Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The New Common Sense

https://aim4truth.org/2017/11/05/trump-conquers-the-new-world-order/ This is the best article that I ever read- Thomas Paine- founding father- Greg Jarett wants the feds to come in with a warrant. Stonewall subpoena drag their feet they are professional procrastinators. The DOJ and FBI have placed career bureaucrats in place to specifically not work for "we the people". They know every legal loophole and can drag cases on for not only many years but for decades. What may seem illegal to most of us can be misconstrued and put through legalese jargon. Speaking of great legal words Greg Jarett- (Percipient) witness meaning eye witness, one that can write a statement, not just here say. The Federal Marshals need to come in with a warrant to seize documents from the FBI- Asking nicely hasn't worked in the past. How refreshing it is to have legal analysts that can explain how the law really works. The stonewallers try to get away with everything and anything, we know that what the actual criminals and stonewallers did  never made sense but now we finally have people to explain it to us in layman terms. What would we do without these great people? The only way to get things done is to get information in front of the American People and that is exactly what Fox News is doing so we can then get pissed off and raise hell. We cant leave it up to the bureaucrats and professional stonewallers who created the problems to begin with.  

Deep State Law Suit

We the people are not litigious by nature. Its always good to have great legal teams but the judicial system was never intended to be used in an offensive capacity. In todays world certain collective individuals have left us with no other choice. How refreshing it is to know that there are some solid people that know how to do the right thing. When investigations get stonewalled and never seem to add up the inevitable comes into play. We have Ambassadors that end up dead and military helo' s that mysteriously get blown out of the sky. Judicial Watch is suing the Deep State, this is going to be a huge suit.  Tom Fitton and many other watch dogs have been investigating many cases over many years, keep up the great work

Monday, March 26, 2018

Media That Is Crumbling Down

Failure to prosecute the criminal activity of a terrorist group Hezbollah by Eric Holders DOJ- The media would rather talk about Stormy Daniels- What do you think about Stormy Daniels? An opportunist who even admitted to being money hungry and not so nice. Anything to continue on with her Equestrian lifestyle- Screwing people legally was her former profession. Now she wants to make believe that she is a victim after signing 3 different statements stating that the event never happened. What makes this even worse is that she acted like a liar on 60 minutes. What do you mean? She said that this entire scenario would harm her fan base which she knows is the furthest thing from the truth. Most of these people are professional liars, they make up so many different stories  and say the most outrageous things that many even laugh about it themselves. So her fan base is going to go way up, she is definitely going to get more then her 15 minutes, the entire time while making believe that she is a hapless victim. The other issue is that many people aren't interested in tabloid rag gossip material being passed off as real news. It's all downhill for these people, CNN, at least Anderson Cooper asked some decent questions. The New York Times did a very good expose on exposing what kind of person she is. She is a shameless self promoter that is all about the dollars and cents, and even admitted to not being a nice person. "She's the boss." I am sure she will find a way to cash in on this one all the way to the bank. Its pretty low level, peoples personal and private lives should stay behind closed doors. The New York Times has a general consensus that adult consensual adulterous relationships should not make the news.
    We have a society that is crumbling down, our former Potus could never do things legit that is why he had to forge a birth certificate. Then after making believe that he was the nemesis of the Clinton cronies he colludes in a massive corruption scandal in the likes this country is finally learning about. Paying 12 million dollars for a bogus dossier, at least Fusion GPS is getting sued for libel. All to dig up dirt on the opposition candidate while trying to fix an election. Weaponized intelligence, illegal spying, forged and fraudulent liars and leakers and the only thing 60 minutes can talk about is Stormy Daniels. What would Mike Wallace have to say about this? Greg Jarett has a laundry list of crimes that were committed by the DOJ and the FBI-   Judge Jeanine had Sarah Carter on over the weekend. They had a discussion with this man who was downplaying the Clinton- Uranium 1 Case. Time will tell however so far it doesn't look that promising for these people who seemed to have continually sold out our Republic for their own selfish self aggrandizing gains. These people are on their way down while our Republic is definitely on its way up thanks to The Trump Train and many others. What did you think about Anne Coutlers indignation? We will probably get the Wall but most of the dope is coming in from Afghanistan not Mexico. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. We have career journalists on Main Stream Media who still cant go all the way, why is that? If you want to be an investigative journalist then one should go all the way, otherwise you are just another sell out. Dr Jerome Corsi recommended a book that is very recent- It talks all about the cia and their drug running. Illegals that have come across the border because of illegal activity on their side of the fence should be looked into. Mexico is so corrupt how do you know they are real criminals? Good point the Mexican pd and many other govt officials are as corrupt as one can possibly get. Cash pay offs, cops that are as dirty as they come. If somebody was arrested in Mexico I would have to question its veracity.                                                                 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Weak Potus- Freeze G-MAN

Freeze G-man- The worst thing one can get labeled with as a G-man especially working for the FBI is "lacking candor" Lets take a look at Mr former FBI Andrew Mcabe- Conflicts of interest-his wife had previously received donations for her state senate campaign from a top Clinton ally but he recused himself from the Clinton e-mail investigation only one week before the election- The only place one can get real intel in print media is (The Weekender) they do a great job. Also American Intel Media has the real story about Cambridge Analytica and its not the one that seems to have been reported in the WSJ- Lets see what else did Mr G-man do during his tenure- He didn't act immediately after discovering more e-mails on a top Clinton's aids laptop. Who were the leakers to the press that is what I want to know? Having politically motivated subliminal messages being utilized and weaponized into the print media. Operation Mockingbird type tactics and  they are still doing this everywhere except Fox News- This has nothing to do with being on the left or the right. The feds are supposed to carry out impartial investigations- If somebody did something "egregiously" illegal especially as a politician that is even more reason to show contempt and continue on with their job description. Nothing personal that is what its all about as a G-man- But not in the Obama/Holder DOJ and FBI- infact it has been the exact opposite-
  William Campbell Uranium 1 undercover FBI informant stated that our former Potus was weak, this is the intel that he gathered from Putin's operatives while infiltrating Vladimir Putin's operation- That is the worst insult to bestow upon a sitting Potus- Weak and more then likely compromised-  The Trump Train is putting together an unstoppable force- Ambassador Bolton (peace through strength)- Making sure China doesn't rip off us anymore- stealing our intellectual property  while laughing about our weak Potus like they did during our previous administrations- Larry Kudlow and Joe di Genova the best team one can have to get America to the next level. Not only is the Trump Train  more powerful and much faster then a locomotive it is light years ahead of speeding bullets as well.  "Above all don't make a religion out of anything then one can be an open channel for gods expression- Religion has been humanity's downfall" especially organized religion.
    What do you think about the transgender military rule where one has to abide by their birth certificate? That makes sense as long as its legit. What do you mean? It means as long as its not forged like the one that our weak former Potus showed everybody. These people lie and forge everything and they are allowed to get away with it. Fraud vitiates everything. Sheriff Joe and Dr Jerome Corsi did a forensic investigation in regards to our former Potus birth certificate. What did AJ mean by fair-weather or Sunshine Patriot? He meant don't be a flake- I don't have that much  respect for fair weather people. Especially the mean spirited and nasty fans in the stands who most of them never stepped in the arena themselves. Fraud vitiates everything. What happened to thou shalt not judge? Who ever said that is not living in Ultimate Reality. Joe di Genova asked where our current FBI director Christopher Wray is? No public statements during tumultuous times for the Bureau? He also called him a coward, di Genova is a man that I admire a great deal. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Gang Of Eight and many more

https://www.infowars.com/rand-paul-deep-state-is-trying-to-bring-trump-down/ Gang of eight and many more- Great comments after the article- In a ramped up federalized electromagnetic frequency what does (I am that, I am mean?) It means come out swinging and don't apologize for throwing the first punch. What a great example Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross are over at American Intel Media- The Glass Bead game- They are trying to help people to become more involved and aware on a multi dimensional level- In god we trust right isn't that what its all about? That is right some people are on the tip of the spear and many others are going to be on the side lines of history after its already been written. It is an honor to be able to write about the world as it is and being indignant for the way things currently are. So what about the ethereal pseudo spiritual people who say why are you trying to kick ass and take names when there really isn't anything you can do about it? Who cares- People can say what they want most don't jump in and get involved into the fray for a multitude of reasons. Sitting on the sidelines and criticizing is much easier then  standing on the front lines and firing rounds and throwing punches- I would have to say that collective conscious is pertinent- People who don't get directly involved can just be themselves in silent meditation. Joe di Genova how refreshing to have that man jump on the Trump Train- One can be indignant but feel alive and refreshed because that is what the electromagnetic vibe is all about. It means being grateful and humble and living as if the future event is already here. The only thing we have is the present but we can live as if our manifestations have already taken place. This is much healthier then living in fear and resentment because of what happened the day before.
  Michael McKibbon and Thomas Paine explained that the SES conducts themselves just like the SS of yesteryear- Third Reich and Ivan Drago look a likes. Mostly of lawyers with arrogance who make money by stonewalling and keeping the gravy train going. We have never seen anything like this, actually it has been in existence for many years but it is finally being exposed to the light of day. He also compared the Waffen SS and or SES depending on how one looks at it as the KGB- Secret police that have a sense of arrogance and entitlement. We have a message for the fake news networks that are nothing more then tabloid rags with useless gossip and distraction. We don't care about Stormy Daniels, you Corrupticrats covered up a violent and vicious rape and multiple sexual assaults from our former President. Since he didn't go to prison for the remainder of what would been the his formative years he was able to continue on with massive money laundering and corruption schemes along with his wife in the likes this country is finally learning the full extent of.  That is because of many great people- Hannity, Infowars, American Intel Media the list is long and quite extensive. How can we live in a country where feds are politicized and don't do what they were hired to do? That is to conduct real investigations and not lie under oath and change 302's. All of this has been conducted under our watch because of these dirty stonewallers at the top of the food chain. One can have a great attorney, this means that he/she adheres to the letter of the law the way it is has been written. It doesn't mean overzealous and aggressive prosecutions of more then likely innocent people because we have a laundry list of innocent people that are going to testify under oath. That attorney Weissmann dirty, overly aggressive, Pitbull zealot witch hunter along with Comey and Mueller- Some people that may have been innocent went to jail and some died there. Being a great  attorney means being calm but assertive and not operating outside the lines of the mandate of the rule of law.    

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Senior Executive Service

https://www.infowars.com/trump-claims-he-could-beat-up-joe-biden-hed-go-down-hard-and-fast-crying-all-the-way/ These deep state democrats are pathetic- No substance all fraudsters- If our former Presidential candidate had to pay 12 million dollars to dig up dirt this is (fruit from the poisonous tree) The entire investigation is a joke and so is Joe Biden, Obama, Brennan and the rest of these swamp creatures- Mueller is a Republican but that doesn't mean anything because these people are not loyal to we the people, they lie about everything. Political partisan weaponized intel Stasi zealot investigations- FBI and DOJ not impartial total and complete witch hunts- Judge Jeanine stated that when she was DA if her office didn't come up with anything after 15 months they would have closed down the investigation long before- So how much money did this tainted investigation cost thus far that is what I want to know? American Intel Media now has the names of over 8,000 Senior Executive Service members- Michael Mckiboon the real leader of Silicon Valley and Leader Tech and source code that was illegally stolen by these people- Chandler- fb youtube, google Amazon- all monopolies subsidized by we the people with stolen intellectual property- They use it to make us brain dead and keep us on the grid and they even admit this- Zuckerberg needs to show us what he knows about source code- all card board cut outs that have made billions even trillions of dollars to try and rig elections and use bogus intel to take our Potus down-
  AJ explains that the 60 billion dollar tariff against China is definitely a good thing. So let me get this straight America sends goods into China and gets substantially taxed and then does nothing when their goods come in all along while they steal our intellectual property as well as eliminate  jobs for Americans that once had solid manufacturing and factory jobs as well as a stable future for their families?. If that isn't bad enough we have 17 intel agencies that haven't been working in our best interest. Liars- leakers and frauds- I have to admit that if I were to come up with an elaborate scam it wouldn't be as good as what these Rober Barons did to our country. They created patent laws for  real entrepreneurs for the sole purpose of legally being allowed to steal them under the phony guise of National Security. They stole Leaders Techs patents ie-- trade secrets and intellectual property under the guise of becoming  a potential threat of being used as a weapon. This just so they can  turn it around and use it as a weapon after they steal it because that is exactly what these rogue operatives appear to have done. With Joe di Genova as the tip of the spear the Trump Train is now in good shape. Jason Chaffetz states that Congress are wimps and they don't have the guts and that is why he left. One has to be able to send out subpoenas and then hold people in contempt if they don't comply. So they stole Leaders Techs source code and then proceeded to use it as a weapon against not only we the people but against our Potus elect. A direct attempt to try to take him down with a bogus investigation that was tainted and never should have been initiated to begin with. This is because their wasn't substantive evidence that a crime was ever committed. All along while they lie to congress, leak to the press,  perjure themselves under oath and nobody ever does anything about it. Statute of limitations conveniently is over with Clapper because of Obamas DOJ and crooked special counsel and witch hunt that now appears to be (way beyond their mandate)

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

War Crimes And Swamp Creatures

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-anniversary-.html 15 years ago America destroyed my country- This man described what America did to Iraq as a crime- 1,000,000 Iraqis dead he estimates- how many of our soldiers were blown up and killed by our war criminals that  lied about WMDs? America needs a day of reckoning-  If I was sent to Iraq and then found out that it was all based on lies, fraud and deception I along with the rest of  my fellow foot soldiers would want justice to be served. As it stands now I am more then a little pissed off by these political pundits who don't do a dam thing except lie- Not only do they lie they create horrific crimes and then proceed to get away with it. Devin Nunes stated that their were so many crimes committed by rogue operatives working for the FBI and DOJ- So many crimes committed and the only thing mainstream print media does as Hannity stated is talk and write about Russian collusion and Stormy Daniels-
   Its pathetic, the arrogance and hubris these people have- war criminals in Iraq and Afghanistan- our elected officials- Intel agencies that create weaponized intelligence and collect metadata  to be used against we the people.  Comey is going to Miami to discuss his book- It is going to cost me $45- I listened to Hannity's show- I have a laundry list of questions to ask this clown- Greg Jarett has a laundry list of crimes that were committed- lying under oath, false and misleading statements etc.. to name just a few. A book and speaking engagements instead of shame and embarrassment, this country really is a joke- When one commits egregious crimes in the name of fidelity- bravery- and integrity one would expect to have some shame and or at the very least some semblance of dishonor. Instead we have book tours and big fees for speaking engagements- The liberal press- pathetic- Greg Jarett stated that Comey is going to need book royalties to pay for his legal fees which are expected to be exorbitant. Sean Brennan, I must admit that man looks like a thug- Then he Tweets out that our Potus has moral turpitude- Mark Levin hit a home run 2 nights ago- He did a summary of what all of these jerks did in the name of America- our tax dollars- They work for the American people but not in reality, instead they have been working for themselves- This is abhorrent and unconscionable- Frauds who proceed to act arrogant and delusional which makes this even worse- Swamp- (Senior Executive Service) members close to 10,000 members that have been enriching themselves at our expense- Untouchable honarioums- and continuous law breaking. I don't care how rich they got, Wall Street and all of that as long as they did it legally like the rest of us working stiffs which they didn't- America is going to have our day of reckoning sometime in the near future.
   And then going into Iraq to make that country much worse-  I don't listen to propaganda, I listen to the indigenous populace- Is the country worse off now then it was before the invasion? 1,000,000 Iraqis dead- the horrors of war during Americas invasion and many dead Americans many are also now ruined for life. All because of bogus non existent intel and a criminal FBI director who not only covered up 9-11, he was an attorney during the Boston Whitey Bulger days- The Departed- We all remember that movie and subsequent story line- Mr impeccable integrity according to our bias media was involved with that quagmire- (dirty FBI arrogant feds-) Thomas Paine states that Mueller was and is a lawyer, he was never a real cop- He used to answer the phone- ("Homicide") like he really was one but he really wasn't- he is a crooked and dirty swamp creature- (Senior Executive Service member) a crooked  politician- as dirty as they come- Comey was kissing the Blarney Stone on St Patrick's day, Tweeting out about who is honorable- a great day for the Irish- I believe that Greg Jarett stated that Comey is a megalomaniac.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Scandals Of The Century

You stated that in order to get to the next level one must really read books and then proceed to write about them. What does next level mean dollars and cents and a Porsche in the garage? No real success is in the immaterial where one feels no lack and is all about altruism. How do you feel about what Thomas Paine stated that McCabe more then likely has hundreds of millions of dollars stashed in off shore accounts? Who is Thomas Paine? He is one of our new founding fathers, he is rewriting Common Sense to adapt to modern times, he is also very smart. He has been reincarnated in certain ways, Thomas Paine, some people state that he wasn't one of the founding fathers that he was the founding father.  I also read that McCabe drove a Porsche to work. Lets put it this way feds and leos should make a lot of money. Not greed or avarice like these swamp creatures but the incomes have to be commensurate with the cost of living. For example why should  these great leos who put their life on the line every day be struggling to make ends meet? Many cant live in and around Greenwich and have to move way up the line. Its not fair because the best jobs don't seem to pay that great. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. If you have a few children and you are a cop you should be making at least $150,000 per year. It shouldn't matter if you have children or not feds and cops as well as teachers should be paid to be kept up to speed with the economic times. One cant make it at 60-75k a year as a cop or a fed this isn't sustainable. Teachers that is another perfect example. The jobs that shape young adults for their future lives don't seem to pay that well either especially at private schools. Public schools seem to be ok. A cop shouldn't have to work 90 hours a week to make 200k per year with overtime etc.. This is a double standard which doesn't seem to add up.
    Why is Sean Brennan and Comey acting defiant like they have intel which is ultimately not going to bode well for our Potus? I don't know why don't you ask them? They had a couple of Tweets which make it appear that although they don't comment on ongoing investigations once the cat is out of the bag it  may be lights out for our Potus? I find this to be quite intriguing to say the least. I just don't see it at this point there hasn't been as Dan Bongino stated (one scintilla of evidence) thus far. Another thing Thomas Paine had on their site-(aim4fortruth.org- American Intel Media) was that our (IG Horrowitz) is a corrupt swamp monster. Why did he release those texts so those two love birds and espionage election bandits that are still working at the FBI couldn't be prosecuted? It looks as if the Inspector General should either be fired or  recuse himself even before this IG report is even released. Thomas Paine claims that all of his intel is legit and has been clearly vetted. If this is truly the case then the level of corruption involved in these scandals of the century is mind blowing.    

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hierachy Of Values

Whether it's Maslow's hierarchy of values or hierarchy of needs the central theme is similar. Most people don't grow up and state that their main goal in life is to be an alcoholic, drug addict or drug dealer that ends up killing innocent people during heroin od's. The hierarchy of values  usually shows people of moral fortitude where the consumption of drugs and or alcohol doesn't make it to the hierarchy of values list. So what does this really mean? It means that Self Transcendence, group therapy, 12 step support groups or any type of community platform becomes very helpful. Maxin Furek explains this in his article (The Gift Of Helping Others.) Maslow first thought that self actualization was the pinnacle but changed that to transcendence as being the ultimate goal of ones personal development. Within group settings people can contribute just by being themselves. The article pointed out how important it is to focus on ones positive attributes instead of "what's wrong with them". Focus on what is right instead and it can be used  to increase ones electromagnetic frequency and vibration.

Half Measures Avail Us Nothing

https://www.infowars.com/rand-paul-trumps-pick-for-cia-director-was-gleeful-about-torture/ Our Potus should not have recommended this woman. For starters enhanced interrogation techniques haven't been proven to work. This woman enabled bogus non existent intel to invade Iraq- no wmds Curveball total bs coerced confession where the perp even admitted that he told them what they wanted to hear. The Senate condemned  enhanced integration techniques and stated not to do this anymore for a reason- Not only that it constitutes a war crime so why is our Potus recommending this woman? In order to prove that he is not a neo-con- like many of the critiques on the left and many others state he needs to distance himself from all cia queen's of torture regimes- Torture And Truth- America, Abu Ghraib and The War On Terror- Mark Danner- includes the torture photos and major documents and reports- We incarcerated many innocent families that had nothing to do with being an insurgent and treated them in a draconian and barbaric fashion. Hannity is doing a good job exposing the swamp however  he is way off base in criticizing people who want nothing to do with a country that initiates these kind of ineffective tactics.
   If you want to create insurgents then just treat them the way America did- invade their country and put many innocent people in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib- A country that was sovereign and had nothing to do with 9-11- Why not tell the truth we went in for war profiteer contracts and to  make money for the bankers. Hannity had Ollie North on not impressed talking about being a SERE instructor and Gonzales that man is persona non grata- a war criminal who initiated torture tactics on sovereign countries- Stop lying and using propaganda, the very thing you are accusing others of being which is the height of hypocrisy. David Knight a good example, he  speaks out against this kind of corruption and sadistic behavior. So why is our Potus doing this? Why does he want to possibly initiate the death penalty for drug dealers? That is draconian- Do we have a totalitarian regime? I thought that is what we are criticizing the deep state faux leftists for? One can initiate harsh penalties for causing fatal ods but capital punishment puts this in  a different category. He needs to go after the Deep State for a war that has lasted over 6000 days for an opiate pipe line  that has been killing our youth. Allegedly people  are talking about Military Tribunals for the Deep State Perps- Why not focus on who is really bringing in the dope that is killing our young people all over the place?- So let me get this straight we have a bunch of drug dealers that are into torture and illegal spying still at the cia's payroll and our Potus apparently supports this and that is why he recommended this woman who was demonstrating glee during enhanced integration techniques for a low level (more then likely innocent)  perp and we are supposed to be ok with this? Stop the bs and double standard- If you are going to try then go all the way otherwise don't even start because half measure avail us nothing. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

What Ever Their Problem Is

How can one be the AG and not know that they don't have to recuse themselves, especially for a counterintelligence investigation? Also in order to open up a counterintelligence investigation doesn't there have to be enough substantive evidence that there was a crime committed? These are just a few of many questions that need to be addressed to various individuals in the upper echelons of our criminal justice system. Why is the New York Times making it appear that the special counsel Mueller investigation is still going at full steam ahead with various subpoenas? Isn't there a modicum of journalistic integrity print media must adhere to? When I was in college I got in trouble for plagiarizing certain information for my papers. I know what being held accountable feels like especially when I went to jail for a jurisdictional issue in regards to my weapons.
    This is upholding to a very low standard and a very bad example for future generations, especially young adults that want to become Federal Agents. Working for the FBI should be an honor, the highest aspiration for a young man/ woman coming out of college, this is really bad. When is our AG going to make an announcement that their will be a SSC and a real investigation into multiple felonies committed by these Democratic operatives? What would we do without real people in the media like Sean Hannity, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, and Jason Chaffetz? Judge Jeanine and many others but not that many. This means as Hannity explained that real journalism is dead and there are only a few people that are actually doing their job. We have a populace that doesn't seem to care that a Presidential candidate destroyed evidence, acid washed, deleted e-mails obfuscated and stonewalled major investigations and basically acted like the queen of an out of control crime cartel. When we have an FBI, the very people that are entrusted to do the investigations actually committing and covering up the crimes a massive surgical and strategic overhaul must take place. The DOJ and the FBI, this is very bad news. It doesn't matter that they don't like our Potus, one has to still uphold to the letter of the law. I don't think our AG should proceed in his position. As soon as he took the job he didn't seem to know the law and then recused himself from an investigation/case that any normal AG would jump at the chance to prosecute. I don't think we ever had a normal AG-, the Holder/Obama crime cartel was an abomination. A real AG would love to prosecute major crimes especially the ones committed at the highest levels, not to make a name for themselves but rather because this is the job that they swore an oath to uphold and defend.
   When is our former Presidential candidate going to be held accountable? Instead of grand juries, search warrants and subpoenas she is making inappropriate comments and insulting hard working and genuine Americans. "Whatever there problem is". There is such a major disconnect with these people,  committing crimes of epic proportions and then acting delusional about it all like its all some kind of sick joke. This is not the country our Potus is going to stand for and that is why he was elected. He is a no bs guy, a hard nosed businessman who is bringing back the rule of law. Things are going to change in a dramatic fashion within the next few months. It has been long overdue, many people within the FBI and DOJ should be ashamed of themselves for their actions. Many need to show remorse and some semblance of humility, not extreme hubris like that clown Comey   

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Becoming Supernatural

(To Stand up for justice and peace, then you must first find peace within yourself-pp-321-)  Dr D. helps us to see that their is life beyond 3-D-  Interdimensional beings throughout the quantum field. His teams have made Scientific history by substantiating what the great mystics and ancient civilizations have been trying to tell us all along. Thinking positive thoughts isn't as effective if we are still stuck on the three dimensional plane. This means that one  may continue to exemplify certain negative thoughts and maladaptive behavior patterns until we tap into the numinous. Meditation and empirical case studies that measure the brain waves, electromagnetic frequencies- alpha- beta- theta and delta. Collective and universal meditations and quite possibly influencing world events and seismic shifts due to mass awareness.
  The book explains that one must go from a somebody to a nobody and then to be part of everything and everybody, the multiverse synergistically connected to all living organisms throughout the unified field- The Quantum field of Ultimate Reality. Much easier said then done but I believe that this  makes sense and can be accomplished. By getting out of ones egoic/analytic mind and then tapping into and becoming attached to others high vibrational electromagnetic frequency. He explains that humans aren't meant for archaic evolutionary adaptations of fight or flight for extended periods of time. In other words this is what causes diseases, I can also see how these concepts will revolutionize the addiction field that is now still at epidemic level proportions. Thought waves, pulse waves of  light and energy, Spontaneous Remissions, case studies which appear to be legitimate. Matter must be met with energy not (matter vs matter.) This is the obsolete Newtonian theory of 3-Dimensional  ineffectiveness of cause and effect. One needs to cause the effect just by thought alone. Quantum physics of energy vs matter is what the future holds for humanity.  Dr D. explains that our problems are more epi-genic then genetic- Environmental where one's environment dictates and tells the cells what the issues are therefore creating the various illnesses and diseases.
  One must bypass the analytical mind and tap into the sub-conscious and into the brains operating system. The goal is to have a full on sensory experience without the physical senses which is the metaphysical 5- D and beyond. Mind Movies and kaleidoscopes, this book was very powerful and should take the world as we once knew it by storm. We only utilize about 5% of our brains potential, Dr D. demonstrates that people can literally transform almost overnight.  A new identity, a new reality of pure bliss and happiness. Much easier said then done but Dr D. helps people to get on the right track. The Pineal gland, the third eye which can act as our antennae into the various Interdimensional frequencies. This way one can trip naturally without Ibogaine and visit life forms and beings that many of us know exist but haven't really experienced yet. We just need to try to get off of the duality and polarity karmic 3-D frequency that is linear, not multidimensional and encompasses most of our current world. A 5 plus star rating for this book. I knew that this  was going to be a lot to digest, that is why it took me almost 3 months to decide to delve into it. There is a big difference between skimming and actually reading. I am guilty of skimming books and then claiming that I have really read them. That sets a bad example and will never help somebody get to the next level.  A book that one actually reads is one where one should take notes. Otherwise it becomes very difficult to recall. Infact my Professor in college told me that we don't  remember hardly anything that we read. That is why taking notes and going over them and then writing, turning books into blogs becomes so important.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Operation Information Rapid Deployment

"What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, if he loseth his own soul" Power comes from inner strength inner strength does not come from raw power, most of the world has it backwards. Power without inner strength is an illusion-pp-452 Operation Information Rapid Deployment- American Intelligence Media-www.aim4truth.org

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

SSC- Second Special Counsel

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html Intellectual property and Trade Secret thieves- These people within the DOJ have made a mockery of our criminal justice system. The rules apply to everybody else, the common folk, everybody else except them. A SSC (Second Special Counsel) must be initiated because the fox can no longer guard the hen house.http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/03/06/strzok-clapper-ignored-hillarys-server-hack-consent-obama-digenova-says Clapper- was supposed to do a Damage Assessment- What else in the land of the unscrupulous? Life Liberty and Levin- Devin Nunes stated that historic breaches took place with no mention of this in the media. They did however leak (felony leaks) to to the NY Times and other media outlets- Sen. John McCain- There was a direct attempt to subvert the electorate process by planting subliminal messages both direct and indirect about President Trump who during most of that time was just an American citizen. Felony I repeat felony leaks to the media and the Democrats were grasping at straws with some obsolete and archaic Logan Act. There have been so many brazen and egregious violations of the rule of law before during and after the election. How many votes did these people sway to the left by using the media as weapon zed intelligence against We The People? That is exactly how they use it and that is why they stole Leader Technologies intellectual property, source code, Trade Secrets and Patents. Washington Post not accurate reporting. The issue comes down to the rule of law should have zero to do with political partisanship. Impartial investigations must be conducted and the press has a moral and legal obligation to report the facts legally without leaking or unmasking American citizens like they did to General Mike Flynn-  General- 3 stars high honors but all of the sudden he was supposed to be in collusion with the Russians? There has been such an abuse of power by an out of control Deep State contingent of swamp creatures. Nunes also mentioned that the FISA court is supposed to be used for real bad guys only- We are talking about terrorists and the like- People with a manolevent agenda toward the United States Of America- They used and abused their powers and it looks like it went all the way up the chain of command. Our former Commander in Chief who had one of his subordinates make a statement that the NRA was analogous to a terrorist organization. False Flags, phony tears probably a forged fraudulent birth certificate. Fast and Furious his entire DOJ and FBI is and was infiltrated with rogue operatives.
   What would we do without real people in our media? We are at  the tale end of a real Banana Republic because these people are as fraudunt as it gets. Our Potus is picking up the pieces and cleaning up the mess but he still gets no gratitude or appreciation from our  media. Without Hannity and people like Devin Nunes- Trey Gowdy we would be bulldozed by a bunch of rogue zealots hell bent on Fabian Socialist and Marxist ideologies. Anti American- Uranium 1, the list is way too long-
     One of the many reasons that I write my blogs is so that I can keep a record. Years from know I can look back and say that this was actually true, these people tried to hijack the most important election our country has ever had and the Main Stream media and every major newspaper has been crickets about it all- We are in bad shape at the current moment but things are definitely on the upswing thanks to some real Patriots. We must all show our gratitude and respect for these dedicated individuals.     

Dirty Cops

https://www.infowars.com/whistleblower-cop-kidnapped-put-into-mental-institution/ Ridiculous- Just because this cop wanted to go after bad guys and not write tickets to fill quota he got the extraordinary rendition treatment. Serpico- Detective Richie Roberts, has the NYPD really cleaned up their act? According to the Internal Affairs Bureau book that I read (Blue On Blue) they have. If I was a cop I would get fired for not writing enough tickets. I would be too nice to people and let them slide if they had weed on them. I certainly wouldn't bust them for some bogus border jurisdictional issue and throw the book at them. Most of the cops come across as nice guys that protect and serve. I would only want to go after bad guys and would not create  any unnecessary drama for no legit reason. They say that only 10% of the cops go after the real criminals but then again most don't have the ability to. If you are stuck on patrol the investigations go to the detectives but make no mistake those patrol officers do many thorough investigations. Detailed, paperwork that would make most peoples head spin.
   I still cant figure out how this Fla school shooter was able to kill 17 students. We have these industrial espionage bandits who control the spy grid, therefore the feds should know who is writing what on line. A tip to the FBI only 6 weeks before the shooting that  Nicholas Cruz was a potential school shooting threat. We also have 17 federal intel agencies. How many local and state leos do we have? Apparently there was armed security at the school as well. Speaking of which this man stated yesterday on Tucker Carlson that there were supposedly armed details during Sandy Hook? I put many hours looking at that charade of a shooting and this was the first time I ever heard of that. These people along with the Sloppy Sniper make up things as they go along. Cruz supposedly had a desire to kill people, erratic behavior and disturbing social media posts. Dr. Jim Fetzer has some very interesting intel on all of these mass shootings

Monday, March 5, 2018

Bringers Of Light

Look to see who is truly serving the world, truly seeking to share wisdom and knowledge, insight and understanding, caring and compassion. Provide for those people, pay them the highest honor, for these are the bringers of light. (pp518 conv w/ god) Bringers of light can come in many forms. People that don't want to wrap their head around some dark truths can try to bring the light in other ways.
  Who deserves our respect at the current moment? Lets see most of the patriots in the alternative media that are getting censored by the industrial espionage bandits? AJ explained that Sean Hannity is kind of like a boy scout and wasn't indoctrinated into the dark world of the deep state that is why he was buds with Gorge W and company. He is like a boy scout but now he is going all out, he was called to serve and deserves our deep respect and gratitude. Most of the people that serve in our criminal justice system that represent law and order are boy scouts. I can see that Hannity would be a good FBI guy full of fire and fury. He has many solid people in his corner that are giving him intel that he is now releasing to the public. This is a historic time to be alive, these kind of events only happen once in many lifetimes.
  What else- It looks like the deep state stole code and patents from Leader Technologies and have used this to implement the tech giants spy grid over we the people. Who needs Parallel Construction when you can have people just sign on to fb this way they know everything about you in real time. This is why ones smart phone pings out every time you go somewhere, they triangulate your every move and try to suck you in to their latest marketing plan. As long as the marketing plans can make you money isn't that what matters? No its all about money for them meanwhile you get stuck in the matrix while they censor you on youtube for speaking the truth. They needed a front man to look like the precocious geek hero from the ivy league school with their social media platforms that is why they used Zuckerberg- The dork who called us all dumb f ers and said things like let the hacking begin" They stole patents and code from Leader Technologies and it looks like the largest Industrial Espionage case in history. If it isn't bad enough they used weapon zed intelligence and spied on a Presidential candidate they had to steal patents and code from real entrepreneurs. They couldn't spy on Potus Trump inner circle like they do to the rest of us with complete impunity because of his advanced encryption perimeter defense security details so they had to invest in a bogus dirty dossier and then lie to the FISA courts instead. 
   Perimeter Defense doesn't matter when the enemy lies within the gates. The deep state culprits involved in this Industrial Espionage theft are the same players that are ruthlessly still trying to take down the Trump Train. Unverified and Salacious, contempt of court, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, false and misleading statements, perjury, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, industrial espionage theft, these people are real winners. They make up our spy grid in the tech world- NSA-google- They also have a subservient AG in their corner who according to Judge Jeanine doesn't have any prosecutorial balls

Saturday, March 3, 2018

We The People

So what is on your mind this am? Lets see Judge Jeanine our AG being used to the compartmentalized world of the Senate and possibly not being indoctrinated into  the rough and tumble world of the Deep State. She had a great guest on that explained this, a Fox News contributor. Maybe the Deep State is too much for him, he's in over his head or maybe he is just an employee of the Justice Dept. according to Matt Gaetz and not the real AG. Dereliction of duty, I must say that I admire Fox News a great deal, they have real intestinal fortitude. Judge Jeanine put this immigration attorney in his place- "Don't come on my show and tell me what is true" The Cal bureaucrats should be charged with obstruction of justice.
  What else don't hold anything back? Do I ever- "If humans don't change some of their sponsoring thoughts humankind could doom itself to extinction" What does that mean? It means that people should stop listening to their sponsor and tune in to the world of their spiritual advisor instead? What is the difference? A sponsor tells you what to do and fires you if you don't listen where as a spiritual advisor just tells you what he/she did and doesn't put harsh restrictions or make up draconian rules like you shouldn't date. etc.. Idolatry, sometimes when a sponsor has a plethora of sponsees their head gets bigger then Mt Rushmore- A spiritual advisor is just a simple guide and earns your trust, trust should be  something that is earned and not freely given. Isn't a spiritual advisor and sponsor one in the same? More or less but sponsor sounds too much like network marketing, that word is not even mentioned in the Big Book- Speaking of which what do you think about Herbal Life's network marketing win? Let me put it this way just because Carl Ichan thinks that he is 100% right doesn't mean that he is. It all comes down to dollars and cents. Bill Ackman has backed off his quest to see Herbal Life sink, it just matters what the shareholders say the ones that  make the real money. And of course the top dogs on top of the Pyramid food chain, the little guy rarely if ever makes a living regardless of how hard they work or  how much effort they put fourth. They settled for a deceptive marketing pittance of a lawsuit but it should have been much more then that. So we end up getting stuck in a system where the little guy continues to get screwed over by the man and the Carl Icahn's of this world say things like "you cant sell shit you are shit hit the bricks pal."" Go home and tell your wife your problems because you cant hang in a mans game." Alex Jones explained it best we live in a  world where the top dogs try to make us feel guilty and bad about ourselves for not making it in a system that they created. It is a system that was clearly rigged to begin with. The capitalist system and the criminal justice system has been rigged for decades but our Potus is changing this at a rapid fire pace. He is changing the world as we currently have known it but still gets no support from the media, only Fox News. They stand behind our Commander In Chief 100%, more people should join along.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Color Of Law

Color Of Law- An act done under the appearance of legal authority when in fact no such right existed- Greg Jarrett explained that Sessions has been "utterly feckless" Jason Chaffetz stated that Sessions is "not up to the job and doesn't have the guts" and that he recused himself. AGs are not supposed to recuse themselves and they are supposed have courage. When you have real professionals making these kind of statements about our AG what does that say about our AG? This is information that seems to be based on more then just opinion. Anyway we seem to have a Kangaroo court system- Wolfgang went through some procedures during that school shooting, it seems quite shady to say the least. A code red and a fire drill, they were warned about this in the am? CCTV's that are set 20 minutes away from "real time" In a kangaroo court system you have somebody plead guilty right away so that real investigations cant be conducted. Then they can demolish the crime scene and contaminate all potential forensic evidence just like the Sandy Hook fraud. Speaking of which are we going to be able to witness any real forensic evidence?
   Big Brother Watch seem to lay out credible facts that point to Sheriff Israel as a dirty political pundit. Apparently dozens of calls were made to local law enforcement about Nicholas Cruz and most of these warning calls resulted in no written report. Lets put it this way if FBI gets called and then local law enforcement about a potential loose cannon that is reason enough to take somebody's weapons away as long as certain procedures are put in place. 45 calls for service relating to Cruz and his brother from 2008-2017. "Was this incompetence or was something more sinister at play?" Lets leave it up to our AG who according to Jarrett is in that position in name only and doesn't have a real clue to what is going on. What is going on? I am not sure maybe we should ask Rod Rosenstein. A gun grabbing politician as Sheriff. Israel has built a publically funded political machine, paying back supporters with high paying cushy jobs and using them to keep him in office. I witnessed this mans behavior with Dana Loesch, it was way off base as to how we would expect a Sheriff to conduct himself and seemed to be totally and completely scripted. I also analyzed the body language and facial expressions of some of these witnesses to the school shooting. It seemed obvious to me that many were scripted actors. Facial expressions, smirks, this is incredulous and very suspicious  behavior for young students to demonstrate who allegedly just experienced the most horrific tragedy/experience of their lives. Israel was arrogant, full of hubris and seemed to have an agenda. He openly lobbied legislators to curtail Stand Your Ground, block open carry legislation, and block legislation allowing concealed guns on school campuses. Israel had a quote when asked to defend his apparent gun grabbing corruption agenda- "Lions don't care about the opinions of sheep"
   Chaffetz also stated that if we had a  real Attorney General there would be no need to jump through hoops as is being done now.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Where There Is Darkness Light

(Headlines With A Voice- 28 Counts Of Treason to be viewed on youtube.) This is very powerful information that has shaken me to my core and I thought that I was already a hardened warrior. Our AG needs to be replaced- Greg Jarett explained last night on Hannity that Sessions is our AG in name only- We are on the upswing but the left are out of control. I don't know what to call them because they are not really liberals. Real liberals welcome freedom of expression, demand transparency, freedom of speech etc.. So why is the bastion of all liberalism Berkley acting like degenerate Neanderthals when Milo came to speak? Who are these people that  have hijacked our upper levels of academia? How much does it cost to send somebody to college and they  have students that act like that? No they aren't real liberals.
  Hillary stated that we still have to watch out because the Russians are coming. Where there is darkness light. This means that for the first time the light is shining bright but not in most of the media. Every major news channel besides Hannity as well as every major newspaper has been radio silent on the biggest story to ever hit this country. The FISA court is supposed to be secret, not anymore? It appears that they were lied to on four separate occasions. Instead of focusing on the SSG we need to set our sights on a SSC instead. That means a (Second Special Counsel) to investigate these apparent egregious violations of the law. Not only that we need prosecutorial authority, the OIG Office Of Inspector General doesn't appear to have that. A SSC-(grand jury and subpoena powers.) I don't understand why more people aren't upset with this double standard that we have had in this country? Sending people away for harsh sentences for weed and much more blowing molehills into mountains just to keep us distracted while the SSG appears to commit all of the heinous crimes. Hillary exoneration before investigation destruction of evidence the list goes on. Our Potus stated what our AG is doing is disgraceful. Lets also take a look at two of his scorched earth Tweets- (Sessions has done NOTHING about Dems crimes-) Also '(Where the hell is Jeff Sessions? He recused himself like a coward after he caved to fake news pressure which is why Rod Rosenstein was able to appoint Mueller as Special Counsel.") These people appear to be as dirty as they come. Our AG caving to fake news pressure in our country? We have had a bunch of weaklings frauds and cowards that have hijacked the upper levels of our criminal justice system and every major institution. We don't want people like this as our AG because that time has come and gone. The Trump Train is going to demand results. We don't need an AG who focusses on going after weed, his/her very instinct should be first and foremost to go after the real criminals and then apply maximum force and pressure. Look what they have been allowed to get away with so far, they think its all a joke apparently. Greg Jarrett explained what he has witnessed in relation to this FISA abuse scandal- That is a violation of 6 felony statutes- Perjury, Abuse Of Power, Obstruction Of Justice, Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Fraud and False And Misleading Statements-  The Russians Are Coming- When are people going to get indicted?
 (The Department Of Justice And The Federal Bureau Of Investigation) What kind of standards have we had in this country? The FBI and DOJ acting like hardened criminals and many appear to be delusional. We have allowed this up until this point in time- that is disgraceful