Monday, February 12, 2018

Lady Liberty

"I hold the maxim no less applicable to public then private affairs that honesty is the best policy" Discipline is the soul of the army, it makes small numbers formidable" George Washington- I thought Abe was supposed to be the honest one? All the Presidents Men- Abe- Winfield Scott, George McClellan- The picture of Abe- Washington was better because he never should have been involved in a civil war where kin vs kin were actually killing each other. How much more barbaric can you get and they didn't even know what the hell they were fighting for. For some it was their rights for others their honor because it definitely wasn't over the issue of slavery. Who said we will not send our boys to foreign wars on far away shores? I don't know but it sounded good. The other thing is that those text message's seemed like they were written by sophomores in high school? What text messages? The ones that were written by the political hack jobs at the FBI, the ones that are not only   a clear and present danger but are also blatantly bias.  
    Are you saying that as a Fed you aren't allowed to wear your heart on your sleeve and show contempt for a political candidate isn't that what its all about the land of the free and all of that? I see your point but not when your job appears to be to destroy that candidate, one must remain impartial during the electorate process and not try to interfere with the outcome of an election for obvious reasons. As a fed this sometimes makes people more passionate about their preferred leader so one can see how murky and troubled the waters can become. It doesn't matter who you want to win you cant interfere in an election because it doesn't really matter what you say behind closed doors. So what are you saying you cant wear your heart on your sleeve as a fed and shout out with bull horns on the rooftops and do what the rest of us do? Yes- that is what I am saying, you have to not necessarily be a crisis actor but still somewhat be an actor none the less. It is not an easy task especially when each party has reasons why they both think that they are right. It doesn't change the fact that those text messages read like they were written by 12 year olds not federal agents working for the FBI- How could one be out of their element in a National Security arena that is supposed to be in their blood because they are supposed to bleed red white and blue. Its hard to conceive how much of a disconnect their is with some people that  swore an oath but lets not forget we are talking about only 5%. The law  breakers from the Seventh floor. I just cant imagine a ruthless and federalized Stasi army of democratic zealots that were hell bent on a particular objective. That's because you are still naïve to the dirty world of politics. Once you think you know how bad things can get it only gets worse from there.
   That is why Lady Liberty has a loving and generous heart but not when you cross her, its all over after that because their is no higher crime. If you could pick one person to straighten out this entire quandary to pretty much guarantee a restoration of justice who would it be? Judge Jeanine 

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