Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Mueller Investigation

The Russia hoax was the worst abuse and weaponization of our system in history and as the Durman report makes clear it was a crime like no other- DJT- I read an overview of Durhams report and it was everything but what Trump stated to his who evers- I also listened to Peter Strzok on the Anthony Davis show- He is everything but how he was depicted by Hannity Greg Jarett etc Why does Trump engage in such isms lets take a look- For starters he wants the dumb vote by hook or by crook- He even stated he loves the uneducated- Davis made a comment about how Desantis could be as dangerous as Trump- Not by a longshot- Trump is in his own league as far as that is concerned and I know Davis knows that because he had Bandy Lee on his show- Meglomania the compulsive need for self aggrandizement by oneself or or by others- Strzok mentioned yes he wants the big parades w/ the tanks and the planes and he can probably still run the show even if and when he ends up in the can- I am still trying to figure out what intel the insurrectionists were using on Jan 6- Blind faith in thier messiah? Proud boys- stand up and stand by I am upset because I feel like I have been duped- A good investigator always uses more then a couple of sources so I have only myself to blame- I am not headed to the pen for 18 years like Rhodes and that other idiot who engaged in violence w/ law enforcement however I still feel used by that wanna be potus who is still facing a multiple count indictment on the federal level.- Catastrophizing and using black and white thinking/language also appeals to his base- In recovery we are trained to avoid these traits like the plague because our quality of life is dependent upon it.However this seems to work great in politics and that is the reason we have Trump contagion-It is contagious and unless there is an intervention it will only continue to get worse

Love And Peace

Some of these magas are strange individuals indeed- Anybody that comes across as a gun nut to me raises red flags- What is a gun nut- People that brag about how much damage thier weapon can and will do and how weapons of war is basically thier identity and thats all they seem to talk about. Lets take a look at MTG stalking I believe it was David Hog acting like weasly paparazzi. I couldnt hear a word that she said except for I have a gun in my purse- If that doesnt raise a red flag I dont know what would. As a person walking down the street and not recoognizing somebody and if the only words you heard from them was I have a gun in my purse seriously is that not strange and inapropiate- Not a good look to say the least- Also I like AOC and for MTG to go harass her abd cause a scene at her place of work was classless and totally in apropiate- Just because you oppose somebody politicaly means its ok go on thier turf and attack? That is an act of aggression. Lets take a look at Lauren Bobert- A bill that makes the ar-15 the national gun no I dont think so- A weapon of war where we didnt win any recently and a symbol of trauma and not of freedom- Violence mass shootings ruined lives. Bobert has her own history of violence allegedly w/ her husband and thier child as well. A few years ago I was trying to sleep and then I heard what turned out to be 39 rounds reverberate througout our town. A quiet mostly peaceful place to live where violence is on the down ward trend thanks to great law enforcement- Theese rounds were so loud I thought it was literally next door-Turns out it was the next street over after I called 911- Travis Rudolph- former nfl player- An ar-15 where he shot 2 people one dead and the other was wounded- One of the victims ran a couple of homes down looking for help and there was blood smeared all over the place. Unless somebody is shooting at you whats the need for 39 rounds? Stand your ground? (Prosecutors told jurors Wednesday that the men had already begun to drive away in a black Cadillac by the time Rudolph fired 39 rounds in their direction, killing Sebastien Jean-Jacques in the passenger seat.Palm Beach Post)- I talked to some neighbors and they seemed to be down right traumatized by this event- Some moved out shortly therafter. Hearing a weapon of war in our neighborhood isnt exactly what most people sign up for- Should we be able to protect ourselves yes should we have a weapon of war and trauma as our national gun no I dont think so- America needs the symbol of love and peace as our national symbol

Saturday, May 27, 2023

MAGA Frauds

I an an independent that voted for Trump in 2020 however I saw a trend w/ the magas that I didn't like- I feel that I was gaslit by Trumps acolytes w/ their full court press frontal assault on how corrupt the any body but Trumpers were- I thought to myself wait a minute here is a man convicted of fraud for his bogus university who has a track record of not paying his bills nor paying people for the good faith effort in many construction jobs- went bankrupt six times. It was like the pot calling the kettle black- Since then 17 felony counts of financial tax fraud- the list is going to get much longer very soon- He also appears to be a xenophobe and misogynist-It was the Meidas Touch that really opened my eyes and certified my gut feeling- I have since fell in love w/ the democratic party- I am more or less a progressive as an independent- I admire the best of both parties. I just loathe hypocrites and extremists who are caught up in their ego and who are cruel to others and I cant stand insecure bullys on a power trip that brag all the time. Especially as a corrupt individual- Frauds that are arrogant really get under my skin- This is something that I missed for years due to the chief brain washer and demagogue and his paid trolls claiming to be investigative journalists- They may have had some truth in what they were saying on many ocassions but overall if they are standing behind Trump all the way that tells me all I need to know

Espionage Act

section 793(e), which prohibit disclosure of information relating to the national defense by persons who have such information without authorization. Finally, there is precedent for prosecuting disclosure of classified information to the press under the Espionage Act. (Does not have to be top secret or classified) Michael Popok explains how the Tex AG is currently under indictment for securities fraud and is also under recomendation for impeachment- lack of public trust bribery- maga ag top law enforcement official in the state seems to be a bit shady to say the least- Allegedly firing people who were confronting his unethical actions thats definitely not a good look

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Money And Politics

lets see whats the latest Desantis coming out w/ elon musk and a technical glitch- Steve Schmidt points out some clever things that I would have overlooked especially since I have been residing on the right side of the fence for the most part- Why Desantis doesnt have a shot- I dont know about all that but maybe he shouldnt have went after Disney- Its kind of like that Trumpian power thing over reach something that can easily be overlooked due to his pro freedom fla etc The other issue is that politics has been going in the wrong direction since probally forever- How is it that somebody needs a wealthy benafactor standing w/ him- What is that- Money shouldnt be part of politics thats been the problem all along- So who ever has the richest super pac has the best shot i dont know about all that- The more money that has been behind certain individuals the dumber the commercials have been so seriously presidents should be elected not appointed- I can see through the magas agenda now- you know the border- So my question is since the magas lied about election fraud how true is it that our borders are insecure- We have people that have been arrested for wire fraud that are trying to pull the strings- I kind of like Musk he is interesting but I dont agree w/ billionares getting mixed in w/ aspiring presidents- Candidates should stand alone- Desantis had the commerical as Maverick why does he need Musk- Republicans are getting less inteersting to me every day-

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Real Investigations

So Clinton Cash led to an investigation that turned out there was no there there- Its kind of strange how the far right alt libertarian etc stirs up all types of angst but nothing ever seems to happen- Maybe because the Clinton foundation wasnt all that corrupt to begin with- I find it tough to grasp that cerain entities w/ in our doj would stonewall a legitimate investigation in favor of a politicl party- Maybe I am just too naive- At one point I felt differently becuse I read the books and watched all of the shows of certain individuals attemting to expose corruption- Times have changed- Seriously how is it that a certain author investigative journalist would be able to have more intel then our feds- cia fbi the list goes on. You mean to tell me that published books that seem to expose all types of illegality never seem to go anywhhere when real scrutiny is put to the test. Kind of like how jenna ellis admitted she lied about election fraud Its no different then all of this anti vax dr fauci etc- How many more books articles podcasts do we have to listen to and read- Ok donate to the cause get in the fight but no legitimate investigations ever seems to transpire why is that- Is it because the deep state are the ones pulling the strings of the deep state- The only thing I know right now is that there are certain individuals that appear as white hat as you can get and they have worked w/ in our criminal justice system for years- Real crimes w/ real criminals on every level- local state and federal.Many of these people are exposing crimes by our former potus and they appear to be as legit as one can get- I now know I believe that I can tell the difference between real deal individuals and cos play actors in the alternative media and elsewhere- As one astute investigative journalist put it chaos agents- No these people have worked w/ in our dept of justice with the fbi and they appear to have stellar reputations- I am going to tend to give these people my ears and eyes now as opposed to the individual and thier acolytes who appear to have actually commited the crimes-

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Shock Jock

I think there is a reason why many people dont want to grow up to become a politician- An astronaut teacher fireman lawyer wall street wiz you know the usual that is what most people aspire toward- If anybody is living up to the stereotype of a smarmy politicians look no further then our modern day republican swamp- How bad could it actually be when certain individuals claim that they are fighting for us and want to drain the swamp when infact that is exactly who and what they are- Selling your soul up and down the river- Luke Beasly did a great job of clips of Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham from a few years ago- Both had unkind things to say about Trump. Contrary to how Beasly and his guest felt it appeared that Cruz were speaking from his herart- What a miserable plight to be stuck in a sinking republican ship but now have no choice but to kiss up to that rude classless wanna be potus- When you take a shot at another mans wife that is about as low as one can possibly go- That is how Trump plays ball he is nasty and fights dirty w/ everybody it doesnt matter what side of the political fence you are on- Desantis has to deal w/ that garbage now I would much rather go the independent route and be my own man- That maga cult needs to go- It is a telling sign of how and why we feel the way we do about certain politicians- They say what they mean mean what they say and try not to say it mean- But then a few years later they do an about face and are both praising the republican nominee- That is as bad as you can get-How can they feel good about what they do for a living- Seriously I knew something was wrong w/ that man years ago when he said something like Elizabeth Hasselbeck was one of the dumbest women etc- I thought to myself I dont know much about her but from what I do know she is anything but unintelligent- she is well spoken, classy, attractive and actually conservative something one would think would give her extra points. It doesnt matter when somebody is deeply insecure they are constantly belittling others in an attemp to get a leg up- Does it feel good to constantly knock others and try to make them feel bad? Trump should take a look in the mirror and instaed of saying set up witch hunt he should say there is a reason why people dont like nor respect me- Its because you take cheap shots like during that deposition saying something irrelevent and belittling- Trump rerminds me of this trash tv shock jock from the 80s Marton Downey jr and that is definitely not a compliment- One step below Jerry Springer but that is the maga base- Its called make America classless again- If those qualities arent enough to get under our skin then we have to deal w/ somebody that commits serious crimes and proceeds to down play them like he is entitled to do so because of who he is and oh they are not really crimes. He has enablers/writers like zero hedge and others singing the same tune-

Monday, May 22, 2023

THe APA is A Sham

Freud once remarked that no one feels as guilty as saints, and I have found that no one feels as innocent as criminals,” she says. Perpetrators of violence—even convicted murderers—often feel victimized: “They tend to think that their behavior, no matter how egregious, was warranted and reasonable.” Bandy Lee We have some serious problems w/ in the APA- First off we have Alan Dershowitz king enaablor of the aspiring commander in chief- writing to yale assisting in the termination of Lee- I wonder if Dershowitz is pro bono because Trump doesnt seem to pay his lawyers- His latest real good one resigned- So the APA espouses an archaic Goldwater rule even if one is able to witness countless hours of ones behavior in the public square- That still isnt sufficient one needs to see them in person. When you do see somebody in person how can you diagnose so quicKly they cant but the patient still get prescribed massive amounts of drugs- does that make any sense? Giving people drugs rt away in person w/ out a detailed bio pycho social- There is no test for depression and the plethora of other disorders that is why its all a sham- However when a trained forensic professional expert witness w/ counteless hours of real experience combined w/ peer reviwed studies speaks out she gets terminated- Not only that she didnt appear to be diagnosing just analyzing behavior patterns which is the only real real way to evaluate somebody- She never stated that Trump has xyz so why did she get terminated- Yale cow towing to the donars who keep them afloat-

Saturday, May 20, 2023

A Shining Star

hatred is fear- fear is not freedom- Jessica Denson- a beautiful luminary- So I am walking my dogs w/ the gold star family shirt- I look like a four on the fourth advertisement- The problem is the republicans or the right I should say have attempted to brainwash the masses- They are basically saying if you dont wave the flag or be a walking advertisement lapels the whole 9 then your not patriotic- This woman I met assumed I was on the right and started off w/ a dem bashing- I tend not to engage in polemics during polite banter especially political ones- Its kind of like how the magas have certain slogans just like George W your either with us or with the terrorists- I am telling you the republican party is responsible for alot of unsavory acts- The latest is attempts to divide and conquer and with that means we will never have a chance to be be united as one- So anybody riding down the street w/ a flag waving means they are magas no I dont think so- They dont own ones personal demonstration of patriotsism infact many people would be insulted by that insinuation- So basically my shirt meant I was a republican no I dont think so- The dems tend to show thier love in a different way and to me it seems more authentic- See that love not hate thats the big difference- State run propaganda fox news running w/ the homeless vet story upstate NY that turned out to be false- They thrive off of false patriotism and visceral jingoism- Its like how can we trust them w/ any news now- I still like some people on fox but I accept them for what they are-

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Fear Nor Favor

Former Potus reminds me of a bleeding deacon- In the rooms this is somebody who always has to get thier two cents in regardless of how late it is and is convinced that the group wont survive without him/her- The kind of guy who hijacks the meeting and may even have how it works memorized- You know the type where your always roll your eyes and cover your ears everytime they open thier mouth. Trump is a typical demogogue cult leader and makes it clear if he doesnt get elected the marxists commies bolshevicks traitors are going to continue to destry our country into oblivion. Whatever happened to the globlaists- We cant forget about the rhinos and never Trumpers For a while I bought into this because the evidence was clear that many of our big cities have a homeless crime and addiction problem like nothing we have ever seen before- We will be a much stronger country even if and when Trumpian doesnt make the cut- Hyperinflation will straighten out prosperity and abudance will be on the horizon. Trump did some ok things in office but from what I remember tax cuts for the rich and only wanted rich people in his cabinet according to TYT- Hes an elitist even though he conducts himself w/ everyday vernacular like many we the people in America- How is Trump going to make America greater he has a track record of never being on the up and up- Ben Meiselas a brilliant legal mind and orator explains in detail the hows and whys of this- If you arent paying taxes and setting up companies correctly how do you expect us to trust you with our country- its pretty simple- Meiselas explains the latest article in the Washington post and how this man lost his life savings 500k to a Trumpian ploy- Truth Social media isnt looking too legit at the moment. Farron Balanced a very astute investigative journalist pointed out how The pillow guy is looking to sell shares in his company- Selling to the gullible has often worked out well for desperate swindlers but isnt this a telling example of our modern day republican swamp- A laughable joke. Many people have made money on wall street and investments doing thigs the right way but when the feds start asking questions to Trump oh its all a witch hunt hit job- It doesnt look that way- There appears to be many smoking guns w/out fear nor favor in the right here and the right now. Another thing I noticed about many of these alt right religionists- I dont know if thats the right way to explain these individuals- Maybe the conspiratorial christian esques- They are always claiming doom and gloom is right around the corner and its all in the bible- Better start prepping now store up all of your guns food and ammo- Really how much longer are they going to be doing this- Fear sells- the q storm military tribunals were a farce- I listen to these highly astute individuals now and the only thing they talk about is love peace and justice- The only thing Trump appeears to know how to do is blame whine rant deflect divide and attempt to conquer- Ofcource he has upstart investment deals where many people get screwed- He may even be the anti christ himself

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Information Laundering

There are some solid investigative journalists some w/ a political twist others not so much- Cold Fusion and Young Turks- Both did an expose about x Theranos ceo Elizabeth Homes- Cold Fusion pretty much pointed out that this woman could very well be a sociopath- The YT explained how the New York Times an elitist media source seemed to attempt to launder information about Homes. A convicted fraudster etc In America one just has to rob cheat and steal and eventually they will get a promotion- The Times attempting to rehab her image and humanize her which has alwys worked very well The YT great information source w/ a progressive spin to it. There is nothing wrong w/ that since we have seen what greed has done over the years- They seem genuine and authentic and appear to be the real progressives where the times may be on the left but still elitist and cow towing to the rich and powerful- I dont see the YT ever doing that- I can see them asking real quetions and having we the peoples best interest at heart


Why no dna in the eg carrol case? If thier was no sperm found on the dress and the only thing it would prove was that there was an encounter at least that would prove that the case isnt a hoax and that Trump did acruakky know this woman. Would it be like whatever evidence is uncovered Trumpian would match it In other words if dna did come back w. that there was an encounter but no proof of sex Trump would be a chameleon I was w/ her but didnt engage in coercive sexual abuse instead of its a hoax I dont even know who she is- If I was a defense attorny I wouldnt take certain cases especially if I felt my client was guilty- The only thing somebody needs is reasonable doubt about ones character in order to not get the vote-politicians have been known to go very far in order to cover themselves

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Love Birds

In my travels I often find myself stuck behind the wall- Better known as the bridge on pga- I think that this is what it must be like if they ever built that thing- Promises of a wall that never panned out- Then I see some homeless guy w/ all of his belongings w/ a big sign saying Trump the wall looking for some cash- He was not very strategic because he never positioned himself in a place where it would be convenient for a motorist to give him something- I looked closer at his belongings one day at the library and it said something like I am a former college educated soccer player etc I was just wondering why this guy would be touting a wall pro Trump etc I thought to myself Trump doesnt give a f about you- He is a high mach super competetive where its all about survival of the fittest- Its like he feels in America everybody gets a chance to go out and become a sucsess you know by hook or by crook- He would view this homeless guy as weak- Then I thought why is this guy on the street because when I was on the street I did everything I could as fast as possible to get the hell off- That was survival to me- Will Smith he was only on the street for a few Pursuit of Hapiness- What it comes down to is that people can make cash grifting pan handling more in a day then working a minimum wage job- The other reason people on the street dont want to get off is to continue thier lifestyle of getting high- Most homeless shelters and good sober homes dont allow that- Then I saw this news clip of the former love birds from the fbi that are involved in some sort of litigation- I can tell you that the magas did such a persuasive job of convincing me that these two and Andy McCabe were the worst of what the fbi had to offer After contemplating I asked what did they really do that was so wrong- Send a few anti Trump texts so what this is the USA they are entitled to do so even more so as feds- So I ask again what did these federal investigators do that was unbecoming in the Mueller investigation- It appears that they made some arrests and uncovered some solid intel- I am telling you Sean Hannity would sit there night after night deep state etc the evil love birds etc- When people are doing thier job and you have interference from some obvious politicaly partsian news outlets like fox there is something seriously wrong with this picture

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Frivolous Lawsuits continuing pattern of misuse of the courts by Mr. Trump and his lawyers undermines the rule of law, portrays judges as partisans, and diverts resources from those who have suffered actual legal harm," he said. How many frivolous lawsuits has Trump filed over the years- The continued attempted weaponization of our legal system definitely damages its fabric and integrity If Trump was on the up and up he never would have needed so many lawyers over the years and now its finally catching up w/ him- Elana Habba claims that people that ask questione are concerned because he might win again in 24- that is a diversionary tactic- Many people believe that we still have an honorable system and its not partisan nor does anybody care that much about former potus future potus aspirations- The jury found a preponderance of evidence based on contemporaneous statements and a pattern of victims which is the reason for the verdict of sexual abuse

Life On The Inside

In politics sludge always seems to find a way to rise to the top- When an individual adamantly denies any wrong doing even after sentencing during the incarceration period there is usually a problem- Somebody like Santos might be able to survive club fed but I have my doubts about if he would make it in county or some state pens- Ofcourse he is prob connected so he may get protection- I remember during the initial stages of my incarceration somebody coming in immediately asked for pc- The co said did you get pc on the street- Incarceration has a way of bringing out raw honesty and I can tell you the other inmates had contempt and derision for some of the people that continually claimed thier innocence- Many of the folks on the inside respected law and order infact that was a frequent television program- Many people on the outside can be weasals and thieves but that doesnt fly on the inside- Thats why pedos need pc and wouldnt last long if mixed in w/ the general population- The punks in county who make alot of noise and are generally disrespectful dont last long when they get transfered upstate either because that is where the og not becessarily long term but longer termers are. They dont want to be bothered by some loud mouths coming in acting the same way they did in county. Thats when they get checked and either shut up or get repudited- Its all about respect when it comes to life on the inside- When they know they are getting out they definitely dont want to get an inside or an outside charge. The rules on the inside are quite similar to a good sober house- Keep a low profile and the last thing you want to do is bring any unneccesary attention to yourself- That means dont be a dick and dont make a mess- Getting high obviously doesnt work out well either-However many life long addicts can fly under the radar getting high with out bringing un neccesary attention therefore not getting tested and proceeding to find a way to survive life in the sober house- Addiction is very similar to crime because eventually everything always comes out in the wash

Election Grift I am still trying to figure out what evidence this marine was going by to engage in the conduct that he did- I wonder if mike the pillow guy and his former potus bud have any empathy for creating an insurrection off of evidence that doesnt appear to be too convincing- If the pillow guy had more then worthless maeta data I would be a little bit more inclined to take him seriously- And then Lindell said oh the expert that he owes 5 million to was not a cyber guy wtf is that supposed to mean- Fraud vitiates everything- If that is not bad enough allegedly engaging in a wire fraud grift off of phony election claims where one marine already got sentenced to more then 5 years-

Republican Swamp

Republican swamp-never knew anything nor payed attention to who George Santos was until yesterday- He gave a swarmy explanation of these serious federal charges 13 counts of fraud, mpney laundering,theft of public funds, wire fraud fraudulent schemes and brazen misrepresantation- etc claiming a witch hunt- These republican swamp creatures deserve each other- deflecting blame etc He came across as a weasal on the podium sunglasses on seriously does he think he is some kind of joe cool fraudster extradionaire- A few astute investigative journalists have pointed out that Santos had a long track record of lying well before these charges came about- serious criminal charges up to 20 years- He also has a credit card scam open investigation in Seattle this guy sounds like a real winner- I really dont care what party this idiot belongs to I would have the same level of not contempt cant think of the word right now. I wonder who he was taking lessons from- oh witch hunt etc sounds like our wanna be potus whos popularity rating is far less then he claims as usual- Brazen that is how he came across on the podium- Anybody who is not contrite or humble after getting such serious charges leveled against them more often then not has a criminal mind- Some shady individuals working for we the people are arrogant fraudsters taking advantage at every turn- Innocent until proven guilty yes but the feds rarely get it wrong- Thats why it sometimes takes so long to put the clamps down- Santos claimed the charges came so quickly no they didnt it just meant he was under investigation for a longer period of time

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Justice Matters

Glen Kirshner was a jag and has worked for many years within our criminal justice system as a federal prosecutor. He explains that Trump needs to be babysat now because he cant seem to control himself- Order to restrict certain info- In all of his years the only time he has seen these type of limitations and restrictions are for criminals rico cases people that have influenced and intimidated witnesses- Prohibition set fourth by Judge Merchan to protect witnesses- In 30 years working as a prosecutor Kirshner states that the only people he applied for these protective orders for were for homicide cases- gang conspiracy cases w/ violent criminal organisations- rico defendents- dangerous individuals an ecclusive club that now include Trump

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Trump Sex Abuse

Trump gave an arrogant flippant deposition which I am sure didnt help his case- Then he says he was going to come back in person but Tacopina his lawyer said no he waived his right to testify- He then stated that he was unconstitutionaly blocked when the judge made it very clear that he had x amount of time to come to NY in person- Preponderance of evidence which means it was more likely then not the incident occured w/ an unanimous 9 person jury agreed upon guilt not for rape but for sexual abuse and defamation etc 10 count 5 million dollar civil fine. There was solid testimony from his other victims

Operation Blockbuster

major bust in wpb half of the 30 people will be facing rico charges- fentanyl found in 95% off all opiate deaths and 67& of all drug related deaths-Dave Aronberg working hard w/ his teams shutting down unethical sober houses as well as working tireless investigations in crime ridden neighberhoods guns drugs shootings etc

The Wall Fraud

Americans all over the country poured money into the wall project, including Benton Stevens, an 8-year-old Texas boy who set up a hot chocolate stand and website to raise funds in early 2019. Stevens donated approximately $28,000 to Kolfage’s effort, according to his parents, and he helped cut the ribbon on Kolfage’s first completed wall project). kolfage Iraq war vet in cahoots w/ sloppy Steve- Using his position as a war amputee to garner further support There is a big problem w. many of these people as well as many magas- They are trying to convince us that our criminal justice system is corrupt and that is a sin especially since it doesnt appear to be true.What could be worse then hiding behind a false cloak of patriotism as a war amputee and then stealing money from your donors- It was such a big deal build a wall and then what pretty horrendous especially since former potus was using Hillarys alleged transgressions as a way to get elected in 2016- The magas seem to be showing thier true colors more and more each day. There are few things that could be worse then being a dirty criminal and then brainwashing your core audience into thinking otherwise and that they are in reality really clean and its all a set up by a corrupt politicaly motivated criminal justice system. A vast majority seem to actually believe this- The system has its problems buts lets take a look at a kangoroo court that could be set up by the magas- Guilt until proven innocent swift execution just what Trump called for w/ those boys that were ultimately found not guilty- I believe he even called for Snowdens execution- Some of the things I here coming out of the far right are down right disturbing- Its like religious fundmentalism the very thing America fought against during the gwot- These people blew themselves up over Allah- I bought into magas cool aid I am grateful to be cleansed- When many core people are dirty and not accepting responsibility nor accountability for criminal acts that only means the system will come clamping down even harder on them- What kind of message is Trump sending us by pardoning Steve Bannon- The little guys can do the time while my pals will always get a free pass thats quite disturbing- A free license to give the middle finger to America and to all of the people that actually voted for him In Trumpian world he calls for harsh draconian sentences on everybody else except for his pals because they will always get pardoned

Monday, May 8, 2023

Stochastic Terrorist

Bluster and bravado might get you elected once but not twice and definitely not for a third term- I wonder if the seditious conspirators are having second thoughts about listening to former Potus- Always be wary of a greedy capitalist because their interests always come first- Why is the bible Trumps favorite book if he isnt able to quote it- I believe that it is because he doesnt know any based on my obsevation of how he operates- One would think that some of his insiders would encourage him to sit down read it and at least try to make it appear that you know a little something- He doesnt have the discipline to read in a scholary fashion I can tell by the way he writes- No ability to absorb long eloquent prose and how to put the age old wisdom into todays modern day world- Bill Bar said he doesnt have the discipline for strategic or linear thinking and that he would deliver chaos and it would be a horror show left to his own devices. His base followers are primal and instinctual hypnotized by the typical cool aid spewed out by ruthless demogogues- If he had the wisdom he wouldnt write the way that he does- I wouldnt be surprised if Trump ever read a book in his entire life cover to cover- No discipline in his diet nor any discipline to control what comes out of his mouth nor w/ what he writes- That is quite typical for people w/ these kind of pychological disorders-(low impulse control) I feel sorry for some people in the republican party who not only have to deal w/ him but also have to get his permission if they want to run for Potus- Like he is the king and you need his permission to have a primary and get his authorization first- Autocratic reminds of the dirty cop in American Gangster- Sad state of affairs right now on the republican side of the house

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Seditious Conspiracy

“That’s how you’re supposed to handle these people,” Bender quotes him telling his top officials. “Crack their skulls!” On another occasion, Trump reportedly called for the military to go in and “beat the f**k out of them” – and several times, he told officials “just shoot them”. Met with resistance from Attorney General Bill Barr and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Milley, he then apparently clarified: “Well, shoot them in the leg, or maybe the foot. But be hard on them!” would Trump actually say this inquiring people want to know I knew something was wrong w/ Trump when he was badmouthing John MCcain but at that moment I wouldnt speak out because I was still drinking the maga cool aid pretty heavy- Then calling gen Miley an idiot he only knows how to belittle- A man like that would never be able to unite people, his pyche is too wounded- When you critisize people incessantly as he does hurt people hurt people- He has deep pychological problems unresolved trauma that hasnt been dealt with- The only way to is through. He used people like Bill Barr as his personal attorney and after being done w/him then said that he sucks- How a greedy civilian capitalist w/ a checkered past can be so disrespectful to our people that have served and are still serving in our sacrosanct venerable institutions and get away w/ it is beyond me- Our real leaders in the military and criminal justice system he has shown blatant contempt and hostility for- Until he gets much needed pychological help in the form of pychotherapy and much more he wont have a chance to be a normal and decent human being- He should have shown deep gratitute and humility after winning in 2016 and not be such a blatant thug and cocky a hole- There is a huge difference between confidence and cockiness- Many people do think he raped eg caroll as well. He doesnt even show up afrer stating that he was going to what kind of defense is that? He then proceeded to post on social media that it is a scam upseting the judge. If its a scam isnt that something one would try to prove by at least being there in person? Former potus doesnt appear to have much substance more like all bluster and false bravado.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


What happened to Michael Cohen was a travesty of justice-I knew former Potus was bad news but reading Cohens account of what he endured was stomach turning- He didnt even do anything that severe but still got the book thrown at him- remanded- solitary confinement- used and abused as a political prisoner w/ a weaponized doj led by Trumps AG who was acting like his personal attorney who should have been doing his job as the AG instead If thats not bad enough Trumps minion Matt Gaetz putting out a threatening tweet alluding to Cohens alleged personal life the day before testimony- This proves what I ultimately concluded magas cult are the swamp and high level hypocrites- Wimp Gaetz cant handle a womans drink landing on him so he has to escalate charges to battery on a public official pathetic- Magas making believe they are on the moral high ground total joke dirty tricksters- They have dirt on all of thier opponents and others who dare to leave the reservation- That is the only way they try and get ahead because thier policies are archaic- Weasals- Trump making believe he was upset because Obama allegedly was spying on him oh my Trump would never do anything like that- I dont know whos worse JE Hoover or former Potus Swamp Trump and his acolyte Alex Jones w/ dirt on Marco Rubio pathetic political operatives- Anybody that dares to challenge Trump the egomaniac w/ an inferiority complex gets a barrage of threats accusations and dirty dossiers leveled at them- Even worse Michael Cohen could have died in solitary confinement like many people do because that is essentialy torture- No empathy petty tyrant wanna be fascist former Potus relishes w/ the oppurtunity to use and abuse his once trusted confidants and many others

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

So Help Me God

It doesnt take courage to break the law it takes courage to uphold the law- someday we may have a govt that is as good as its people- Mike Pence we shouldnt let this story go to the bottom of the birdcage- Michael Popok