Friday, March 16, 2018

What Ever Their Problem Is

How can one be the AG and not know that they don't have to recuse themselves, especially for a counterintelligence investigation? Also in order to open up a counterintelligence investigation doesn't there have to be enough substantive evidence that there was a crime committed? These are just a few of many questions that need to be addressed to various individuals in the upper echelons of our criminal justice system. Why is the New York Times making it appear that the special counsel Mueller investigation is still going at full steam ahead with various subpoenas? Isn't there a modicum of journalistic integrity print media must adhere to? When I was in college I got in trouble for plagiarizing certain information for my papers. I know what being held accountable feels like especially when I went to jail for a jurisdictional issue in regards to my weapons.
    This is upholding to a very low standard and a very bad example for future generations, especially young adults that want to become Federal Agents. Working for the FBI should be an honor, the highest aspiration for a young man/ woman coming out of college, this is really bad. When is our AG going to make an announcement that their will be a SSC and a real investigation into multiple felonies committed by these Democratic operatives? What would we do without real people in the media like Sean Hannity, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, and Jason Chaffetz? Judge Jeanine and many others but not that many. This means as Hannity explained that real journalism is dead and there are only a few people that are actually doing their job. We have a populace that doesn't seem to care that a Presidential candidate destroyed evidence, acid washed, deleted e-mails obfuscated and stonewalled major investigations and basically acted like the queen of an out of control crime cartel. When we have an FBI, the very people that are entrusted to do the investigations actually committing and covering up the crimes a massive surgical and strategic overhaul must take place. The DOJ and the FBI, this is very bad news. It doesn't matter that they don't like our Potus, one has to still uphold to the letter of the law. I don't think our AG should proceed in his position. As soon as he took the job he didn't seem to know the law and then recused himself from an investigation/case that any normal AG would jump at the chance to prosecute. I don't think we ever had a normal AG-, the Holder/Obama crime cartel was an abomination. A real AG would love to prosecute major crimes especially the ones committed at the highest levels, not to make a name for themselves but rather because this is the job that they swore an oath to uphold and defend.
   When is our former Presidential candidate going to be held accountable? Instead of grand juries, search warrants and subpoenas she is making inappropriate comments and insulting hard working and genuine Americans. "Whatever there problem is". There is such a major disconnect with these people,  committing crimes of epic proportions and then acting delusional about it all like its all some kind of sick joke. This is not the country our Potus is going to stand for and that is why he was elected. He is a no bs guy, a hard nosed businessman who is bringing back the rule of law. Things are going to change in a dramatic fashion within the next few months. It has been long overdue, many people within the FBI and DOJ should be ashamed of themselves for their actions. Many need to show remorse and some semblance of humility, not extreme hubris like that clown Comey   

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