Monday, March 5, 2018

Bringers Of Light

Look to see who is truly serving the world, truly seeking to share wisdom and knowledge, insight and understanding, caring and compassion. Provide for those people, pay them the highest honor, for these are the bringers of light. (pp518 conv w/ god) Bringers of light can come in many forms. People that don't want to wrap their head around some dark truths can try to bring the light in other ways.
  Who deserves our respect at the current moment? Lets see most of the patriots in the alternative media that are getting censored by the industrial espionage bandits? AJ explained that Sean Hannity is kind of like a boy scout and wasn't indoctrinated into the dark world of the deep state that is why he was buds with Gorge W and company. He is like a boy scout but now he is going all out, he was called to serve and deserves our deep respect and gratitude. Most of the people that serve in our criminal justice system that represent law and order are boy scouts. I can see that Hannity would be a good FBI guy full of fire and fury. He has many solid people in his corner that are giving him intel that he is now releasing to the public. This is a historic time to be alive, these kind of events only happen once in many lifetimes.
  What else- It looks like the deep state stole code and patents from Leader Technologies and have used this to implement the tech giants spy grid over we the people. Who needs Parallel Construction when you can have people just sign on to fb this way they know everything about you in real time. This is why ones smart phone pings out every time you go somewhere, they triangulate your every move and try to suck you in to their latest marketing plan. As long as the marketing plans can make you money isn't that what matters? No its all about money for them meanwhile you get stuck in the matrix while they censor you on youtube for speaking the truth. They needed a front man to look like the precocious geek hero from the ivy league school with their social media platforms that is why they used Zuckerberg- The dork who called us all dumb f ers and said things like let the hacking begin" They stole patents and code from Leader Technologies and it looks like the largest Industrial Espionage case in history. If it isn't bad enough they used weapon zed intelligence and spied on a Presidential candidate they had to steal patents and code from real entrepreneurs. They couldn't spy on Potus Trump inner circle like they do to the rest of us with complete impunity because of his advanced encryption perimeter defense security details so they had to invest in a bogus dirty dossier and then lie to the FISA courts instead. 
   Perimeter Defense doesn't matter when the enemy lies within the gates. The deep state culprits involved in this Industrial Espionage theft are the same players that are ruthlessly still trying to take down the Trump Train. Unverified and Salacious, contempt of court, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, false and misleading statements, perjury, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, industrial espionage theft, these people are real winners. They make up our spy grid in the tech world- NSA-google- They also have a subservient AG in their corner who according to Judge Jeanine doesn't have any prosecutorial balls

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