Monday, March 26, 2018

Media That Is Crumbling Down

Failure to prosecute the criminal activity of a terrorist group Hezbollah by Eric Holders DOJ- The media would rather talk about Stormy Daniels- What do you think about Stormy Daniels? An opportunist who even admitted to being money hungry and not so nice. Anything to continue on with her Equestrian lifestyle- Screwing people legally was her former profession. Now she wants to make believe that she is a victim after signing 3 different statements stating that the event never happened. What makes this even worse is that she acted like a liar on 60 minutes. What do you mean? She said that this entire scenario would harm her fan base which she knows is the furthest thing from the truth. Most of these people are professional liars, they make up so many different stories  and say the most outrageous things that many even laugh about it themselves. So her fan base is going to go way up, she is definitely going to get more then her 15 minutes, the entire time while making believe that she is a hapless victim. The other issue is that many people aren't interested in tabloid rag gossip material being passed off as real news. It's all downhill for these people, CNN, at least Anderson Cooper asked some decent questions. The New York Times did a very good expose on exposing what kind of person she is. She is a shameless self promoter that is all about the dollars and cents, and even admitted to not being a nice person. "She's the boss." I am sure she will find a way to cash in on this one all the way to the bank. Its pretty low level, peoples personal and private lives should stay behind closed doors. The New York Times has a general consensus that adult consensual adulterous relationships should not make the news.
    We have a society that is crumbling down, our former Potus could never do things legit that is why he had to forge a birth certificate. Then after making believe that he was the nemesis of the Clinton cronies he colludes in a massive corruption scandal in the likes this country is finally learning about. Paying 12 million dollars for a bogus dossier, at least Fusion GPS is getting sued for libel. All to dig up dirt on the opposition candidate while trying to fix an election. Weaponized intelligence, illegal spying, forged and fraudulent liars and leakers and the only thing 60 minutes can talk about is Stormy Daniels. What would Mike Wallace have to say about this? Greg Jarett has a laundry list of crimes that were committed by the DOJ and the FBI-   Judge Jeanine had Sarah Carter on over the weekend. They had a discussion with this man who was downplaying the Clinton- Uranium 1 Case. Time will tell however so far it doesn't look that promising for these people who seemed to have continually sold out our Republic for their own selfish self aggrandizing gains. These people are on their way down while our Republic is definitely on its way up thanks to The Trump Train and many others. What did you think about Anne Coutlers indignation? We will probably get the Wall but most of the dope is coming in from Afghanistan not Mexico. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. We have career journalists on Main Stream Media who still cant go all the way, why is that? If you want to be an investigative journalist then one should go all the way, otherwise you are just another sell out. Dr Jerome Corsi recommended a book that is very recent- It talks all about the cia and their drug running. Illegals that have come across the border because of illegal activity on their side of the fence should be looked into. Mexico is so corrupt how do you know they are real criminals? Good point the Mexican pd and many other govt officials are as corrupt as one can possibly get. Cash pay offs, cops that are as dirty as they come. If somebody was arrested in Mexico I would have to question its veracity.                                                                 

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