Monday, February 5, 2018

We Want Cuffs  This is the real Patriot challenge not the one that distracted us for 4 hours last night with long and dumb commercials and burnt out boy singers at halftime. Judge Jeanine wants cuffs and so does Paul Gosar- We want criminal prosecutions- Not only are we going to remember who did nothing in the main stream media as this FISA memo scandal continues to unfold we are going to name names as far as who did all of the finger pointing and blaming trying their best to not have it released. That is Adam Stiff and many others who are total and complete hypocrites.
  These Democrats are not real liberals, the ones who are know who they are and so do we. How come these transparancy advocates and so called civil libertarians and Fourth Amendment freedom fighters obstructed the release of the memo? Because it shows how culpable many of them are as well as criminality at the highest levels of the DOJ and the FBI and this has been going on for decades. If somebody on the Trump Train did what these rogue operatives did it would be front page news on every newspaper and on every major cable news outlet. They would be calling for criminal prosecutions and yelling much louder then the real civil libertarians and conservatives in our country. That would be the only thing they would be writing articles about, is that fair and balanced? Criminal malfeasance and bogus warrants that were sought with false and fraudulent intent. The memo shows premeditation and motive, all to derail a soon to be dually elected President. Obama claimed to want the most transparent administration in history but he was just the opposite. He called for more prosecutions of whistle blowers and Edward Snowden even stated that the illegal spying became worse during his tenure. So the faux liberals are downplaying the memo and finger pointing. The Washington Post stated that the memo did one thing demonstrate that the bogus Russia investigation was on to something. Jeff Bezos cia operative who's pockets are deeply entrenched into various globalist outlets. Is it un American for Bezos considering he is one of the richest men in the world? Its all about capitalism right, not when you are paying for fake news with bs Russian Agent allegations combined with the aiding and ebedding in the shutdown of multiple mom and pop shops that can no longer survive because of this giant e-tailer. Lets see what else do we have. Banning of books Nobody Died At Sandy Hook- This book clearly demonstrates how phony and fake the SHES school shooting was. It was written by Many Masters degree level investigative journalists. Speaking of which Wolfgang Halbig wants to know what the FBI New Haven field office is covering up? They had James Tracey fired it is high time for all Patriots to take our country back and press for hand cuffs and criminal prosecutions in regard to false and bogus Russia collusion allegations with no substantive evidence as well as for egregious violations, perjury, fraudulent FISA warrants. Fraud vitiates everything, their manolevent house of cards needs to come crumbling down and this is just the tip of the iceberg because we are the tip of the spear. We are going to start a chain reaction of indignant Patriots- I want cuffs- Judge Jeanne wants cuffs, Paul Gosar wants cuffs, Devin Nunes is doing a great job as the House Intel Committee Chairman and we are never going to back down. Infact we will only get stronger the more obstructionist these faux liberals continue to act.

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