Saturday, February 3, 2018

Political Hack Jobs

Disturbing facts are emanating from the deep state swamps- The partisan division in regards to the Democrats is quite obvious. Big changes are on the horizon. The rule of law should have nothing to do with what side of the political spectrum one resides. It doesn't appear to matter how egregious and brazen this fraud appears to be the bought and paid for democrats in the media don't seem to be fazed by it. As an investigative reporter or journalist one has the moral and legal obligation to report where facts appear to be headed because facts cant be disputed and that is why the FISA memo was released. MSNBC-CNN The Washington Post, The New York Times and many others haven't been doing their job. This has nothing to do with being on the Trump Train with a political agenda. This has everything to do with enforcing the rule of law the way it has been written. Since the subject has been brought up I am righteously indignant that these people tried to derail our President under false and fraudulent pretense. We knew that if anybody could make a difference it would be him and nobody else. He promised to clean up the corruption and create real wealth, abundance and prosperity and so far has been doing a great job in fulfilling all of his promises. That means that the democrats are trying to hinder the future growth and prosperity of our country. This  is a direct attack on me and it should be for everybody else who cares about living in a country that hasn't been hijacked by a bunch of rogue, greedy and corrupt political hacks.
   Our former FBI Director appears to have been involved in money laundering, he was our FBI Director are you kidding me? His arrogance is off the charts, Tucker Carlson addressed this issue. Sean Hannity and a few select others are the only ones doing their job in the main stream media. Hannity especially, it is very refreshing for me to see him take on the deep state. Comey Tweets out about weasels etc when people within the FBI already came out to state that he stood down during one of if not the most important investigations in our nations history. He stood down and rolled over and we the people are supposed to be ok with this? The FBI and DOJ has been infiltrated nefariously at the highest and deepest of all levels and the only thing these people can do is make it obvious that they are nothing more then pathetic and corrupt politicians. We are all going to remember who did what and who did nothing as this FISA memo scandal unfolds.                        Obtaining a FISA warrant under false and fraudulent pretense using unvetted and unverified bogus intel and then lying to a federal judge. Comey telling our Potus that the allegations were salacious while Trump Tower was already under surveillance and being spied upon by his own FBI under the phony guise that he and people like Carter Page was somehow in collusion with Russia committing foreign espionage. Using a deep state d rated unverified dossier while trying to legitimize it by using some bogus Yahoo site in an attempt to corroborate and make the request for the warrant more legitimate. The Yahoo site came from the same original bogus source and a federal judge really signed off on this? Apparently not telling the judge how politically motivated the entire thing was especially since it was funded entirely by the opposition party. Fusion GPS- The Clinton Crime Families. These people are pathetic and heads need to roll on every level for those culpable. Most of these people are lawyers themselves, Obama, Clinton Comey, they know how to continually break the law and get away with it while acting with the highest levels of hubris and arrogance. How much money did this investigation cost the American tax payers, ie- Mueller's dream team?  And  not that many people seem to be upset by this. Continual rip off of hard working Americans with phony dossiers and side shows by fake journalists and partisan media political hacks that aren't able to abide by the letter of the law ever. Withholding information, I cant wait to see the laundry list of crimes committed, these are criminal not civil cases. The American people need to insist that bogus civil penalties and a few fines and firings and then business as usual will not suffice. It hasn't worked in the past and it definitely will not work now.

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