Saturday, March 3, 2018

We The People

So what is on your mind this am? Lets see Judge Jeanine our AG being used to the compartmentalized world of the Senate and possibly not being indoctrinated into  the rough and tumble world of the Deep State. She had a great guest on that explained this, a Fox News contributor. Maybe the Deep State is too much for him, he's in over his head or maybe he is just an employee of the Justice Dept. according to Matt Gaetz and not the real AG. Dereliction of duty, I must say that I admire Fox News a great deal, they have real intestinal fortitude. Judge Jeanine put this immigration attorney in his place- "Don't come on my show and tell me what is true" The Cal bureaucrats should be charged with obstruction of justice.
  What else don't hold anything back? Do I ever- "If humans don't change some of their sponsoring thoughts humankind could doom itself to extinction" What does that mean? It means that people should stop listening to their sponsor and tune in to the world of their spiritual advisor instead? What is the difference? A sponsor tells you what to do and fires you if you don't listen where as a spiritual advisor just tells you what he/she did and doesn't put harsh restrictions or make up draconian rules like you shouldn't date. etc.. Idolatry, sometimes when a sponsor has a plethora of sponsees their head gets bigger then Mt Rushmore- A spiritual advisor is just a simple guide and earns your trust, trust should be  something that is earned and not freely given. Isn't a spiritual advisor and sponsor one in the same? More or less but sponsor sounds too much like network marketing, that word is not even mentioned in the Big Book- Speaking of which what do you think about Herbal Life's network marketing win? Let me put it this way just because Carl Ichan thinks that he is 100% right doesn't mean that he is. It all comes down to dollars and cents. Bill Ackman has backed off his quest to see Herbal Life sink, it just matters what the shareholders say the ones that  make the real money. And of course the top dogs on top of the Pyramid food chain, the little guy rarely if ever makes a living regardless of how hard they work or  how much effort they put fourth. They settled for a deceptive marketing pittance of a lawsuit but it should have been much more then that. So we end up getting stuck in a system where the little guy continues to get screwed over by the man and the Carl Icahn's of this world say things like "you cant sell shit you are shit hit the bricks pal."" Go home and tell your wife your problems because you cant hang in a mans game." Alex Jones explained it best we live in a  world where the top dogs try to make us feel guilty and bad about ourselves for not making it in a system that they created. It is a system that was clearly rigged to begin with. The capitalist system and the criminal justice system has been rigged for decades but our Potus is changing this at a rapid fire pace. He is changing the world as we currently have known it but still gets no support from the media, only Fox News. They stand behind our Commander In Chief 100%, more people should join along.

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