Thursday, March 15, 2018

Becoming Supernatural

(To Stand up for justice and peace, then you must first find peace within yourself-pp-321-)  Dr D. helps us to see that their is life beyond 3-D-  Interdimensional beings throughout the quantum field. His teams have made Scientific history by substantiating what the great mystics and ancient civilizations have been trying to tell us all along. Thinking positive thoughts isn't as effective if we are still stuck on the three dimensional plane. This means that one  may continue to exemplify certain negative thoughts and maladaptive behavior patterns until we tap into the numinous. Meditation and empirical case studies that measure the brain waves, electromagnetic frequencies- alpha- beta- theta and delta. Collective and universal meditations and quite possibly influencing world events and seismic shifts due to mass awareness.
  The book explains that one must go from a somebody to a nobody and then to be part of everything and everybody, the multiverse synergistically connected to all living organisms throughout the unified field- The Quantum field of Ultimate Reality. Much easier said then done but I believe that this  makes sense and can be accomplished. By getting out of ones egoic/analytic mind and then tapping into and becoming attached to others high vibrational electromagnetic frequency. He explains that humans aren't meant for archaic evolutionary adaptations of fight or flight for extended periods of time. In other words this is what causes diseases, I can also see how these concepts will revolutionize the addiction field that is now still at epidemic level proportions. Thought waves, pulse waves of  light and energy, Spontaneous Remissions, case studies which appear to be legitimate. Matter must be met with energy not (matter vs matter.) This is the obsolete Newtonian theory of 3-Dimensional  ineffectiveness of cause and effect. One needs to cause the effect just by thought alone. Quantum physics of energy vs matter is what the future holds for humanity.  Dr D. explains that our problems are more epi-genic then genetic- Environmental where one's environment dictates and tells the cells what the issues are therefore creating the various illnesses and diseases.
  One must bypass the analytical mind and tap into the sub-conscious and into the brains operating system. The goal is to have a full on sensory experience without the physical senses which is the metaphysical 5- D and beyond. Mind Movies and kaleidoscopes, this book was very powerful and should take the world as we once knew it by storm. We only utilize about 5% of our brains potential, Dr D. demonstrates that people can literally transform almost overnight.  A new identity, a new reality of pure bliss and happiness. Much easier said then done but Dr D. helps people to get on the right track. The Pineal gland, the third eye which can act as our antennae into the various Interdimensional frequencies. This way one can trip naturally without Ibogaine and visit life forms and beings that many of us know exist but haven't really experienced yet. We just need to try to get off of the duality and polarity karmic 3-D frequency that is linear, not multidimensional and encompasses most of our current world. A 5 plus star rating for this book. I knew that this  was going to be a lot to digest, that is why it took me almost 3 months to decide to delve into it. There is a big difference between skimming and actually reading. I am guilty of skimming books and then claiming that I have really read them. That sets a bad example and will never help somebody get to the next level.  A book that one actually reads is one where one should take notes. Otherwise it becomes very difficult to recall. Infact my Professor in college told me that we don't  remember hardly anything that we read. That is why taking notes and going over them and then writing, turning books into blogs becomes so important.

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