Friday, March 2, 2018

Color Of Law

Color Of Law- An act done under the appearance of legal authority when in fact no such right existed- Greg Jarrett explained that Sessions has been "utterly feckless" Jason Chaffetz stated that Sessions is "not up to the job and doesn't have the guts" and that he recused himself. AGs are not supposed to recuse themselves and they are supposed have courage. When you have real professionals making these kind of statements about our AG what does that say about our AG? This is information that seems to be based on more then just opinion. Anyway we seem to have a Kangaroo court system- Wolfgang went through some procedures during that school shooting, it seems quite shady to say the least. A code red and a fire drill, they were warned about this in the am? CCTV's that are set 20 minutes away from "real time" In a kangaroo court system you have somebody plead guilty right away so that real investigations cant be conducted. Then they can demolish the crime scene and contaminate all potential forensic evidence just like the Sandy Hook fraud. Speaking of which are we going to be able to witness any real forensic evidence?
   Big Brother Watch seem to lay out credible facts that point to Sheriff Israel as a dirty political pundit. Apparently dozens of calls were made to local law enforcement about Nicholas Cruz and most of these warning calls resulted in no written report. Lets put it this way if FBI gets called and then local law enforcement about a potential loose cannon that is reason enough to take somebody's weapons away as long as certain procedures are put in place. 45 calls for service relating to Cruz and his brother from 2008-2017. "Was this incompetence or was something more sinister at play?" Lets leave it up to our AG who according to Jarrett is in that position in name only and doesn't have a real clue to what is going on. What is going on? I am not sure maybe we should ask Rod Rosenstein. A gun grabbing politician as Sheriff. Israel has built a publically funded political machine, paying back supporters with high paying cushy jobs and using them to keep him in office. I witnessed this mans behavior with Dana Loesch, it was way off base as to how we would expect a Sheriff to conduct himself and seemed to be totally and completely scripted. I also analyzed the body language and facial expressions of some of these witnesses to the school shooting. It seemed obvious to me that many were scripted actors. Facial expressions, smirks, this is incredulous and very suspicious  behavior for young students to demonstrate who allegedly just experienced the most horrific tragedy/experience of their lives. Israel was arrogant, full of hubris and seemed to have an agenda. He openly lobbied legislators to curtail Stand Your Ground, block open carry legislation, and block legislation allowing concealed guns on school campuses. Israel had a quote when asked to defend his apparent gun grabbing corruption agenda- "Lions don't care about the opinions of sheep"
   Chaffetz also stated that if we had a  real Attorney General there would be no need to jump through hoops as is being done now.

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