Saturday, March 24, 2018

Weak Potus- Freeze G-MAN

Freeze G-man- The worst thing one can get labeled with as a G-man especially working for the FBI is "lacking candor" Lets take a look at Mr former FBI Andrew Mcabe- Conflicts of interest-his wife had previously received donations for her state senate campaign from a top Clinton ally but he recused himself from the Clinton e-mail investigation only one week before the election- The only place one can get real intel in print media is (The Weekender) they do a great job. Also American Intel Media has the real story about Cambridge Analytica and its not the one that seems to have been reported in the WSJ- Lets see what else did Mr G-man do during his tenure- He didn't act immediately after discovering more e-mails on a top Clinton's aids laptop. Who were the leakers to the press that is what I want to know? Having politically motivated subliminal messages being utilized and weaponized into the print media. Operation Mockingbird type tactics and  they are still doing this everywhere except Fox News- This has nothing to do with being on the left or the right. The feds are supposed to carry out impartial investigations- If somebody did something "egregiously" illegal especially as a politician that is even more reason to show contempt and continue on with their job description. Nothing personal that is what its all about as a G-man- But not in the Obama/Holder DOJ and FBI- infact it has been the exact opposite-
  William Campbell Uranium 1 undercover FBI informant stated that our former Potus was weak, this is the intel that he gathered from Putin's operatives while infiltrating Vladimir Putin's operation- That is the worst insult to bestow upon a sitting Potus- Weak and more then likely compromised-  The Trump Train is putting together an unstoppable force- Ambassador Bolton (peace through strength)- Making sure China doesn't rip off us anymore- stealing our intellectual property  while laughing about our weak Potus like they did during our previous administrations- Larry Kudlow and Joe di Genova the best team one can have to get America to the next level. Not only is the Trump Train  more powerful and much faster then a locomotive it is light years ahead of speeding bullets as well.  "Above all don't make a religion out of anything then one can be an open channel for gods expression- Religion has been humanity's downfall" especially organized religion.
    What do you think about the transgender military rule where one has to abide by their birth certificate? That makes sense as long as its legit. What do you mean? It means as long as its not forged like the one that our weak former Potus showed everybody. These people lie and forge everything and they are allowed to get away with it. Fraud vitiates everything. Sheriff Joe and Dr Jerome Corsi did a forensic investigation in regards to our former Potus birth certificate. What did AJ mean by fair-weather or Sunshine Patriot? He meant don't be a flake- I don't have that much  respect for fair weather people. Especially the mean spirited and nasty fans in the stands who most of them never stepped in the arena themselves. Fraud vitiates everything. What happened to thou shalt not judge? Who ever said that is not living in Ultimate Reality. Joe di Genova asked where our current FBI director Christopher Wray is? No public statements during tumultuous times for the Bureau? He also called him a coward, di Genova is a man that I admire a great deal. 

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