Thursday, March 22, 2018

Senior Executive Service These deep state democrats are pathetic- No substance all fraudsters- If our former Presidential candidate had to pay 12 million dollars to dig up dirt this is (fruit from the poisonous tree) The entire investigation is a joke and so is Joe Biden, Obama, Brennan and the rest of these swamp creatures- Mueller is a Republican but that doesn't mean anything because these people are not loyal to we the people, they lie about everything. Political partisan weaponized intel Stasi zealot investigations- FBI and DOJ not impartial total and complete witch hunts- Judge Jeanine stated that when she was DA if her office didn't come up with anything after 15 months they would have closed down the investigation long before- So how much money did this tainted investigation cost thus far that is what I want to know? American Intel Media now has the names of over 8,000 Senior Executive Service members- Michael Mckiboon the real leader of Silicon Valley and Leader Tech and source code that was illegally stolen by these people- Chandler- fb youtube, google Amazon- all monopolies subsidized by we the people with stolen intellectual property- They use it to make us brain dead and keep us on the grid and they even admit this- Zuckerberg needs to show us what he knows about source code- all card board cut outs that have made billions even trillions of dollars to try and rig elections and use bogus intel to take our Potus down-
  AJ explains that the 60 billion dollar tariff against China is definitely a good thing. So let me get this straight America sends goods into China and gets substantially taxed and then does nothing when their goods come in all along while they steal our intellectual property as well as eliminate  jobs for Americans that once had solid manufacturing and factory jobs as well as a stable future for their families?. If that isn't bad enough we have 17 intel agencies that haven't been working in our best interest. Liars- leakers and frauds- I have to admit that if I were to come up with an elaborate scam it wouldn't be as good as what these Rober Barons did to our country. They created patent laws for  real entrepreneurs for the sole purpose of legally being allowed to steal them under the phony guise of National Security. They stole Leaders Techs patents ie-- trade secrets and intellectual property under the guise of becoming  a potential threat of being used as a weapon. This just so they can  turn it around and use it as a weapon after they steal it because that is exactly what these rogue operatives appear to have done. With Joe di Genova as the tip of the spear the Trump Train is now in good shape. Jason Chaffetz states that Congress are wimps and they don't have the guts and that is why he left. One has to be able to send out subpoenas and then hold people in contempt if they don't comply. So they stole Leaders Techs source code and then proceeded to use it as a weapon against not only we the people but against our Potus elect. A direct attempt to try to take him down with a bogus investigation that was tainted and never should have been initiated to begin with. This is because their wasn't substantive evidence that a crime was ever committed. All along while they lie to congress, leak to the press,  perjure themselves under oath and nobody ever does anything about it. Statute of limitations conveniently is over with Clapper because of Obamas DOJ and crooked special counsel and witch hunt that now appears to be (way beyond their mandate)

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