Wednesday, March 21, 2018

War Crimes And Swamp Creatures 15 years ago America destroyed my country- This man described what America did to Iraq as a crime- 1,000,000 Iraqis dead he estimates- how many of our soldiers were blown up and killed by our war criminals that  lied about WMDs? America needs a day of reckoning-  If I was sent to Iraq and then found out that it was all based on lies, fraud and deception I along with the rest of  my fellow foot soldiers would want justice to be served. As it stands now I am more then a little pissed off by these political pundits who don't do a dam thing except lie- Not only do they lie they create horrific crimes and then proceed to get away with it. Devin Nunes stated that their were so many crimes committed by rogue operatives working for the FBI and DOJ- So many crimes committed and the only thing mainstream print media does as Hannity stated is talk and write about Russian collusion and Stormy Daniels-
   Its pathetic, the arrogance and hubris these people have- war criminals in Iraq and Afghanistan- our elected officials- Intel agencies that create weaponized intelligence and collect metadata  to be used against we the people.  Comey is going to Miami to discuss his book- It is going to cost me $45- I listened to Hannity's show- I have a laundry list of questions to ask this clown- Greg Jarett has a laundry list of crimes that were committed- lying under oath, false and misleading statements etc.. to name just a few. A book and speaking engagements instead of shame and embarrassment, this country really is a joke- When one commits egregious crimes in the name of fidelity- bravery- and integrity one would expect to have some shame and or at the very least some semblance of dishonor. Instead we have book tours and big fees for speaking engagements- The liberal press- pathetic- Greg Jarett stated that Comey is going to need book royalties to pay for his legal fees which are expected to be exorbitant. Sean Brennan, I must admit that man looks like a thug- Then he Tweets out that our Potus has moral turpitude- Mark Levin hit a home run 2 nights ago- He did a summary of what all of these jerks did in the name of America- our tax dollars- They work for the American people but not in reality, instead they have been working for themselves- This is abhorrent and unconscionable- Frauds who proceed to act arrogant and delusional which makes this even worse- Swamp- (Senior Executive Service) members close to 10,000 members that have been enriching themselves at our expense- Untouchable honarioums- and continuous law breaking. I don't care how rich they got, Wall Street and all of that as long as they did it legally like the rest of us working stiffs which they didn't- America is going to have our day of reckoning sometime in the near future.
   And then going into Iraq to make that country much worse-  I don't listen to propaganda, I listen to the indigenous populace- Is the country worse off now then it was before the invasion? 1,000,000 Iraqis dead- the horrors of war during Americas invasion and many dead Americans many are also now ruined for life. All because of bogus non existent intel and a criminal FBI director who not only covered up 9-11, he was an attorney during the Boston Whitey Bulger days- The Departed- We all remember that movie and subsequent story line- Mr impeccable integrity according to our bias media was involved with that quagmire- (dirty FBI arrogant feds-) Thomas Paine states that Mueller was and is a lawyer, he was never a real cop- He used to answer the phone- ("Homicide") like he really was one but he really wasn't- he is a crooked and dirty swamp creature- (Senior Executive Service member) a crooked  politician- as dirty as they come- Comey was kissing the Blarney Stone on St Patrick's day, Tweeting out about who is honorable- a great day for the Irish- I believe that Greg Jarett stated that Comey is a megalomaniac.

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