Friday, March 23, 2018

Gang Of Eight and many more Gang of eight and many more- Great comments after the article- In a ramped up federalized electromagnetic frequency what does (I am that, I am mean?) It means come out swinging and don't apologize for throwing the first punch. What a great example Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross are over at American Intel Media- The Glass Bead game- They are trying to help people to become more involved and aware on a multi dimensional level- In god we trust right isn't that what its all about? That is right some people are on the tip of the spear and many others are going to be on the side lines of history after its already been written. It is an honor to be able to write about the world as it is and being indignant for the way things currently are. So what about the ethereal pseudo spiritual people who say why are you trying to kick ass and take names when there really isn't anything you can do about it? Who cares- People can say what they want most don't jump in and get involved into the fray for a multitude of reasons. Sitting on the sidelines and criticizing is much easier then  standing on the front lines and firing rounds and throwing punches- I would have to say that collective conscious is pertinent- People who don't get directly involved can just be themselves in silent meditation. Joe di Genova how refreshing to have that man jump on the Trump Train- One can be indignant but feel alive and refreshed because that is what the electromagnetic vibe is all about. It means being grateful and humble and living as if the future event is already here. The only thing we have is the present but we can live as if our manifestations have already taken place. This is much healthier then living in fear and resentment because of what happened the day before.
  Michael McKibbon and Thomas Paine explained that the SES conducts themselves just like the SS of yesteryear- Third Reich and Ivan Drago look a likes. Mostly of lawyers with arrogance who make money by stonewalling and keeping the gravy train going. We have never seen anything like this, actually it has been in existence for many years but it is finally being exposed to the light of day. He also compared the Waffen SS and or SES depending on how one looks at it as the KGB- Secret police that have a sense of arrogance and entitlement. We have a message for the fake news networks that are nothing more then tabloid rags with useless gossip and distraction. We don't care about Stormy Daniels, you Corrupticrats covered up a violent and vicious rape and multiple sexual assaults from our former President. Since he didn't go to prison for the remainder of what would been the his formative years he was able to continue on with massive money laundering and corruption schemes along with his wife in the likes this country is finally learning the full extent of.  That is because of many great people- Hannity, Infowars, American Intel Media the list is long and quite extensive. How can we live in a country where feds are politicized and don't do what they were hired to do? That is to conduct real investigations and not lie under oath and change 302's. All of this has been conducted under our watch because of these dirty stonewallers at the top of the food chain. One can have a great attorney, this means that he/she adheres to the letter of the law the way it is has been written. It doesn't mean overzealous and aggressive prosecutions of more then likely innocent people because we have a laundry list of innocent people that are going to testify under oath. That attorney Weissmann dirty, overly aggressive, Pitbull zealot witch hunter along with Comey and Mueller- Some people that may have been innocent went to jail and some died there. Being a great  attorney means being calm but assertive and not operating outside the lines of the mandate of the rule of law.    

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