Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dirty Cops

https://www.infowars.com/whistleblower-cop-kidnapped-put-into-mental-institution/ Ridiculous- Just because this cop wanted to go after bad guys and not write tickets to fill quota he got the extraordinary rendition treatment. Serpico- Detective Richie Roberts, has the NYPD really cleaned up their act? According to the Internal Affairs Bureau book that I read (Blue On Blue) they have. If I was a cop I would get fired for not writing enough tickets. I would be too nice to people and let them slide if they had weed on them. I certainly wouldn't bust them for some bogus border jurisdictional issue and throw the book at them. Most of the cops come across as nice guys that protect and serve. I would only want to go after bad guys and would not create  any unnecessary drama for no legit reason. They say that only 10% of the cops go after the real criminals but then again most don't have the ability to. If you are stuck on patrol the investigations go to the detectives but make no mistake those patrol officers do many thorough investigations. Detailed, paperwork that would make most peoples head spin.
   I still cant figure out how this Fla school shooter was able to kill 17 students. We have these industrial espionage bandits who control the spy grid, therefore the feds should know who is writing what on line. A tip to the FBI only 6 weeks before the shooting that  Nicholas Cruz was a potential school shooting threat. We also have 17 federal intel agencies. How many local and state leos do we have? Apparently there was armed security at the school as well. Speaking of which this man stated yesterday on Tucker Carlson that there were supposedly armed details during Sandy Hook? I put many hours looking at that charade of a shooting and this was the first time I ever heard of that. These people along with the Sloppy Sniper make up things as they go along. Cruz supposedly had a desire to kill people, erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts. Dr. Jim Fetzer has some very interesting intel on all of these mass shootings

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