true. I believe that there is  and was a Trump neo-con Agenda at Infowars and with AJ that was sold to us under the phony guise of libertarianism. I believe that Slick Willy was a sociopath, possibly W and company but not Obama. Unfortunately our current Potus has NPD, I knew this a long time ago but I deleted it from my blog that I wrote when I came out in support of his decision to run for President. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. I still like and respect him and feel that he has a lot of admirable qualities however their is no cure for NPD. This means that he really doesn't give a shit about me or you and has a serious lack of empathy. Self aggrandizing, being a blowhard and a refusal to ever admit ones mistakes is also a hallmark trait of this disorder. Its a serious one that has many professionals worried about our future. Not only that I read some articles that claim that he has a tremendous amount  of debt and that his self professed success and business acumen is nothing more then a lot of hot air and self promotion. I don't see how he can turn our country into something great when he acts just like the Fed himself. Pernicious usury and having funny money printed out of nowhere is the hallmark of being a Free Mason hoax.. Getting rich by not paying your bills and creating faux Universities is not my idea of being successful. Bankruptcies and hanging out with mobsters is not what I envisioned for future generations. There are a lot of people that are suing our Potus for unpaid bills where they did a lot of work for him over the years. He showed no remorse or empathy for Trump U either as if he did absolutely nothing wrong and even stated that he still wants to get it off the ground again. Now he is cutting Opiate funding with a drug zhar Chris Christie who I really don't trust as well. I wrote positive things about him, that was because I was still all in at the time by supporting most of Trumps decisions however I now feel that I can no longer trust his judgment. I would rather have Trump as our Potus as opposed to Mitt Romney however. Gordon Duff stated that Romney is part of the Mormon Maphia who runs drugs, screws a not so good looking mistress, and launders a lot of money through Bain capital. Are these the kind of people we want to have running our country? What a hypocrite Romney is, he looks so golly gee and innocent. Gordon Duff states that he has all of Romney's dirt because he had him on surveillance going into Cuba etc..

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

In The Company Of Soldiers

Rick Atkinson- In The Company Of Soldiers- A Chronicle Of Combat- I have never been to war that is why as Robert E Lee played by  Martin Sheen in Gettysburg stated  "it is well that war is so terrible lest we would grow too fond of it" Sheen supposedly looked and acted just like Lee- The Killer Angels is a book based on the movie. Since I never have been to war I always sought it out in realistic terms, that is why I would be a good combat correspondent. I am not afraid to fire a few rounds downrange and nobody physically intimidates me either so I may be the perfect fit. That is why I admire guys like Rick Atkinson, he was standing right next To General Petraeus during the invasion of Iraq. Petraeus was a two star general at the time, he was locked in tight and ready to roll at 50 years old. He was beating privates in push up contests, that is quite pathetic for the little kid to get out gunned by a 50 year old in push ups. I could do a few push ups back then and right now I am around what Petraeus age was then and I know for sure that I would still be able to hang. Being in a war zone is much different then just being able to do a few push ups and pull ups I believe, with all of the excitement and built up pressure. Everybody was excited to get their CIB- Combat Infantry Badge- I want to get in shape and then deploy to a war zone, as long as I can take my dog I will be good to go. If I was deployed to a war zone there would be no subterfuge or embellishment. I would report the straight story without any Rita Katz propaganda videos or any other bull shit to boot. If something is not in Americas best interest then this is the story that will be told. There would be no kissing ass and not taking names but rather there would be a lot of kicking ass and taking names. There were a lot of solid leaders that were involved with the Iraq invasion, there wasn't  much the lower and higher ranking officers could do when the decisions were already coming down from the higher up civilian war monger bureaucrats. I want to deploy to a war zone because I am sick of writing about it when I know for sure that I would be pretty good actually in it. I would need about a 6 month train up to learn what I never really learned before without breaking my body down, that is why it cant be a 90 day 18 year old boot camp scenario. I read Fiasco and felt very confident asking the real deal warriors in the train up zone questions, knowledge mixed in with true humility is the first step toward success in any field. Being a soldier or a combat correspondent is a higher calling and there is nothing higher then representing the worlds number 1 superpower in a war zone with no sugar coating or bs. I am not going to name names however I believe that some war books that I read were really cia operatives that were not telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but. In other words I believe that many of these so called first hand account war zone books are nothing more then propaganda based fiction mixed in with some non fiction. If we weren't  really there and they have cover from many others then this more then likely will never be able to be proven. My book would be non fiction, if its a boring war like Anthony Swofford experienced in Gulf War 1 played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie Jarhead which is also a book then so be it. Our Army warrior 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles had a lot to be proud of going into Iraq, its too bad they were sent in with one hand tied behind their back. After reading this book I learned to respect Petraeus. I wasn't sure because Charlie Strange said that he was "David I never stepped on a battlefield Petraeus" in a way that made him appear like an inferior leader. He is very competitive and smart I learned at least that much about him.

Desire Rather Then Decree

Darien told Bud Fox that having money and then losing it was worse then never having any money at all. The second step in the 12 and 12 states that having faith and then losing it was in many cases worse then never having any faith in the first place. That was my exact situation, self knowledge availed me nothing and faith without works is dead. There was nothing worse then somebody who had all of the answers for everybody else but was the furthest thing from being sober myself. Being dry in between binges and having self knowledge about the program was worse for me because at one time I really did have faith. The third step in the 12 and 12 makes it clear that when soldiers went overseas during WW-2 they had a better record of staying sober and had less negative emotional lapses then the AA folks safe at home did. This means that god is real because sometimes like the warriors overseas one cant always run to meetings for solace. No human power could have relieved our alcoholism. This means to me that maybe the people in the rooms collectively can and will help us to get and stay sober, however overall it must come from a higher source or being that goes above and beyond true knowledge or human understanding. A spiritual power greater then oneself makes a lot more sense then just straight out therapy because changing our thinking and feelings with cbt and dbt still comes down to self knowledge and intellectualization. A Pleasure Unwoven has clear examples where one can have the best of intentions and a lot of intelligence to back it up to not use again but then be out on a bender or a blackout in no time. This is what separates a true alcoholic from the "I am not sure moderation management wanna bes" You either have this disease or you don't and there is no middle ground or equivocation to rationalize just because one may want to leave an opening to use safely again. I didn't want to use when I came out of rehab in 2011 but ended up getting a dwi 10 weeks later. The spiritual aspect is the solution for me because spirituality supersedes science. For me it comes down to turning it over in the am. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery but if one is self righteous and dogmatic then that is setting a bad example as well. One of the best meditations I read was Bills the other day- We need to seek spirituality by desire rather then by decree. If somebody is putting the hammer down on us and trying to shove AA down our throat then we may have a tendency to rebel and head in the other direction. Its a program of attraction rather then promotion. In the beginning it would be good to get indoctrinated by either the courts etc or by sober home mandates but that should only be in the beginning. Maybe 3-6 months to get papers signed by the chairperson, by then one should know if they are in the right place or not. I feel that the combination of something like Smart Recovery and AA would be a bullet proof spiritual solution. Once we feel at home in the program then the fellowship takes over, the turning point is when we want to go to meetings as opposed to "have to" I have a debt of gratitude to AA, this program has saved my life and was freely given to me once again. I need to make sure to pay it forward one day at a time by practicing humility and giving back to others and being of service, That is also The Secret.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

One Size Fits All

The article about Lifespan Recovery Management was ok however their are a few critiques. If professionals are not pushing after care as far as 12 step programs and addiction therapists then they aren't sufficiently doing their job. "A person can be discharged from the residential level of care when the objectives for that level have been met. This is likely to mean that the patient can now function at a lower level of care with a minimum risk of recurrence. Recommendations are based upon symptoms and risk." Peoples risk of relapse or in Dr Weiner's parlance "recurrence" since this word elicits less shame is directly based upon what one does once they leave the treatment facility. Alcoholism and or Substance Use disorder's chances of recovery are contingent upon ones spiritual condition that we must maintain on a daily basis. This disease is not like cancer as far as having various stages. One either has it or they don't. One size fits all which means that the quart a day vodka drinker can recover just as quickly as a binge alcoholic who only goes out 3 or 4 times a year. This premise holds true for the heroin addict that shoots up on a daily basis compared to the so called innocuous heavy weed smoker. If one has a shortage of dopamine d2 receptors then weed is definitely not innocuous. It took me down a deep dark and ugly path. One has to initiate the recovery process with the steps otherwise chances are very low that one will ever recover. Lifetime Recovery Management is analyzing the majority of people who don't jump into a recovery program right away and then proceed to have episodic recurrences throughout their life but this doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. What that means is that the people who don't recover don't thoroughly follow the path and that is why they keep having recurrences. In my particular case after recovering I took my will back and stopped practicing the spiritual principles on a daily basis and completely stopped going to meetings. What these various treatment facilities should do is have sponsors and holistic therapists lined up for the client as soon as they get out. Within 72 hours they should have a home group, spiritual advisor/sponsor and or holistic therapist. There is no need to put any doubt in somebody's mind that they cant get sober and stay sober throughout their lifetime. That is why when one goes to meetings people get to witness people that celebrate 30, 40 and 50 years of sobriety on a daily basis. Lifetime Recovery Management is basically stating that when you have a recurrence you don't need to start the rigorous process all over from scratch. The problem is that when people have had relapses or recurrences they never got sober to begin with and that is why their chronic disorder keeps rearing its ugly head. The symptoms are not pleasant that is why they need to be managed on a daily basis however many people do recover. Once we recover the only reason we will ever have a relapse/ recurrence is if we stop practicing the spiritual principles on a daily basis and in most cases when we stop going to meetings. People should be conditioned during treatment that they can and will get sober one day at a time for life.. Lifespan Recovery Management is taking a more realistic approach to this disease based on overall results so it makes a lot of sense. Overall actual recovery statistics are quite grim but only because most people don't thoroughly follow the path. It has nothing to do with intelligence, will power or character, once we turn our will over to a power greater then ourselves recurrences are not very likely. That should be the number one goal of these facilities, indoctrinating clients  into the spiritual way of life with a higher power as opposed to a science, intellectually curious evolution survival of the fittest mindset. Some places act like a war zone where its all about survival of the fittest. "Look around most of you will not get sober and some will actually die from this affliction." That is true but people need their hand held in the beginning and they need to be indoctrinated into the easier softer way. Getting sober by going to meetings and attempting to practice the principles on a daily basis is definitely the easier and softer way. Take it from me I have been to Dantes Inferno and back many times over. These treatment facilities should attempt to build people up for success rather then failure. Its important to note that there are different stages of alcoholism however that doesn't necessarily have any bearing on the different stages of recovery. For example somebody can be in the last stage of chronic alcoholism with a liver that is ceasing to function but this individual can turn their entire life around in less then 6 months by thoroughly following the path. One can be only as willing as the dying can be or they can come in to the rooms with what is considered to be a relatively high bottom and still recover at the same pace or more importantly (at their own pace).It all comes down to daily spiritual maintenance and  the willingness to change and surrender to a higher power.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Alex Jones Sold Out AJ let us down, he caved into msm pressure, he now basically states that he believes that kids really died during the SHES shooting and that he is leaning toward the official story as being somewhat accurate but it still needs to be investigated. This is the biggest criticism that people have of  Jones, that he is cointelpro/controlled opposition  and never seems to go all the way. Limited Hangout with some Truth Nuggets sprinkled in. If you aren't going to go all the way then why go at all? Its like admitting and accepting the fact that you are an alcoholic, there are no half measures. I drank like an alcoholic at 15 years old because half measures availed me nothing. I am not intimidated by charlatans and egregious frauds and will never sell out my soul to something that has no credible forensic evidence. Not only that Zero Hedge was using Wolfs questions, how come nobody is talking to or about the real investigator of this joke hoax of a school shooting? So AJ is getting huge media attention with this Megyn Kelly interview but he seems to be selling out, why am I not surprised? There is a question in the Zero Hedge article- There was no WayBack machine activity the previous 4 years. How can have kids died in a dilapidated run down and shut down school that wasn't even open? Wolfgang has enough prima fascia evidence to sink these criminals like the Titanic, so how come nobody is talking to him? He has smoking gun evidence of false affidavits that were signed by Ct state troopers and two whistle blower state troopers trusted him to do the right thing by providing him with this. If you are going to be representing We The People then we want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. That is right AJ you lost some cred with your Sandy Hook sell out. I can almost guarantee that Wolf would not say that he believes that kids really died during that hoax con game charade. I also feel confident that Dr P wouldn't either. When Jones states that he believes that Sandy Hook happened that isn't that much of a misrepresentation. This can be taken a variety of different ways. I will even state that Sandy Hook happened as a drill made to appear like a real live mass shooting with little kids that were running around in circles for a photo op and no sign or any evidence of the other 300 plus kids. Where were they and how come no evidence seems to exist about their existence? How come no trauma helos were dispatched and who declared those kids dead, only a doctor can declare kids dead? So AJ how do you still believe that kids really died in that hoax joke of a charade? This substantiates my biggest criticism of Jones, he doesn't go all the way so for that very reason he doesn't have our 6. There is still time for AJ to redeem himself. Instead of focusing on Megyn Kelly and her alleged sociopathy which I highly doubt she has, try to focus on what you know to be true and stick to your guns and never  back down under any circumstances. There is enough evidence to back what most people know to be the truth. We don't have to prove that SHES didn't happen, they have to prove that it really did, put the burden of proof on the opposition. Dr Fetzer made it very clear in his book Nobody Died At Sandy Hook- There appears to be people that mysteriously died and disappeared afterward, a lot of strange circumstances are surrounding Newtown, better known as Spooktown USA  

Edward Bernays- Psyop Psyop, propaganda- Chelsea Clinton is making believe that she doesn't know that the SHES shooting was bogus. We all need paid presstitutes to push various propaganda angles. Pulling at our heartstrings and demonizing investigators is one way to prove that you are part of the criminal elite. Anybody that doesn't speak out against this joke of a psyop is either in on it or is being paid to toe the party line. After Bush's Manichean psyop that had everybody on board to invade both Iraq and Afghanistan I thought that we would know better by now. Actually I got caught up in a Manichean world view as well, I am proud to say that I am off that band wagon. The good vs evil simpleton analogy on life is somewhat ridiculous. Anybody that spoke out against the Iraq war like Scott Ritter and many others were demonized by the Oreillys of this world. I remember it as if it were yesterday, there was nothing stopping our American War Machine of imperialistic hegemony. You are either with us or against us, wanted dead or alive, W was a real cowboy from Texas I must admit. Its not that I am a dove, I am proud of being a world super power. Its just that when you flex your muscles in a way that is based on fraud and deception one is always bound to lose. The entire GWOT was based on protecting us at home so Hussein didn't send bad guys over here to blow us up. That is how rudimentary W was when it came to explaining our so called enemies. Anybody who didn't buy into the false rhetoric was made to feel like a traitor. Our current Potus is not that much different, he is a demagogue and a nationalist in a way that is not as sound or healthy as real patriotism. Our Potus is not anti establishment or anti NWO- He is big oil, very much part of the wall street crowd, lets roll. I don't mind as long as  jobs get created for the poor folks like me. If an addict is coming out of rehab their should be guaranteed jobs lined up for us, that would help us with our self esteem and prove to us that the system isn't rigged because it is. Slave labor wages, non union right to starve state while the fat cats just come here to vacation. Suboxone is not the answer for this opiate crisis either, that is part of the problem. The number one reason why people are dying young has to do with anti depressant medication or some variant of it. Like mother like daughter- We live in a hoax world where nothing is real and everything is act, its quite pathetic to say the least. The Sandy Hoax con game charade was a drill organized by DHS, Wolfgang sent me a copy of the drill manual that they used. It was a drill made to appear as a real live shooting to the media as well as to the masses. Its not contempt prior to investigation for the Chelsea Clinton's  of our world. Its more like the elites need a benign appearing mouthpiece to push their fraud and bull shit by demonizing real men like Alex Jones and Wolf. She knows the truth and so does everybody else, they are just in cover up propaganda mode right now, however I am glad that at least they are bringing it back into the spotlight. They threatened Wolfs grandchildren, that is why he no longer has a web site and James Tracey was fired as a professor and no longer has an on line presence. James Tracey had one of the best web sites out there- Memory Hole Blog, he is very smart and has a lot of courage. The copy of the drill was sent to Wolf by somebody on the inside, this means that there are people that live in Newtown that are disgusted by using little children as pawns to perpetuate a political agenda. These Orlando perps are rather disgraceful as well. The Pulse shooting, they used another fraud con game just like Sandy Hoax to push their Gay Lesbian anti- gun agenda. I saw an actor on tv yesterday, he was as bad as Gene Rosen. The problem for these frauds is The Smith Mundt Act was squashed out by the NDAA Act so this quite possibly makes this type of egregious deception somewhat legal. We can thank Edward Bernays, the father of false propaganda for our current state of affairs. The only time we will ever win a real war is if we stop all of the lies. This means that we need to take down the criminal elite and then proceed to beat them at their own game. Trump can prove that he is not part of this con game charade by getting involved. This can be his chance to attempt to take down the entire Democratic party. Obummer, con artist charade, Chicago mob product, fraud, faux and phony crocodile tears, CNN bogus, Anderson Cooper actor extradinaire-

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Manichean Candidate

Carl Von Clausewitz stated that "war is the continuation of politics by other means" ("Dick Meyer on the other hand stated that "in war and politics, an essential measure of power is allies, Bush has few, and they are not powerful"pg-19 A Tragic Legacy-) Glen Greenwald wrote a detailed well researched book about our former president, apparently W didn't have that many cronies. Greenwald explains that even the establishment abandoned ship during the Iraqi quagmire based on a bi partisan panel of 5 democrats and 5 Republicans. Manichaeism breaks everything down into good vs evil. Greenwald is the investigative reporter that Snowden trusted with all of his blanket surveillance intel. I have only read one chapter so far and feel that I have already read more then one book, that is how comprehensive it is. In 2002 6 months before the invasion Cheney stated, "there is no doubt that Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction". The Duelfer Report concluded otherwise 18 months after the invasion and occupation. That's because there were none and nobody ever found any. At least they didn't lie about actually finding them so some credit must be given. I study Iraq because I remember seeing pictures of wounded vets that are permanently disfigured and definitely ruined for life and this makes me feel sick. You cant lie to a warrior and if you do then you have to pay the consequences. Just out of curiosity why are they so strict in regard to ethics and integrity when it comes to the training of soldiers especially at the Academies but then the bureaucrats can lie like little weasels but they always seem to get away with it? My friend went down 1 month before he was supposed to graduate from the Naval academy on a bike, he was drinking but he got thrown out permo. He had to enlist in the Corps and lost out on his shot of becoming an Officer. How many unethical things have our leaders done and nobody ever gets in trouble. The double standard is ridiculous, they put our soldiers through the wringer just to ship them off to foreign lands to protect our Opiate fields. Now they are researching a drug that will wipe out the memory of specific drugs in peoples brains. MK Ultra here we go Scrippps- neuroscience and molecular medicine. If it works I am all for it. I believe in Naltrexone to help with opiate and alcohol cravings. My critique is that it reminds me too much of the lobotomies that they use to give to people to wipe out their memory. Combine that with barbiturates and massive doses of electric shock therapy while playing the tape and now we are talking, a new identity. People are supposed to remember that they are drug addicts and alcoholics so if this new drug takes out peoples memory on specific drugs then people may feel that they are cured. There are a lot of people that are trying to capitalize on other peoples pain and suffering. I just read an article where the disease of addiction needs a new paradigm shift to deal with new advancements in science and technology. That may be the issue right there. When you have a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate for people with Substance Use Disorder that means that there is a problem. Depression is a symptom not a chemical imbalance in the  brain so there should be no long term medication administered. This new paradigm shift is taking into account that most people will use drugs and alcohol again after treatment and that is why they need to be medically monitored throughout their life. If you come in to the program after treatment and rigorously pursue the suggestions there will be no need for medical monitoring over the years. A holistic therapist combined with the program is as good as one will ever get. Everybody is always talking about Science and how this is supposed to make us better off but just the opposite may be true. Spirituality supersedes Science however  the medical establishment will always try to bring in something bigger and better. That is what the Suboxone supporter stated about how and why this opiate crisis needs to adapt to advancements in Science. A lot of Science is junk so more people should try to get off of the science mind control and jump onto the A train, the Carl Jung bandwagon.       

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ball Of Flames I read Gordon Duffs latest article and he stated that criminal Halliburton supplied unfiltered polluted water from the Euphrates to the Army troops. I believe that I may have read something about that in some the the latest books that I read but this is off the chain. When are people going to go to jail? When are people going to get charged for war crimes for a bs war with no WMDs and a phony preemptive scam that was planned years in advance by the neo-cons? If it wasn't bad enough that they make more money gaged by the amount of money that they spend they couldn't even provide decent water to the soldiers? The Memorial Day Propaganda on the tv was  ridiculous, it was  all red, white and blue jingoism and nobody is being allowed to speak out about real crimes against humanity by these greedy bullies and thugs. How many soldiers are still sick and have died form Gulf War Syndrome from 1990? A war that didn't last very long but had irrevocable effects by their burning tar pits and noxious fumes. Agent Orange these people should have burned in hell a long time ago. This Comey Trump dog and pony show is nothing more then that a reality tv distraction from what really went down with their dirty wars. If you are going to go to war then at least treat our soldiers with respect and dignity. Dr. Preston James states that their is a conspiracy to try to wipe out all of our soldiers. If this is really true then they are going to see the wrath of holy hell reign down on them each and every one of them. Who ever is either directly or indirectly responsible for these types of egregious crimes against humanity will end up in places they should have been a long time ago. It will be real shock and awe with thunderous roars and stars and stripes. How many families were ruined by these neo-cons who are still protecting and running the dope that is coming out of Afghanistan? This dope is killing a lot of our people as well so for this reason alone people need to not only burn in hell but also get charged with serious RICO crimes. How many of our soldiers were forced to take vaccines which ended up wiping them out? If what VTs Gordon Duff says is true that he has all of their dirt then these predators can run but cant hide and they will eventually all go down in a ball of flames    

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Propaganda 101- BS

Police in Miami shot and killed a man that was wanted for murder. How come that wasn't plastered all over the network news like the church shooting in Paris? So let me get this straight something that happens many countries away where police allegedly shot a man that tried to attack them outside of a church is more newsworthy then what is happening in our own country? That is how I know that the Paris, London attacks are more then likely fake bs propaganda stage shows right on the heels of all of the other terrorist events in London etc.. Attacks on the West, how much more obvious can they make it? Anytime there is massive news coverage day after day and hour after hour then for the most part that means that it is a staged propaganda event with a plethora of bad actors to choose from. They better nor start any bs false flag Islamic Jihad attacks in the USA otherwise you will see anarchy. What happens when the Muslims start attacking us on stateside soil will it be real or not? How does it go from not real to real all of the sudden because inquiring people want to know? Fake crocodile tears and phony grief, everybody step right up and apply for your SAG cards tv Winner is arrested for espionage in the latest breaking news headlines of the way the world really works.. Reality tv show contentenstants and scripts where they are so blatant in telling us the way they operate. Jason Chaffetz wants to see her in cuffs although he couldn't do anything with Extortion 17's intel that Charlie Strange provided him with. He is coming out of retirement to become the referee for the Comey Trump Russian intel reality tv show so everybody must fasten their seatbelts and buckle up. Chaffetz had cuffs on him when he stole a car is this really the man that we want involved in a high level intel investigation? I watched Bill Burr he is the only comedian that has made me laugh in years, I never knew of him until today. He had a polemic going on with some annoying girl where the issue came up as to how squeaky clean Obama was supposed to be. Was Obama really that squeaky clean? If I were President there is no way I could feign crocodile tears in front of the grandest stage of all the American people. That is an insult to me and it should be to everybody else.  I did due diligence on the SHES school shooting and it doesn't add up. It may be legal in the reality tv propaganda world of fake news and fake political Potus"s but it is still low level and very sleazy. So Reality tv Winner wanted Bernie Sanders to win, so did a lot of other libertarians. I am convinced that everything is staged and fake even Shark Tank- I like it a lot but some of those business proposal people seem to be actors with canned speeches and so do some of the responses. Mark Burnett Mr. Reality tv show legend himself so I am not surprised by this. I saw an actress do a proposal in front of the Sharks and I could almost state unequivocally that her tears and act were fake. I like Mark Cuban, I like them all but they should at least have more realistic presentations. I like and respect Marcus Lemonis,  he used to be in the car business, I would like to have him as a business consultant, he will be 100% in charge. People should listen to proven winners even if that means that you have to get out of the drivers seat. I have a few business ideas that I would like to run by Marcus but that is all they are-just  ideas. My dad met Bob Gucioni- he told him that he wouldn't mind doing that business- Gucci one said then why didn't you just do it then? That is respect right there, tough, hard nosed business men telling it the way it is. As Sean Connery stated in the Rock losers do nothing but whine and complain but winners go home and f the prom queen.        

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The True Test Just because somebody is a judge doesn't mean that they cant have the same problems that the rest of us have or had. As much as I criticize the system it is basically fair and does the best they can to help people get sober. The best way to tell if somebody is an alcoholic is to do what the system does and force them to abstain. If you are a social drinker and had a bad day and ended up getting a DWI then abstaining from alcohol should not be a problem. Social drinkers can take it or leave it without losing any sleep. Alcoholics on the other hand find this to be nearly impossible without a spiritual intervention. I got sober when  I was a kid as a direct result of the system. I couldn't stop smoking weed and  drinking while I was on probation and I didn't do the community service hours very well. The system had me go to 3 meetings a week when I got out of rehab and this is what saved my life at a very early age. I ended up going to around 10 meetings a week and getting a sponsor. The first step in the twelve and twelve states that many young people come into the program after recognizing that they may be a potential alcoholic and end up getting sober and that this saves them at least 10-15 more years of carnage. This was my exact scenario however for me I stopped practicing my daily spiritual reprieve after about 15 years and it took me about 5 more to actually pick back up that first drink or drug. I couldn't cope with life on life's terms. I have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind when left untreated. I use the same analogy to people in a sober house. If one cant stop using drugs and alcohol in an environment where one is  more then likely there because of their past addiction then this should certify ones belief that they definitely have the disease of alcoholism/drug addiction. Substance Use Disorder, Poly Substance dependence, they are all one in the same. If somebody cant stay off of any mood or mind altering substances after being coerced by the system or by loved ones and in many cases even by their own volition then this doesn't mean that they don't have any character. This illness comes at people from all different directions. The only thing I had to do was stay abstinent for probation the second time around but since I wasn't sober for me this was nearly impossible. Some alcoholics can control it when faced with adversity but I wasn't one of them. Some alcoholics can abstain for long periods of time even when faced with pressure from the courts but then binge out like wildfire and this may be the only time where they end up killing somebody in a DWI-  Some addicts know how to game the system and know when they are getting tested and know what they test for and this is how and when they get high. If you cant stay abstinent after some formal consequence and or after trying to abstain by ones own self will then this is definitely the surest indicator of certifying ones illness. A Pleasure Unwoven is the best documentary that I have seen that explains how our disease works. It shows how even a loaded weapon against ones head cant stop a true alcoholic from craving booze and wanting to drink. If that isn't power then nothing is. I have a power greater then myself, it is drugs and alcohol but I also have a power which is even much greater then that today and it is god.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Fraud Vitiates Everything

Unfortunately there are many people out there that are as phony as a 4 dollar bill. Oreilly is one of these people, even though he came across as a no spin zone straight shooter. I read Killing The Rising Sun but I don't believe in a lot of what I read. If Oreilly isn't going to take a risk and at least challenge the Warren Commission final Report then in my humble opinion although he never acted like it deep down he is a milquetoast. If you combine this with his sexual harassment allegations then this pretty much sums up his overall character. If he is going to sell out for one book then why not do it for them all? I am not going to do any research on it but the USS Indianapolis sinking is one event that I would question. I think that Oreilly has done a lot of good with his books but for me I want the truth and nothing but. He even said it himself that most people in this day and age don't know anything about World War 2 so for them even if they read one book on it then this would be a step in the right direction. In the Sober World News Ketamine aka Special K on the street is being used to treat depression as well as for opiate addiction. As much as I believe in this program I have an issue with Dr Gold specifically this quote- "To be sure SSRIs have been life savers for millions of people suffering from MDD- Major Depressive Disorder-largely because of their impressive safety profile, limited side effects and documented efficacy" Really am I supposed to believe him just because he is an MD? How many people in this day and age are committing suicide after going on anti depressants with no history of suicide ideation? In the sober world as addicts and alcoholics we have to be rigorously honest otherwise we don't have a very good chance of ever getting and staying sober. However MDs and the Oreillys of this world can basically do and say whatever they want as long as they are getting paid enough and we are just supposed to buy their bull shit? Antidepressants are having negative side effects on people and in many cases are doing and have done a lot more harm then good. Why are all of these Veterans committing suicide, many of them haven't even been exposed to direct combat but still have anxiety and depression symptoms and these drug cocktails are making them much worse then the way they were before. MDs get paid a lot of money to write the scripts about how safe vaccines are and they have the controlled mainstream media and a plethora of medical journals who back up their claims. "Tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are" Santiago- Our Potus has an associate who is a real moral reprobate. If you are going to be a criminal mobster then at least man up and pick a side. That means that you stay on the dark criminal side and then at least try to be proud of who and what you are. That is why I don't have any respect for criminal mobsters that are turned into rat informants. Felix Sater not only was a mobster he started to work for the feds undercover as a criminal informant and took down some perps. He ran a penny stock boiler room pump and dump scam and also stabbed somebody in the face and ended up doing time for this. What could be worse then being a rat when you are a mobster? People sell out all the time to save their own skin but what does that say about the company that they keep? I am telling you straight out to pick a side and let the bad guys know that you are coming after them and then at least you will gain their respect. Their is no ambiguity, I want all of the criminal violent mobsters to go down and this also includes Shelly The Machine Adelson- Infowars AJ they are all hooked in with the AIPAC JINSA crowd, Roger Stone I don't think that any of them are really out for our greater good anymore. I think Gordon Duff may have a shot at taking down these two faced Janus Principle Free Mason mobsters. Joe Pistone AKA-Donny Broscoe wasn't a rat because he was a fed that infiltrated from the right side of the law. As much as he developed a bond with the mobsters he had the moral high ground going into it so although it hurt him deeply and messed up his head at least he can sleep at night knowing that he was out for the greater good and was just doing his job as a fed who swore an oath to the US Constitution. So our Potus states that Global Warming may be a hoax, I am stating that he is a hoax. Trump University was premeditated and their was plenty of motive. People ponied up in many cases was their life savings $35,000- for what a con game charade?  He has no remorse about this either and now he wants to run our country and expects me to blindly follow no I don't think so. The FBI needs to recruit people from the right side of the law to infiltrate, this is why I don't have as much respect for the White Collar FBI Agent- If you are a criminal and then become a fed this means that you always had the mind of a criminal that more then likely was never out for anybody's greater good. One can rehabilitate but it is not easy. I was watching a special on the sad state of affairs within the prison system yesterday, these people don't have a chance. That is because they have all of the wrong people in all of the wrong places that are running the show

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Opiate Company Lawsuits

Wall Street Journal today- In one of the highest profile cases to date against the makers of prescription painkillers, Ohio filled suit against 5 drug companies alleging  they fueled the opioid addiction crisis by misrepresenting the addictive risks of their painkillers. Purdue Pharma and Johnson &Johnson are some of the bigger names involved in this lawsuit. Its a tough situation all the way around because people that have chronic pain on the levels of cancer etc. could use these life saving drugs. This Opiate crisis is hitting Ohio especially hard, among the hardest hit states in the nation. These companies should do the decent thing and use some of their profits to create better treatment options for addicts but this would mean that they would have to admit that they are wrong, however companies like this would never do something like that. They would rather put people through the wringer with long drawn out litigious battles. Obama wasn't so bad after all because his Obama Care was beneficial for the indigent drug addicts, it appears that our Potus is cutting these types of programs. So my question is what is Chris Christie going to do as the new drug zhar? I want to hear and see some of these people put some options on the table because Opiates are as bad as the devil himself. Dr Feelgood overprescribed, it appears that even people who may not have Reward Deficiency Syndrome or a high propensity to abuse drugs and  alcohol seem to get dangerously hooked on Opiates. Public health officials blame the aggressive marketing tactics of these companies to chronic pain patients. So why is our Potus going to slash funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy? Maybe I shouldn't have criticized Obama as much as I did because the GOP envisions a complete overhaul of the  Affordable Care Act with cuts to Medicaid as well. With a public health emergency that was just declared in Fla one of the biggest obstacles right now are addicts that need treatment but they cant get it because their are no beds for the indigent. And sober houses are basically being regulated out of business so what is their next move? I watched a special on Vice where this young man in Alberta had to wait two months to get a Suboxone appointment at an IOP treatment facility. Canada is not that much different to what is happening right here and right now. People end up dead while waiting for treatment, this is happening all of the time. I don't think the referral system is that unethical but this is considered patient brokering so now a lot of sober homes are too scared to operate. The law is too ambiguous and many places are going to go under because they don't want risk it or pay a high priced lawyer to tell them what is legal and what is not. I don't think that many addicts are in this to game the system so to speak. In other words their was an argument that these under 26 year old clients with Operation Thoroughbred Insurance are just out for three hots and a cot and as many freebies as possible until their next relapse/drug use and then they can start the process all over again. I don't buy this because addiction is hell on earth and I don't think most people want to spend their life either in rehab, detox or a sober house. People that make this claim in my humble opinion have never suffered from the disease of addiction themselves. The program is not only for the people who want it but it is also for people that need it. So if the young adults are bouncing around in the sober world system in between heroin binges they just haven't gotten sober yet but they are still young. As long as you are still standing and breathing then you can get sober, the alternatives are too ugly and unfortunately too many people have found this out already-RIP