Thursday, March 1, 2018

Where There Is Darkness Light

(Headlines With A Voice- 28 Counts Of Treason to be viewed on youtube.) This is very powerful information that has shaken me to my core and I thought that I was already a hardened warrior. Our AG needs to be replaced- Greg Jarett explained last night on Hannity that Sessions is our AG in name only- We are on the upswing but the left are out of control. I don't know what to call them because they are not really liberals. Real liberals welcome freedom of expression, demand transparency, freedom of speech etc.. So why is the bastion of all liberalism Berkley acting like degenerate Neanderthals when Milo came to speak? Who are these people that  have hijacked our upper levels of academia? How much does it cost to send somebody to college and they  have students that act like that? No they aren't real liberals.
  Hillary stated that we still have to watch out because the Russians are coming. Where there is darkness light. This means that for the first time the light is shining bright but not in most of the media. Every major news channel besides Hannity as well as every major newspaper has been radio silent on the biggest story to ever hit this country. The FISA court is supposed to be secret, not anymore? It appears that they were lied to on four separate occasions. Instead of focusing on the SSG we need to set our sights on a SSC instead. That means a (Second Special Counsel) to investigate these apparent egregious violations of the law. Not only that we need prosecutorial authority, the OIG Office Of Inspector General doesn't appear to have that. A SSC-(grand jury and subpoena powers.) I don't understand why more people aren't upset with this double standard that we have had in this country? Sending people away for harsh sentences for weed and much more blowing molehills into mountains just to keep us distracted while the SSG appears to commit all of the heinous crimes. Hillary exoneration before investigation destruction of evidence the list goes on. Our Potus stated what our AG is doing is disgraceful. Lets also take a look at two of his scorched earth Tweets- (Sessions has done NOTHING about Dems crimes-) Also '(Where the hell is Jeff Sessions? He recused himself like a coward after he caved to fake news pressure which is why Rod Rosenstein was able to appoint Mueller as Special Counsel.") These people appear to be as dirty as they come. Our AG caving to fake news pressure in our country? We have had a bunch of weaklings frauds and cowards that have hijacked the upper levels of our criminal justice system and every major institution. We don't want people like this as our AG because that time has come and gone. The Trump Train is going to demand results. We don't need an AG who focusses on going after weed, his/her very instinct should be first and foremost to go after the real criminals and then apply maximum force and pressure. Look what they have been allowed to get away with so far, they think its all a joke apparently. Greg Jarrett explained what he has witnessed in relation to this FISA abuse scandal- That is a violation of 6 felony statutes- Perjury, Abuse Of Power, Obstruction Of Justice, Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Fraud and False And Misleading Statements-  The Russians Are Coming- When are people going to get indicted?
 (The Department Of Justice And The Federal Bureau Of Investigation) What kind of standards have we had in this country? The FBI and DOJ acting like hardened criminals and many appear to be delusional. We have allowed this up until this point in time- that is disgraceful

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