Tuesday, March 6, 2018

SSC- Second Special Counsel

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html Intellectual property and Trade Secret thieves- These people within the DOJ have made a mockery of our criminal justice system. The rules apply to everybody else, the common folk, everybody else except them. A SSC (Second Special Counsel) must be initiated because the fox can no longer guard the hen house.http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/03/06/strzok-clapper-ignored-hillarys-server-hack-consent-obama-digenova-says Clapper- was supposed to do a Damage Assessment- What else in the land of the unscrupulous? Life Liberty and Levin- Devin Nunes stated that historic breaches took place with no mention of this in the media. They did however leak (felony leaks) to to the NY Times and other media outlets- Sen. John McCain- There was a direct attempt to subvert the electorate process by planting subliminal messages both direct and indirect about President Trump who during most of that time was just an American citizen. Felony I repeat felony leaks to the media and the Democrats were grasping at straws with some obsolete and archaic Logan Act. There have been so many brazen and egregious violations of the rule of law before during and after the election. How many votes did these people sway to the left by using the media as weapon zed intelligence against We The People? That is exactly how they use it and that is why they stole Leader Technologies intellectual property, source code, Trade Secrets and Patents. Washington Post not accurate reporting. The issue comes down to the rule of law should have zero to do with political partisanship. Impartial investigations must be conducted and the press has a moral and legal obligation to report the facts legally without leaking or unmasking American citizens like they did to General Mike Flynn-  General- 3 stars high honors but all of the sudden he was supposed to be in collusion with the Russians? There has been such an abuse of power by an out of control Deep State contingent of swamp creatures. Nunes also mentioned that the FISA court is supposed to be used for real bad guys only- We are talking about terrorists and the like- People with a manolevent agenda toward the United States Of America- They used and abused their powers and it looks like it went all the way up the chain of command. Our former Commander in Chief who had one of his subordinates make a statement that the NRA was analogous to a terrorist organization. False Flags, phony tears probably a forged fraudulent birth certificate. Fast and Furious his entire DOJ and FBI is and was infiltrated with rogue operatives.
   What would we do without real people in our media? We are at  the tale end of a real Banana Republic because these people are as fraudunt as it gets. Our Potus is picking up the pieces and cleaning up the mess but he still gets no gratitude or appreciation from our  media. Without Hannity and people like Devin Nunes- Trey Gowdy we would be bulldozed by a bunch of rogue zealots hell bent on Fabian Socialist and Marxist ideologies. Anti American- Uranium 1, the list is way too long-
     One of the many reasons that I write my blogs is so that I can keep a record. Years from know I can look back and say that this was actually true, these people tried to hijack the most important election our country has ever had and the Main Stream media and every major newspaper has been crickets about it all- We are in bad shape at the current moment but things are definitely on the upswing thanks to some real Patriots. We must all show our gratitude and respect for these dedicated individuals.     

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