Saturday, March 17, 2018

Half Measures Avail Us Nothing Our Potus should not have recommended this woman. For starters enhanced interrogation techniques haven't been proven to work. This woman enabled bogus non existent intel to invade Iraq- no wmds Curveball total bs coerced confession where the perp even admitted that he told them what they wanted to hear. The Senate condemned  enhanced integration techniques and stated not to do this anymore for a reason- Not only that it constitutes a war crime so why is our Potus recommending this woman? In order to prove that he is not a neo-con- like many of the critiques on the left and many others state he needs to distance himself from all cia queen's of torture regimes- Torture And Truth- America, Abu Ghraib and The War On Terror- Mark Danner- includes the torture photos and major documents and reports- We incarcerated many innocent families that had nothing to do with being an insurgent and treated them in a draconian and barbaric fashion. Hannity is doing a good job exposing the swamp however  he is way off base in criticizing people who want nothing to do with a country that initiates these kind of ineffective tactics.
   If you want to create insurgents then just treat them the way America did- invade their country and put many innocent people in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib- A country that was sovereign and had nothing to do with 9-11- Why not tell the truth we went in for war profiteer contracts and to  make money for the bankers. Hannity had Ollie North on not impressed talking about being a SERE instructor and Gonzales that man is persona non grata- a war criminal who initiated torture tactics on sovereign countries- Stop lying and using propaganda, the very thing you are accusing others of being which is the height of hypocrisy. David Knight a good example, he  speaks out against this kind of corruption and sadistic behavior. So why is our Potus doing this? Why does he want to possibly initiate the death penalty for drug dealers? That is draconian- Do we have a totalitarian regime? I thought that is what we are criticizing the deep state faux leftists for? One can initiate harsh penalties for causing fatal ods but capital punishment puts this in  a different category. He needs to go after the Deep State for a war that has lasted over 6000 days for an opiate pipe line  that has been killing our youth. Allegedly people  are talking about Military Tribunals for the Deep State Perps- Why not focus on who is really bringing in the dope that is killing our young people all over the place?- So let me get this straight we have a bunch of drug dealers that are into torture and illegal spying still at the cia's payroll and our Potus apparently supports this and that is why he recommended this woman who was demonstrating glee during enhanced integration techniques for a low level (more then likely innocent)  perp and we are supposed to be ok with this? Stop the bs and double standard- If you are going to try then go all the way otherwise don't even start because half measure avail us nothing. 

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