Monday, February 27, 2017

VT- Impartial Not A Chance How can this guy say that VT is impartial to our Potus? Almost every article I read so far is anti Trump especially from my former go to guys Gordon Duff and Jim Dean. I respect their Patriotism as far as not wanting Americas hooks to be too deeply embedded into Israeli intel but they seem to be off the chart. I like gaining a perspective from both sides of the political spectrum but their Trump bashing is way over the edge. I am still trying to figure out how Hillary would have been a better fit as our Potus?. Seriously the two head sheds at VT are Gordon and Jim Dean and they both seem to have a lot of animosity to our president elect. How can he be that bad because he has already built great structures and was a success in the business world. I would never want to be on Hillarys Apprentice because I would rather throw up first. I would go the extra yard and work very diligently if I was on The Donalds Apprentice. That is because he is  an entrepreneur, trustworthy and a businessman and Hillary is a stone cold criminal. She pillaged Haiti with the Clinton Foundation and the funds that were supposed to be used for the poor and the dilapidated. She also was allegedly involved in many Arkansides and mobster type threats and violence toward people to cover up crimes so for that reason alone she shouldn't have been allowed to run. Roger Stone stated that some Arkansas State Troopers beat the living shit (to near death) out of a witness to Slick Willys infidelities. Also I never witnessed  Gordon acknowledge any of Hillarys alleged criminal activity as if it never even existed. Seriously I remember Stew Webb had a plethora of intel proving that she was bad news and it was if what he had was irrelevant. Seriously the link on top of this page is not accurate. I also don't recall any big Pharma blowback from VT. Infact I recall Gordon stating that vaccines were good for animals in so many words so that meant that they must be good for people? Also I don't think that we were nuked on 9-11, I don't believe in Seymour Hershs  Samson Option that nukes are allegedly planted underneath many of our  cities. There are a lot of smart people running the show at VT however I cant really take all of their Trump bashing anymore. I should be allowed to finally have at least one Potus to look up to as far as leadership and character are concerned.    

APA Lawsuits

Dr P  states that their should be lawsuits against the left and the APA types who are slandering  our Potus and making jokes that he is mentally unfit and that he is a Russian spy etc.. I believe that Dr P knows this as a psychiatrist from many institutions of higher learning. These people are petty malignant narcissists themselves, that is why they are making up stories and placing our Presidents words and body language way out of context. That is propaganda 101 but it isn't working. The APA is a crackpot organization that just makes up names of disorders and pulls them out of their bag of tricks. Its all a scam to prescribe their latest antidepressant of the day. How can people be diagnosed with Bi Polar with no real history of manic depression or hypomania and without the doctor having an extensive and detailed bio pycho social of their client? Many of these shrinks are quack jobs who are all in bed with big pharma, that is why they all need to go down in a ball of flames. I just saw another commercial for a new med for bi-polar. These people use the same ingredients for a med and just relabel it with another name and people will never know the difference because many appear to be just a placebo anyway. 

Blue On Blue

In one of my other 9 Lives I am convinced that I was a cop. My uncle, he was a sergeant Ft Apache The Bronx thought that I would be a good one. I wasn't just a cop in one of my other lives I was a NYPD cop. In my late 30s I was going to try out for the New Canaan PD but I ended up in jail instead. I missed the physical fitness tryout, I was convinced that I was going to fail the sit and reach test anyway because my flexibility has a lot to be desired.  I just read Blue On Blue Charles Campisi, he was the IAB (Internal Affairs Bureau) Chief of the NYPD for many years. I read many NYPD books- Without A Badge about Jerry Speziale Bernie Keriks friend who lost his mind towards the end because he went way deep into his deep cover role. I read Blue Blood not Blue Bloods. Blue Blood (non fiction) was about a Harvard grad who hit the streets on foot patrol  in the Bronx instead of venturing into the high towers of finance. Blue On Blue was a great book, he turned around the Dept. from the 1970s when it was a virtual war zone. Lets face it if you are going to be a cop then play the role and if you operate above the law and end up playing both sides then you deserve what you get. Campisi had his Serpico moment when he first started out and  his partner derided him for basically not condoning wanting to shoot some young kid in the back. You cant let the inmates run the asylum and that is why Blue On Blue has a lot to be proud of. NYPD has a lot of pride along with the FBI as the Supreme Law Enforcement Agency of the Land. Here is what it come down to, as IAB chief he had an obligation to follow up on some ugly allegations conducted by some rogue cops and that is exactly what he did. That is why it makes big news when the shit hits the fan, that just means that he was doing his job. The reality seems to be that well over 90% of the NYPD are straight shooters. It all trickles  down from the top. In other words when you had a cop like Serpico who ended up getting shot in the face under suspicious circumstances then how does one turn around that kind of rogue atmosphere? Its cowardly to act like a criminal instead of a real cop when the opportunity presents itself. I am not perfect, all of the bad things that I did went down on my fifth step but I am convinced that if I had the stability of a NYPD cop in a proud and pure dept. then I wouldn't have fell off the wagon. My IAB dept. would run just like Campisis without the Olivia Benson boyfriend types. That guy is a stiff no wonder why so many NYPD cops hate the IAB guys. How did Olivia end up in a relationship with that guy, I knew that it would never last. In other words if you are a real criminal then you would have a lot to fear if I were running the IAB show. If you did petty things like fix tickets and had sex with hookers then you wouldn't have anything to worry about. As long as the sex was consensual. No extortion racketeering protection rackets for prostitution rings or drug dealers but if you gambled and stole a little money then you would be offered rehabilitation and a second chance. I don't respect this million dollar mistake rule. Campisi talked about how some of these guys are so dumb they ended up getting thrown off the force with no pension. In other words if you used drugs and your blood test came back dirty you wouldn't be thrown out. WTF that is ridiculous why is there a double standard with alcohol, a drug is a drug and alcohol is actually a lot more dangerous then most if not all drugs. In other words my IAB dept. would build people up for success rather then failure. I can see why a lot of guys hate the IAB. Who wants to enforce the law with an ever present fear of the eye in the sky who never tells a lie looking down on them because that is creepy. The Orwellian Panopticon who is going to come down on you from the holy heavens and reign real hell for bs bureaucratic infractions? I would let a lot of things slide but real criminals would have a lot to worry about. I can now see why nobody likes Deblassio. Guiliani helped straighten out the streets of New York with stop and frisk. The crime and murder rate went down precipitously with stop and frisk. The incidence of police shootings went down as well. People don't seem to have a clue because most cops never want to have to shoot somebody. Maybe these anti police people should read a book or two then they wouldn't be so dumb. Page 5 in the Prologue summarizes this great book, Charles Campisi is an excellent writer- "Its a hard business were in, a hard world in which we operate. Its a world full of lies and deception and betrayal, a world of snitches and informants, wires and wiretaps, surveillance and sting operations. Its a world of good cops gone bad and bad cops gone worse, of cops who rob and steal and deal drugs and abuse and rape and even kill people. There are never as many cops like that out there as some people choose to believe, but for us, and for all of the honest cops, there are always too many. And they are the reason we exist"   

Friday, February 24, 2017

Natural News Blacklist I like and respect Natural News now google is censoring it from their index wtf what happened to free speech and freedom of the press?  Don't worry they can run but they cant hide- If they are trying to hurt and take people out with their  big Pharma agenda then we are going to come right back at them with full force and ruthless aggression. That is just the way our new Potus rolls and he has a plethora of warriors standing right there behind him  

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Addiction Crisis

Michael Douglas played a drug zhar in Traffic, his daughter in the movie was a victim of the disease of addiction. That is why it is a good idea that getting families involved Amid Tears resolve to fight the heroin crisis is definitely a step in the right direction. It appears that state attorney Dave Aronberg is very active in trying to do everything that  he can. Task Force, families are talking about potential class action lawsuits. The first step is to clean up the so called recovery world and that is exactly what he is trying to do. When you have a drug den calling itself a sober home then one knows that big changes must be made. Ken Chatman where 90% of the people were using drugs according to the therapist. We are looking at a 90% recidivism rate under the best of circumstances so when people are exposed to that active drug den environment they don't really have a chance. The options are jails, institutions being homeless or death unless somebody gets sober. Its a run away freight train coming at us at well over 100 mph. The name of the game is a spiritual solution one day at a time and long term recovery that way one will never have to go back to in patient treatment again. It is obvious that many of these places encourage the continuous drug use because that is where the big money is made. Like the roach motel you check in but never check out. One just bounces around from one place to the next staying dry until they use again and then they get caught right back up in the system. Relapses aren't really relapses until one gets sober and actually goes through the steps. Active and intermittent drug and alcohol use in between stints of jails, rehabs, sober homes and detoxes are just short reprieves of abstinence of  somebody like me that is caught up in this deadly disease of addiction. That is why interventions and rehabs are very important as long as they don't try to shove drugs down your throat and as long as a sober environment and aftercare are put in place before one leaves. If there is a 90% recidivism not relapse rate then this means every measure must be taken to give the client the best possible chance for success. Surrender to Win, I don't think congregating with addicts in early abstinence is such a great idea because one person can end up taking a bunch of people down with them. I believe that a 72 hour moratorium with a relapse prevention program already in place makes a lot of sense meaning detox or a safe place as long as the client is ready to surrender to win. I believe coming back to the same environment makes a lot of sense not another sober house or rehab after one uses because we need peace and stability not chaos and destabilization. Continuous revolving door semi institutionalized environments are not healthy for anybody lets be honest. Addicts are sensitive people who need a nurturing and stable environment not get the f out if you use I don't care where you go as long as its not here because this really isn't tough love after all and that is when addicts end up dead.     

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Surrender To Win

Stephen the warrior poet from Ireland that was his own private island wasn't right in the head. He was able to assist the Scots and show what he was really made of. I needed a lot of drugs to try to make me right in the head. I needed Zoloft, Gabapentin, Wellburtin, Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Flexirel , Soma and weed for holistic measures. I definitely needed Tramadol because in Europe they use this for depression and chronic pain and I was so miserable that this was the perfect storm for my chronic back ailments as well as for my broken heart and shattered soul. I needed Adderall for sure because this was great for depression and tweaking me out in ways that only speed freaks can really relate to. Chasing dragons and justifying substances to fill up the hole in my soul called alcoholism. I threw down a few shots of left over booze that was in the apartment because this was definitely going to make me right in the head. Since I was so unique as an alcoholic I was going to take that secret to my grave. Because it was ok for me to justify all of these other meds but alcohol was the big kahuna and substance to be avoided like the plague since I never stopped acknowledging my alcoholism. I was too proud to want to admit that I threw down a few shots after my flood gates were opened up directly after my weed extravaganza. It didn't matter that it was 30 years since my last pot toke as soon as I puffed on that weed the mental obsession and dragon chasing became my primary purpose. I couldn't help but say yes to some cocaine as well during my marijuana maintenance binge. This only means that marijuana maintenance doesn't work for proud and pure alcoholics like me. Lets see what other drugs have I forgotten? Vyvance Strattera, Seroquel, Trazadone, I was a walking big pharma advertisement.  I needed the Vyvance for my ADD and low grade depression as well as to take the edge off because I had it all figured out. These are the drugs I ended up ingesting after walking away from the program. Jail, rehabs and being homeless sucked big time that is why one must surrender to win. I have no defense against the first drink or drug left to my own devises. I need the spiritual solution more then the chronic alcoholics need their spirits. Its cunning baffling and powerful. That is why I decided to become a big pharma advertisement even though at one point in my life I really had the promises. Why would somebody do all of these drugs even though I had the promises at one point? I had a built in forgetter and I was no longer grateful and humble. Some say that AA is a cult and that is why bad things end up happening to you once you leave. That isn't true at all. We end up doing bad things to ourselves because I was my own worst enemy, that is just how it rolls. The people in the program only try to help the rest is up to us. That is why we must surrender to win. Because it is a guarantee that bad things will happen to us once we leave the program. That is just the way it is, I have proven this way beyond a reasonable doubt. Look at all of these drugs I did to prove this. I cant forget about the shrooms hashish and mescaline that I did as a kid. I don't need to trip on Ibogaine however because for at least today I am right in the head. I did so many drugs in my life that I forgot about the most diabolical of them all- Mr Xanie Bar- Luficer himself- the devil drug that makes one black out and go clinically insane. Not to mention have withdrawal effects that would make the strongest of all people question if god is actually punishing them. So why would they prescribe a drug that does this to people, even people who aren't alcoholics like me end up going off the chart and over the edge? Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan anxiolytics, I did them all, they are  meant to drag us deep into the depths of hell, to actually see the grim reaper himself and they are meant to keep us there    

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Infowarriors And Fox News That's right I am an infowarrior because AJ has worked many years trying to expose corruption. I heard McCain state the other day that Pres Trump was a direct threat to the NWO and that is how dictators get started. Our President is going to bring peace and stability to the streets of this country. His critics state that he is a hawk that is just out to start wars but that isn't really true. Peace with strength is the name of the game. You train during times of peace and during times of war but you should always be in battle rhythm mode. Sweat more in training and bleed less in war. I just don't like negative comments from the left because they are jealous that their NWO establishment empire is going to eventually crumble down. I am no longer a critic of his executive order travel ban although they revised it because he is going to eliminate ISIS. Within a few months ISIS and Islamic Jihad should cease to exist. The problem is that the dinosaur media brings in all of these obsolete talking heads to get their opinion like John McCain. CNN doesn't like Trump because they are the most fraudulent of all. Lets see their coverage of the Sandy Hook Scam was the most pathetic of all time. Gene Rosen these people should find another profession because acting definitely isn't their forte. I respect Fox news and not because I am a conservative. I think its relatively fair and balanced Oreilly isn't horrible and I like the legal minds that he has brought in over the years to offer their point of view. Megan Kelly used to be a prosecutor, Judge Jeanne, Liz Weill smart whipper snappers with strong opinions. I respect Anne Coutler she is very smart and definitely has a mind of her own. I admire these women because it appears that they just don't just read from a teleprompter. Our President stated that Nato countries should pay us if they need our help. Lets see what we have had in the past. 20 trillion in national debt for Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya that did absolutely nothing for our economy to help the working folks. We lost soldiers accomplished nothing but chaos and destabilization and just went into more debt. Do you really think somebody like Hillary would be able to handle this mess that our President has inherited lets be honest? Lets take a look at the scorecard in a year or two because great things are going to get accomplished.

Fake Fraud TV Ads You cant back down to the Military Medical Petro Pharma Banking Cartel. I don't care how much money they make but not when it hurts people. This kind of information should get people more then a little pissed off. What can be worse then putting Mercury in vaccines, people are actually ok with this? What about all of the people that got sick from the flu shot including my mother? It is a racketeering operation, these people are sick and twisted. Depleted Uranium for our soldiers the list goes on. Those new anti Trump commercials are pathetic to say the least. McCarthyism at its worst- fear mongering making our Potus out to be working secret deals with the Russians. I like Reince Priebus the White House Chief Of Staff, he seems like a straight shooter. These commercials are so off the chart bad, they are exactly like what the pro Hillary campaign used before she lost the election. You can tell that the money used to pay and play these sophomoric ads is used with pernicious usury. How much more phony and fake can these people get? It cost a lot of money to run ads on commercials, what a waste of dirty money that the left apparently has an over abundance of. I am reading a book about Dogs and how and if they think. The George Soros Obummer Hillary types should realize  that nobody pays attention to those dumb commercials especially my dog. Unlike people dogs don't tune in to the flickers on the screen, they tune out because that is what we are supposed to do. This proves that dogs are actually smarter then some people. K-9s need an olfactory sense, the tv doesn't produce  that for them, that is why they aren't caught gazing in front of mindless and bogus commercials for hours on end that the left puts out about our Potus having  subversive alliances with Russia 

Greed Avarice And Dark Forces

I don't like mind control weirdo's and freaks who get off on deceiving others with their malignant narcissism. I don't want to live in a country where they poison our children with forced inoculations and then basically laugh about it. I don't want to live in a country where it is supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave but then they stage a school shooting and make believe that little children were murdered. These people have threatened the only real investigator of this fraudulent school shooting by stating that his grandkids would be harmed if he didn't take his website Sandyhook Justice Report down. I read the e-mail that was sent to him, the basic message was that Wolfgang was a f ing monster, their were indirect threats made toward his grandchildren and that he was a Sandy Hook dad that  really lost a child in Dec 2012. I am grateful that we now have a President who cares about We The People. He rocked the house in Melbourne Fla on Sat, I felt after watching this that maybe there is some hope after all. The biggest difference between President Trump and his predecessors is that I actually believe in what he says. I believed in W at first what a mistake that turned out to be. I know that there are so many quiet and humble warriors within the intel community and they deserve much gratitude  and appreciation. The great things they do way under the radar we will never even know about so we should admire that with much appreciation and respect. The one thing I have noticed however is that many of our threats  appear to be completely fraudulent.  I am talking about every single mass shooting does not appear to be real including the terror attack on 9-11. The media is totally in on this scam and this is quite disturbing to say the least. Apparently our Potus has close links with Israel but is that really such a bad thing? I believe that great minds will create jobs because this economy is great for the rich but it really sucks for me. The Dow may be up at 20k but the real unemployment numbers far surpass what the dishonest media claim they are. If Gunny Sergeants and NCOs are the heart and soul of the infantry then the middle class is the heart and soul of this country and they have been completely screwed over big time by these Globalists. Our Potus knows this and he is going to make us proud to be Americans once again,  because he is down to earth and totally humble. He is one of us, their is no disconnect there, he just wants to protect and serve. The problem with the greed mongers is that not only are they selfish and dishonest they are not even nice people. Acquiring more wealth will never make them happy because they were never happy to begin with nor grateful and humble for what they had. This means that getting more will only exacerbate their sickness. The working class of this country have no retirement, 401k or stability. People hire you under the condition that they know that they can treat you like shit and pay you horrible wages, work you like a slave and absolutely guarantee that you will never have insurance benefits. Our Potus knows this and that is why he shot down the bogus TPP agreement. The Globalists have squeezed out so many good workers, our people don't want more greed and avarice they just want to be able to send their kids to college and retire without having a heart attack first. These are the people that make up the heart and soul of our country, that is why they love our Commander in Chief. The car salesman that he brought up on stage on Sat., there are many more people standing right behind him. I don't think he will guarantee us anything just an opportunity. I was a 16 year old alcoholic in rehab who sent a letter to my football coach basically telling him that it would be an honor to try out for the team. He wrote me back and stated no guarantees just an opportunity. Football is a lot like war it doesn't build character it just reveals it. We need all rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse to rally around Wolfgang Halbig and try to help to keep his family safe. We are dealing with some very dark and satanic forces, that is why it was a blessing to watch our First Lady say the Lords prayer on Sat before our Presidents speech      

Friday, February 17, 2017

American Intel WTF are You Really Doing Where are all of the bull shitters in the intel community? They are making a big deal about Trump not protecting American interests- how come they arent covering this story or doing their best to get this story into the main stream news so people can eventually go to jail where they belong- poisoning our children and giving them Autism and the only thing the left can do is make up stories that President Trump isnt out to protect and serve- It look like AJ is the only Patriot in the intel community wtf is everybody else doing figuring out what the next false flag is going to be and covering for our former Potus and all of his pro big Pharma phony false flag tears- I want to be able to prove malicious intent with these vaccines because they should be abolished- I talked to my chiro you scumbags responsible for this will burn in hell sometime in the near future and dont worry you wont be able to take us out either  because we will have much better security details then you

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Warrior Code

I don't believe that the Titanic went down by hitting an iceberg. How could an unsinkable ship go down like that? I also don't believe that Michael Skakel was responsible for the death of Martha Moxley. Things change over the years and sometimes people actually get a little smarter. I would have to put myself in that category and basically state that the Sutton Report may have put Michael Skakel near the crime scene but that doesn't mean that he was necessarily responsible for the murder. The reason I state this is because that crime scene showed depraved indifference to human life and I don't believe that  Michael Skakel had this. Not only that there was zero forensic evidence to convict him. There are very few people that demonstrate depraved indifference. I don't care how dysfunctional somebody's upbringing is or was there is an extremely small percentage of humans out there that would be capable of that kind of heinous crime and I don't believe that Michael Skakel fits this profile. On top of that he never should have been sentenced as an adult. Since he allegedly commited this crime as a juvenille the sentence should have been much lighter. In other words he should have been out of prison a long time ago and considering that there is no forensic evidence he should be totally exonerated.. Either way he should be left alone because he already served many years for a crime where there was only circumstantial evidence. That is basically unheard of in the forensic world that we currently live in. I feel bad for Dorthy Moxley because she just wanted to find justice for her daughter and she was repudiated by the country club folks in Belhaven. I don't see why they wouldn't have been supportive. As an investigator and just as a human being the desire should just be to attempt to seek the truth however ugly it may be. I have no idea who may have committed this atrocity however my gut now tells me that it wasn't Michael Skakel. So the $64,000 dollar question is who is capable of demonstrating a depraved indifference to human life? Soldiers in the war zone who are mistreated by superiors that expose them to horrific environments with little or no support. Lt Col Kunk from Blackhearts treated his Army soldiers like garbage. A few of them ended up demonstrating a depraved indifference to human life with heinous war crimes that most people would rather not know about. It all trickles down from the top. Kunk wasn't a real leader he was never even in Ranger school which is usually the hallmark of somebody who leads his men at the front with courage honor and  integrity. This guy was the exact opposite of what  effective leadership is all about. Is there any surprise these young influential soldiers acted out that way? Warriors need positive reinforcement and encouragement, they  don't  need to be humiliated and belittled during a time when they are already on fragile ground from a psychological standpoint. In many cases this becomes the only difference to why a warrior feels like they should get up in the morning. Real Leaders are out there unfortunately they are too many Lt Kunks. Zero people skills and total inability to relate to his warriors on a visceral level. War is spiritual that is why one needs to become one of them why do you think rank doesn't matter in SOF units? Butter Bar Army officers and green pea second liet in the USMC never get as much respect as the NCOs who have been not only learning  but  actually living the warrior ethos for many years before. Col Mcknight Blackhawk Down is a perfect example of great leadership. He was in his 40s, he wasn't in the rear with the gear barking out orders with little or no empathy. He was standing  and fighting  right  next to his Delta and Ranger operators demonstrating  his love and respect. Nate Fick One Bullet Away is another example of great leadership. Ivy League Dartmouth educated Recon and Officer in the Corps. Spiritual, effective and compassionate,  Fick is the best of the best. He was showing  disgust  and contempt when some other soldiers not from his unit were laughing and taking pics of dead  bad  guys after they lit them  up when  they came over from Syria. He wasn't in the war zone for pics and giggles when his  warriors  took out bad guys because that only shows mental problems and immaturity. His warriors were the purest of the pure-Recon Marines through and through

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Let The War Begin We finally have a Potus who is going to burn down the church of Satan and smoke the freaks pedophiles and perverts out from their underground tunnels- I want to be there when he drops a bomb on Bohemian Grove- Let me tell you something if these people really are into child sacrifice and pedophilia and these reports are  intel verified and confirmed which they appear to be you then we should never see the end of full  frontal assaults and aggressive take downs of these people- I am talking about 24/7 intel cowboy firebombing of all pedophile protectors and covers for Pizzagate and everything else in between

CPA-Cant Produce Anything And Global Warming Oreilly and his go to guy Jesse Waters was interviewing people on the street about Global Warming- It looks like Watters may have been implying that Global Warming is a scam. If true then that means that there is some hope for Fox News after all. When I was a kid like 14 our family moved to Greenwich. I learned that in Greenwich everything was the opposite. In other words the kids would say that girl is ugly if she was really good looking something to that effect. Turns out that is exactly the way the Free Masons roll, isn't it a coincidence that many of them live in Greenwich? NWO Kissinger the whole 9 yards. My acquaintances that I smoked pot with were showing me the way the world really works. In Fiasco an sf soldier quit the CPA which stood for (Cant Produce Anything). Basically they were overpaid civilians brought into the Iraq war without any experience and they were put into very heady positions, decisions of life and death. The sf guy knew that the war was Fubar from day 1 so he packed up his bags and went home. He said that everything was Pollyanna La La land and that he hated Bremer. Why would civilians make up stories to appease the press back home and the bureaucrats in Washington when that wasn't really the truth? Here is what it comes down to- There should be one man in charge like Gen Mattis who is now the Secretary of Defense which is good news. He should have been the only one making all of the pleminary war planning from A-Z and all of final decisions while in the actual war zone. Lets take a look at Fallujah where Gen. Mattis had a great intel gathering plan, his Devil Dogs even had different uniforms on from the Army to show the indigenous populace that he came in peace and wanted cooperation and wasn't the big Army abusers of the previous year. After the bw guys were ambushed he didn't want to go in and essentially wipe out the city. He wanted to track down the bad guys and then take them out pure and simple. There were so many higher up orders but it seems obvious that it came from Washington. Then he gets his guys ready and requested more support even though he didn't want to go in that way to begin with, he even requested to see the order in writing. Then he gets blown off with that request as well that should say it all right there. At least give the real leaders what they need when they ask for it, don't you think people like this are one of the chosen few that really know? That is civilian leadership Iraqi quagmire 101. Then there was Gen Sanchez a indigent immigrant from Mexico running the biggest show on earth on the Army side wtf was that about? Here was a guy that was a "in the rear with the gear" type General that should have stayed that way, who made that call? What do you think Patton and Macarthur would say about having Gen Sanchez running the greatest and biggest American war machine on earth in what should have been a War for the ages? Sanchez was in way over his head and all of the real leaders knew this. Macarthur would be rolling over in his grave because old soldiers never die they just fade away.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nothing Is Real- Everything Is A Hoax I started reading Fiasco again, probably the best war book I ever read. Tom Ricks is very talented, the sources and direct access to ground floor action during the Iraq war he had was  unprecedented. It is mind boggling how courageous our warriors are compared to the civilian leadership that was pulling all of the strings. That is why I don't blame any of the Army soldiers for any of the abuses of the Iraqis. How were they supposed to react to something that they were never officially trained for? The military has an old adage "adapt and improvise" but that doesn't work in this particular situation. The Army wasn't really even expecting that many enemy pows or suspected terrorists or insurgents. I am still convinced that the Bush Administration knew what would happen but kept it on the down low. Seriously how is somebody like Bremer going to go into Iraq and essentially guarantee the insurgency by firing the entire Iraqi Army? Then he wrote articles in the Washington Post about how to save Iraq. I believe the Bush gangs inner circle knew that ieds or roadside bombs would become the weapon of choice. How could they not because they all had direct cia access with seasoned Vietnam war vets that were all highly skilled in the art of count insurgency doctrine. This is a criminal act because now many soldiers are ruined for life because of these civilian politicians who I believe knew in advance how FUBAR  it would get. Seriously it was like a keystone cop operation with lol acronyms. I believe that the entire upper echelon of the Bush Chain gang knew exactly what would transpire because its all about chaos and destabilization. Somebody has to take the blame then who is going to man up and take it? If it wasn't bad enough that they made up bull shit about WMDs and had Col Powell sell out to the higher ups then they sent in conventional Army Units to a war that should have been one for the ages. This war should have been a real shock and awe campaign and invasion, they could have taken over the entire country in a matter of months with very few casualties. That would have set up a Middle East American stabilization presence with many real friends and few real enemies. I am not being a Monday morning quarterback because all of the professionals warned these people what they were getting into ie- A guaranteed hornets nest but they just blew them off in spades. Basically this means that they would rather have chaos and destabilization instead of stabilization. Turns out that is exactly how many of these people are in real life that is very telling. (Chaos and staged drama). I am indignant because this just shows exactly what our country is all about-( lies, bs and cowardice smoke and mirrors back stabbing Free Mason hoaxes where everything is a joke). Our press is a joke and so are our so called leaders. Now Tom Ricks talks about the war on drugs and terror. Our military troops with cia cover are protecting and bringing in all of the dope so the war on drugs is a total scam. A lot of people are dying as well just about as many in Palm Beach County in 2016 (500) as who died in Iraq during the first few months of the invasion. The only problem is that there was no real war on terror because Iraq never had WMDS or ties to 9-11 and no direct links to al-Qaida that is of course until we invaded. We initiated the Jihadi war all over the flat earth against the West  but we were sloppy rank armatures. The problem is that if 9-11 were real and not a Free Mason cia hoax planned years in advance then we would have wiped out the entire Middle East in record time. That is because real leaders would have taken  over and launched real shock and awe the right way the only way to launch a war if we were really blindsided. Counter insurgence seal off the borders USMC SOF civilian contractor operators and soldiers of the apocalypse- none of this big Army abuse off innocent civilians ie- key stone cop operation. That basically means that nothing is real and I don't have much hope that things will really change in the future. Tom Ricks one of the best war correspondent and authors of all time cant even talk about the phony hoax Free Mason war on drugs and terror, that should say it all. I am not a petty narcissist know it all that does nothing but criticize. I just know that I would have listened to seasoned War Vets like Anthony Zinni over my civilian beer drinking buds. Congress was embarrassed because they didn't have any seasoned war vets so they didn't even know what questions to ask. They were embarrassed to ask what questions to ask that should tell you how fubar our country is. After Vietnam how did our  real leaders ever let this happen? People like our civilian politicians, ambassadors and dignitaries  need to be totally eliminated from any decision making process because a lot of real soldiers ended up dead and are now completely ruined for life. Free Mason Malignant Narcissists, that is who pulls everybody's strings we are all just the puppets 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Investigation 101 I wanted to thank Media Matters for making it easier to legitimize the claims of so called fringe right wing conspiracy theories. Every one of these claims that Media Matters has posted in an attempt to demonize AJ and Infowars should backfire if anybody has 1/4 of critical thinking capability. Every one of these links corroborates that AJ is legitimate with his claims. Whether its interviewing family members of Extortion 17 and everything else that  he has accomplished to shoot down and question official narratives. And soon Jerome Corsi will have access to press briefings at the White House so maybe this big house of cards will come crumbling down after all. I am not an extremist right wing fringe individual to say the least. I am an Independent and a Libertarian. I probably have more liberal views then I do conservative. I just admire and respect real investigative journalism regardless of what side of the political spectrum. I also believe that main stream medias critique of Infowars is not accurate either. AJ is a libertarian and doesn't like to be boxed into a corner and doesn't want to be a slave to the string pullers better known as the Illuminati Globalists. He is not politically correct so this just discredits these media outlets that  try to label his news as fringe extreme right wing conspiracy theory. The fact that our Potus admires and respects AJ just elevates our countries position as one that finally has some hope after all. If I did one 1/100 of what these people routinely pull on a regular basis I would be doing multiple life sentences. So how are they allowed to get away this? Sandy Hook using CNN as a maphia cover making believe that little children were murdered these people are beyond despicable. Maybe Oreilly is correct Obama was soft on terror because he really is a Muslim. Let me put it this way who is responsible for Extortion 17? Horrific ROES that I know the operators in the field can verify as well. Our former Potus is responsible for Extortion 17 going down so I am not buying into that Illuminati string puller coercion scam. It ends with our President and questions need to be answered with how and why Extortion 17 mysteriously went down 3 months after the alleged Bin Laden raid. If you are going to be our President then take some responsibility for our warriors out in the field something that The Bush Chain Gang was incapable of doing. So I want to know why Wolfgang Halbig is still getting jerked around by legitimate FOIA requests? Now brain washed individuals can check out all of Infowars claims in one link, the one on top of this page in stead of searching the web for answers to questions, this is called- Investigation 101

Laissez Faire Solution For Our Criminal Justice System

 Freud stated that the two things we need to be happy are love and work. This same premise holds true for our draconian prison system. Rehabilitation is practically non existent but we  still continue to do the same things and expect different results. Actually I am confident that they know that it doesn't work but they still do it anyway. This should be another definition of insanity. For starters most of these so called violent offenders are really not that violent. It all comes down to needing their fix and becoming willing to go to any length to achieve this goal. They were either arrested with a weapon or with somebody that had a weapon when they got caught up. The Posse gang mentality is definitely not the best example of human nature but the facts are still clear. Most of the inmates have the disease of addiction and the Illuminati Robber barons know how addictive this shit is why do you think they are bringing it in to our cities and suburbs in such massive quantities? This is a perfect storm to get everybody hooked on Suboxone to make this a double whammy profit center. Greed Mongers gone wild, maybe they should figure out how to take this business model public and initiate an IPO. These string pullers need to do some time and get a dose of what life is really like on the inside. The inmates know all about the Illuminati. Who do you think broke the ice to me when I was in jail? They didn't believe for one second that Bin Laden was really dead or that the raid in 2011 was real or legit, they even requested familial DNA. Most of these people are victims of the system that set us up for guaranteed failure. That is why the only solution is Laissez Faire hands off decriminalization of all narcotic drugs. If the goal is mass depopulation anyway then let the addict kill themselves with drugs on the outside and then try to introduce them to the program in the interim with professional interventions. These string pullers are Janus Principle snake in the grass slimy serpents. In other words people complain that inmates are draining the tax payers dollars with three hots and a cot and that they really don't even deserve that. That is how ignorant our main stream talking heads have made most people. These investors are making so much money off of people being incarcerated with for profit publically traded jails, prisons, state run rehab facilities, private sober homes the list goes on. So this basically means that they want you locked up even though they know for sure that it doesn't work. This just creates ticking time bombs of either dormant addiction if they weren't using on the inside or harder core criminals who learn better tricks of the trade. The disease progresses while dormant this means that it only gets worse never better once somebody picks back up after a period of long term abstinence. It is a guarantee that the disease picks up where it left off but gets even progressively worse. So basically what I am saying is that they need to stop sentencing people to ridiculous amounts of time for drug offenses or even so called violent crimes when it should be clear that the individual has the disease of addiction. When I was locked up there was a waiting list for people that wanted to work. Contrary to popular belief addicts even if they aren't sober have a desire to be productive members of society. So where are the good jobs, I just called these people out lets see what happens.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The System Is Burning Down These eugenicists have the audacity to come into my country and pull this shit. The fact that main stream media doesn't even touch this information says everything one needs to know about them. So the Illuminati Robber Barrons think that this is a joke. I enjoyed the Superbowl Tom Brady is the best ever no question about it although I never was a fan of Belichick. So they had a secret society Illuminati commercial that was kind of funny. Lady Gaga total cut out for the Illuminati however she put on a great show- The only problem is that I don't think that these Robber Barron's are funny especially when they poison our people with bogus vaccines and psychotropics. Do you know how many people have committed suicide over Prozac their so called miracle drug? These people are off the chain sociopaths and they need to be taken down. Lets face it the government is not out for our best interests. Lets take a look at this new Suboxone video teleconfercing program they have just initiated. Now addicts don't need to go anywhere to get their fill of Buprenorphine just click on the mouse. Its ok short term but how much is Congress in bed with these people? The state of Fla is a Racketeering protection racket that is draconian to say the least. The prison system has already been proven to be miserably ineffective however they just sentence people for ridiculous amounts of time for VOPs. Seriously are you going to sentence somebody to multiple months and years for paraphernalia if they already did years? Just Say No ok how is this going to help the addict in the long run? So everybody is making money except the addict. Felonies on the record with a shitty job market to boot. If people are in the system and they don't speak out against this then that just means that they are part of the problem. That is why it is great that our Potus uses Twitter to speak his mind to by pass all of the bs sensors of mainstream media. The Task Force is doing a great  job but if somebody is a hard core addict just putting them back in jail or prison is a guaranteed failure. So is whatever they have lined up for these people once they get out. How are these people going to stand a chance with no money and no jobs? This is a guaranteed relapse just waiting to happen. And then the H and I panels are difficult to get through as far as sending meetings into the prison system. Why do these Racketeering Protection rackets make everybody jump through hoops and then have the audacity to pose as the good guy that is only trying to help? I had ptsd going through the system in 2010-2011. IOPs are ok as long as people aren't dealing drugs there. The statistics of somebody getting sober are quite slim all the way around, the system should be part of the solution rather then the problem. Most good people in the system stand behind AIC Alternative Incarceration programs but it appears that many states have draconian punishments for drug offenses. The offender has to come to the realization that they are an addict as well because some are not. Sometimes a dealer takes the easier softer way AIC program to avoid the big house but never feels on a gut level that they have the disease of addiction. That is where the 90 meetings and 90 days comes into play. It doesn't mean that they do have it just because they caught a drug rap and went to rehab instead this is a realization that they must come to themselves, without The Man pushing them around

The Arnold Is Pathetic The Arnold is a clown. Why would he make that comment just because he is not even close in the ratings polls. This guy has all the hallmarks of a dictator wanna be, huge ego and AJ pointed out comments that he made to corroborate this. He was never a good actor just an action hero with movies filled with nothing but mindless and gratuitous violence. Its just that when you go out on the stage you don't pull a cheap trick to con your competitor and have him walk off while you stay on to steal the show. Narcissistic egomaniac with an inferiority complex. And from what I understand he routinely insulted women and sexually harassed them inappropriate totally pathetic and classless especially for somebody that ran as a governor. Comparing somebody like The Arnold and Jesse V is like night and day. Jesse V is a total stand up guy, he loves his country, very intelligent and he would never say or do what The Arnold has done on a routine basis. Jesse V speaks the truth, he talks about 9-11 being an inside job wtf has The Arnold ever done? He is just a celebrity wanna be who is pissed off because nobody wants to watch his show now that President Trump is no longer the protagonist. Now we have MSNBC journalists making comments that our Potus may target journalists. I cant wait until these 6 cartel talking head news outlets go down in a ball of flames with major lawsuits to boot. Controlling all of the information that we see and hear is a total mobster tactic. Sometime in the not too distant future the alternative media will be allowed in to ask real questions. I cant wait to see these mendacious individuals get called out. Why does Hollywood apparently not like our Potus? Robert Deniro made a comment that wasn't that nice. OK so if The Arnold was upset that President Trump insulted him initially I understand but it wasn't meant as a cheap shot. For example Robert  Deniro was promoting the film Vaxxed, his son has autism. Our Potus has challenged Big Pharma for starters so now the war is on. Why wouldn't somebody like Robert Deniro not want a president with the guts and character to go after real criminal operations especially when his son has autism? I am talking about real diabolical beyond most peoples imagination type criminal cartels. I cant think of anybody else that I would want on my side in a real dog fight going up against A Major Medical Petro Pharma Banking Cartel.  

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Thou Shalt Not Kill that is the lesson I learned from Hacksaw Ridge. What an excellent movie, it should definitely win some awards. It is not easy to take the life of another human being, it goes against our very nature why do you think so many of our soldiers got so f ed up by it? There are many ways to protect and serve that is why Conscientious Objectors definitely should have paid positions. I don't want to give away what the movie was about but it would be safe to say that some people have halos over their head and actually end up saving more lives then people would ever know. I wanted to be a Devil Dog the toughest of the tough. I was born an alcoholic so I deeply regret not going to the New York Military Academy. I interviewed there but they didn't want me because I was even more incorrigible then the students who got accepted. If I went there as President Trump did I know for certain that I would have been able to handle the rigors of OCS USMC in Quanico VA- There was no way anybody was going to break me physically but it was the drills and formations I needed a lot of extra help with. Some people pick up on things much quicker then others. The only problem is that war is an exercise in futility especially this GWOT. How many good guys got wiped out over the years by the Great Satan aka The Establishment? The Civil War all the way up through WW 2 and Beyond. The Forgotten War in Korea I can write for hours about how many great American families and generations were eliminated because of our banker wars. So basically they got off on killing American soldiers and that is how they derived their power? And then they have the audacity to try to take their weapons away and try to take them out with vaccines and antidepressants. The politicians are the ones with the protection details and they have always been the ones sending our best guys out to do their dirty work. Thou Shalt Not Play God and Thou Shalt Not Kill. Why did these Illuminati Robber Barrons want to wipe out our best guys over the years? That only left room for the degenerates and mind controlled fat beer drinkers who start fights at football and baseball games. Biological Retrogression is what it is really all about. So now we  have the Bill Gates type mass depopulation vaccine programs where they still continue to play God? We have served the Great Satan, these people don't want us to know that life really is eternal and that there is a real God. And that God would never send their best guys out to fight for something that was never really legit to begin with. The problem with this GWOT is that the wounds that our soldiers have suffered cant be compared to our other conventional wars. TBI Traumatic Brain Injury that cant in many cases even be diagnosed properly and the PTSD of always being worried about getting blown up and in many cases getting blown up by a roadside bomb. Seeing their friends get blown up without any clear ROEs. Can you imagine what that would do to somebody pyche? An enemy they cant even see or fight properly against, people need to go to jail over this. The Bush Chain Gang was warned repeatedly that the Iraq war would be unconventional and asymmetrical but the Chain Gang still didn't care or prepare our soldiers adequately just like in Vietnam. It doesn't matter that the number of our soldiers killed and wounded in this GWOT is much smaller comparatively then our other wars. In Hacksaw Ridge they had entire Companies get wiped out in one day. These wounds are still irrevocable that is why people still need to be held accountable. I am confused because Fox News stated that the first 2 weeks of the Trump Administration have demonstrated A New World Order. Wasn't that what we were fighting to prevent? Rex 84 Fema camps the whole 9 yards? 2 billion rounds of hollow point Jade Helm and everything else in between. Maybe we need a NWO with President Trump- The Greatest Show On Earth    

Friday, February 3, 2017

Unleash The Dogs Of War I like this website intellihub- If the Mexicans want to pick a fight with the new Trump Administration then they came to the right place. Also this site exposed Bill Gates and his eugenic program. I cant wait until the alternative media is allowed in on these news conferences to expose all of these egregious crimes against humanity. If anybody knows how unleash the dogs of war if need be it would be our new Potus 

Task Force 129- Born To Slay Demons Some people were born to slay demons. It looks like the radical left wack jobs tried to take out Roger Stone. These people are off the chart out of their minds. The George Soros types who pay people to start chaos at institutions of higher learning, ie- UC Berkley. The only problem is that watching Fox News gets somewhat upsetting. That is why I am greatly anticipating the questions that Oreilley is going to ask President Trump. My take on the Iran sanctions is that even if there isn't solid proof that Iran is building major nukes to be launched to destroy either the US or Israel I believe that we have had some of our soldiers/contractors die in Iraq and other hot spots as a direct result of the strings that Iran has pulled either directly or indirectly. For that reason alone I approve of the sanctions. I don't know if Obama was really soft on terror. Just because he didn't mention Islamic Jihad or whatever they were criticizing him for doesn't necessarily mean that he didn't do his job. So with Oreillys talking points that Obama was soft on terror and the new administration isn't that is way too simplistic for me. In other words it goes back to the Talking Heads who control the narrative dumbing us down 2 plus 2 equals 5 Karl Rove the establishment writes the history before it actually happens. They are all history's actors that is for sure. There are two kinds of people out there people that are beyond hope and completely mind controlled by Talking Points and then the actual actors and writers who wrote the script. In other words these are the people who don't believe in conspiracy theories because they are the ones that actually created them to begin with. So they have a huge budget to demonize the so called conspiracy theorists who continually call these people out. Task Force 129 loves to slay demons they know how to chase dragons but actually slaying demons in any form is definitely their calling. Its like in tactical firearms training you shoot the way you fight. There is no way we can have an opposing force with more firepower. Even if we don't have 9 Lives it doesn't matter we will still go down with honor. What's the worst thing that can happen we get taken out? If that happens we wont know about it anyway just like Kevin Dillon aka Bunny stated in Platoon. The establishment is weak, look at that clown they sent  in to fight Wolfgang? That Johnson character what did he have earrings in his nose or tongue? Pathetic this is what our world has come to. Weakness and establishment types who try to write the script of history before it actually happens. They have DHS companies like Obsedian Analysis write script's for them trying to pass off tactical training drills as real live shootings. If I didn't know that this was true I could swear that I was dreaming that is how f ed up our country has become. The people who write the script's don't know the difference between fantasy and reality. Actually they do but they just get off and enjoy f ing with our heads, it is their form of entertainment Free Mason cia all the way  

Thursday, February 2, 2017

President Trump- The Greatest Show On Earth

President Trump is the greatest show on earth. Infact I just read the book about him with that exact name. I also read the new one that he wrote about making America Great Again. I also heard on AJ that he wrote a book pre 9-11 and that he knew that Bin Laden was a bad guy before everybody else did. I was never interested in reading any books about Obummer. Seriously do you think I would be getting the straight story anyway with his book? Dinesh Dousaza had some movies that seemed to be right on the money. I am done with these watered down ghost writers and all of these so called great leaders. Oreilly and his ghost writers with interpretations of history which are more then questionable. I was never really interested in reading any books about W although I did enjoy that Oliver Stones movie with that exact name. Maureen Dowd used to have columns called Bush world and I also believe that she wrote a book with that same name as well. I believe that library's are the greatest show on earth as long as people aren't loud and obstreperous. I know that President Trump cares about the common folk and never respected phonies and frauds. Lets just take a look at Obummer, a total cut out for the establishment. He spent his entire life gaining the respect of the Ivy League elites but I am not convinced he really gives two shits about what the establishment did to our  inner cities. The establishment is so arrogant, they create chaos and confusion and extremely difficult economic scenarios and then have the audacity to actually blame us for the problems that they created. What makes this even worse is that they then  come in and try to pose as the savior. Two Faced Janus principle Frauds. I know that President Trump is going to create growth and opportunity. Right now the only jobs out there for myself and fellow addicts are boiler room operations with massive rejection and very low pay. I enjoyed White Collar and how the FBI x-con was able to infiltrate a penny stock classic pump and dump  boiler room and take some bad guys down. These actors were very good especially for tv standards. They played the perfect narcissistic wanna be rich punk scumbag roll. Doesn't it get boring for people that are really like this in the real world? They are so transparent, they just sit around and talk about how rich and cool they think they are, totally pathetic. I love American Greed Scams Scoundrels on CNBC as well. The only problem is that they focus on the little league scams and not the big league operations. I did learn from this program however that victims of financial fraud get very little if any payback once they are robbed in many times for their entire life savings. In other words what difference does it make if the scumbag gets convicted and gets sent away to club Fed? If the victims don't get their money back plus interest what difference does this really make? Most of these victims are not the vindictive type anyway, they just wish they haven't been robbed in the first place. We need more boots on the ground for financial fraud and victims and their families need to get all of their money back plus interest.