Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The New Common Sense

https://aim4truth.org/2017/11/05/trump-conquers-the-new-world-order/ This is the best article that I ever read- Thomas Paine- founding father- Greg Jarett wants the feds to come in with a warrant. Stonewall subpoena drag their feet they are professional procrastinators. The DOJ and FBI have placed career bureaucrats in place to specifically not work for "we the people". They know every legal loophole and can drag cases on for not only many years but for decades. What may seem illegal to most of us can be misconstrued and put through legalese jargon. Speaking of great legal words Greg Jarett- (Percipient) witness meaning eye witness, one that can write a statement, not just here say. The Federal Marshals need to come in with a warrant to seize documents from the FBI- Asking nicely hasn't worked in the past. How refreshing it is to have legal analysts that can explain how the law really works. The stonewallers try to get away with everything and anything, we know that what the actual criminals and stonewallers did  never made sense but now we finally have people to explain it to us in layman terms. What would we do without these great people? The only way to get things done is to get information in front of the American People and that is exactly what Fox News is doing so we can then get pissed off and raise hell. We cant leave it up to the bureaucrats and professional stonewallers who created the problems to begin with.  

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