Monday, February 12, 2018

This Guy Thinks We Are All Stupid I was watching AJ and he pointed out what this character thinks of us- The most scandal free administration in history according to some. Maybe because only certain people were talking about them- There are too many to list- They are all so nefarious that its tough for me to conceptualize that they are all possibly true. International Racketeering case stonewalled by Holders DOJ- Uranium 1- Obama and Holder had it made, they both ran the DOJ and the FBI- They kept committing the crimes while stonewalling the investigations where a lot of the money seemed to be funneled into you know who's charity- Charles Ortel, Peter Schweitzer- Investigators that we owe a debt of gratitude and respect- Dedicated to the pursuit of truth in exposing what now appears to be getting more national exposure. Obama care, Stand owns at the border, Fast And Furious, Contempt Of Congress and now is considering running for Potus 

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